Occasionally, the United States Supreme Court makes decisions that are considered groundbreaking (abortion, gay marriage, death penalty, civil rights). In turn, these court decisions can affect public policies. These changes are often the result of the changes in public opinion. Often, the response of policy actors, such as the media and local governmental agencies, to the court decision plays a role in these policy changes.
Research and locate at least one United States Supreme Court case that you believe influenced state or federal decisions or actions about your selected public policy issue(HATE CRIMES) that in turn will influence your departmental policy(BODY CAMERAS). The module resource
U.S. Case Law Opinions
offers a sampling of recent and historic Supreme Court cases to choose from. You may also choose one from your own research.
In a minimum 400-word journal assignment, provide the name of the case, the holding of the case, and an explanation of how you believe the decision played a role in policy changes.
To successfully complete this assignment, view the
Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF
Overview: In this course, the journal will be used for reflection in Module Four.
Occasionally, the United States Supreme Court makes decisions that are considered groundbreaking (abortion, gay marriage, death penalty, civil rights). In turn,
these court decisions can affect public policies. These changes are often the result of the changes in public opinion that stem from them. Often, the response of
policy actors, such as the media and local governmental agencies, to the court decision plays a role in these policy changes.
For this journal, you will research and locate at least one United States Supreme Court case that you believe influenced state or federal decisions or actions
about your selected public policy issue that in turn will influence your departmental policy. The Module Four resource U.S. Case Law Opinions offers a sampling
of recent and historic Supreme Court cases to choose from. You may also choose one from your own research.
Refer also to the Criminal Justice Library Tips for assistance in finding and citing outside sources. Be sure to apply what you have learned in this journal task to
your final project.
Prompt: In a minimum of 400 words, address the following in your journal assignment:
Provide the name of the case and the court’s holding in the case.
Explain how you believe the court’s decision played a role in policy changes.
Support your journal assignment using specific details regarding the decision of the case.
Describe how you will apply what you have learned to your final project.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a minimum 400-word Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and
one-inch margins.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Case/Holdings Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites specific details from the
case to support argument
Provides the name of the case
and the court’s holding in the
Provides the name of the case
and the court’s holding in the
case, but with gaps in detail,
specificity, or accuracy
Does not provide the name of
the case or the court’s holding
in the case
Policy Changes Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites specific details from the
case to support argument
Explains how the court’s
decision played a role in policy
Explains how the decision
played a role in policy changes,
but with gaps in detail,
specificity, or accuracy
Does not explain how the
court’s decision played a role in
policy changes
Case Decision Details Meets “Proficient” criteria and
journal assignment exhibits a
nuanced understanding of the
case decision and its wider
Includes specific details
regarding the decision of the
case to support the journal
Includes details regarding the
decision of the case to support
the journal assignment, but
there are gaps in specificity or
Does not include specific details
regarding the decision of the
case to support the journal
Application to Final
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description exhibits a clear and
relevant application
Describes application of what
you learned from the journal
task to the final project
Describes application of what
you learned from the journal
task to the final project, but
description lacks detail or
application described is not
directly relevant to final project
Does not describe application of
what you learned from the
journal task to the final project
Articulation of
Assignment is free of errors in
organization and grammar
Assignment is mostly free of
errors of organization and
grammar; errors are marginal
and rarely interrupt the flow
Assignment contains errors of
organization and grammar, but
errors are limited enough so
that assignment can be
Assignment contains errors of
organization and grammar
making the assignment difficult
to understand
Total 100%
CJ 520 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
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CJ 520 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
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