200 words or Discussion wk8 Capstone in 24 hours. See attachment
To prepare for this Discussion:
· Review the following video:
· Walden University, LLC. (2021).
Being an effective change agent [Video]. Walden University Canvas. https://waldenu.instructure.com
· Reflect upon your journey throughout your MBA program and how your viewpoints, skills, and knowledge have changed since you began your coursework.
· Consider your perspective on what it means to be an effective agent for positive social change.
Post a synthesis of the skills and knowledge you developed throughout this MBA program that will enable you to be a more effective agent for positive social change, to include the following:
(200 words or more)
· Identify at least three important concepts you have learned or critical skills you have developed throughout this program, and explain how this knowledge and/or these skills will benefit you in the future.
· Explain how you will apply the knowledge and skills you have gained in this program, coupled with your experience and your personal interests and passions, to be a more effective change agent.
Defining Your Strategy Framework
Leaders of an organization may realize that they need to focus more on their strategy if they want to grow their business and achieve their goals. However, many times, they may not always know where to begin or how to proceed. In times like this, they can rely on tools such as strategy frameworks. A strategy framework can act as a template that has been tried and tested; when leaders rely on these frameworks, they can better focus on the specifics of their company rather than the components of strategy as a standalone concept. Using these resources, you will explore strategy frameworks and how they can be applied within an organization.
· Kenny, G. (2020, December 7).
The secret to becoming a market leader
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–4. http://hbr.org
Time Estimate: 4 minutes
· Tedder, D. (2018, January 30).
The power of the strategic frameworkLinks to an external site.
. HDI. https://www.thinkhdi.com/library/supportworld/2018/power-strategic-framework.aspx
Time Estimate: 4 minutes
· Wright, T. (2018, April 8).
5 of the best strategy frameworks for your organizationLinks to an external site.
. Cascade. https://www.cascade.app/blog/best-strategy-frameworks
Time Estimate: 11 minutes
Strategy Reporting
Through these resources, you will explore strategy reporting and its role in creating a competitive business strategy for an organization. A strategy report can increase the effectiveness of how a message is communicated to stakeholders, providing information and context on how the numbers relate to the organizational goals. An organization can create a better message, both internally and externally, by focusing on the quality of its strategic reporting.
· Milligan, L. (2019, May 2).
Four pillars for improvement in reporting on strategyLinks to an external site.
. Emperor. https://emperor.works/insights/four-pillars-for-improvement-in-reporting-on-strategy/
Time Estimate: 4 minutes
· Moore & Smalley TV. (2018, May 18).
Strategic reports summarised in five minutesLinks to an external site.
[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwMVSZpMZAg
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.
· Ridehalgh, N. (2018, February 27).
Building your reporting strategyLinks to an external site.
. KPMG. https://home.kpmg/au/en/home/insights/2018/02/building-your-corporate-reporting-strategy.html
Time Estimate: 5 minutes
Strategic Implementation Plan
Once a strategy is defined for an organization and ideas need to turn into actions, leaders will likely shift their focus to implementation. They can better facilitate this process by relying on a strategic implementation plan. This plan will often focus on the requirements for accomplishing organizational goals, such as resources, projected outcomes, timelines, budgets, and so on. Using these resources, you will examine strategic implementation planning and strategy execution.
· Kaplan, M., Dollar, B., Van Durme, Y., & 王大威. (2016, February 29).
Shape culture: Drive strategy. Deloitte.Links to an external site.
Time Estimate: 10 minutes
· Kenny, G. (2020, January 7).
Don’t mistake execution for strategy
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–4. http://hbr.org
Time Estimate: 4 minutes
· Kenny, G. (2019, October 16).
5 simple rules for strategy execution
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6. http://hbr.org
Time Estimate: 5 minutes
· OnStrategy. (2021, April 5).
Strategic implementation.Links to an external site.
Time Estimate: 6 minutes (not including accompanying video)
Change Management Leadership
In nearly every arena of life, change is inevitable. However, just because it is inevitable does not mean that it must be inevitably awful. When change occurs within an organization, the success of that change depends greatly on that organization’s leadership. If handled poorly, the situation surrounding the change can become chaotic or even toxic. Leaders can be better responders to change by factoring it into the overall strategy. Through these resources, you will explore change management leadership and its role in successful strategy implementation.
· Akpoveta, Y. R. (2019, April 9).
Change leadership defined—No longer for a select few! The Change LeadershipLinks to an external site.
. https://thechangeleadership.com/change-leadership-defined/
Time Estimate: 2 minutes
· Galunic, C., & Hermreck, I. (2012).
How to help employees “get” strategy
Harvard Business Review,
90(12), 24.
Time Estimate: 4 minutes
· Lumen Learning. (n.d.).
Managing change for organizations. In
Boundless managementLinks to an external site.
. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-management/chapter/managing-change-for-organizations/
Time Estimate: 13 minutes
· Zucker, R., & Rowell, D. (2021, April 26).
6 strategies for leading through uncertainty
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6. http://hbr.org
Time Estimate: 6 minutes
Mitigating Risks to Promote Strategic Success
In strategy development, as with many other aspects of business, there can be inherent risks. Although, it could be said that an organization runs a greater risk by failing to implement a strategy, it is important to understand the risks found in strategies and understand how to mitigate those risks when possible. Using these resources, you will examine ways to mitigate risks in strategy development.
· Chussil, M. (2021, February 3).
When to switch strategy in a crisis
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–5. http://hbr.org
Time Estimate: 5 minutes
· Collis, D. J. (2021).
Why do so many strategies fail?
Harvard Business Review,
99(4), 82–93.
Time Estimate: 21 minutes
· Kaplan, R. S., Leonard, H. B., & Mikes, A. (2020).
The risks you can’t foresee
Harvard Business Review,
98(6), 40–46.
Time Estimate: 18 minutes