First, review the required module resources, carefully examining the behavioral competencies within the leadership domain. As a reminder, the two clusters within the leadership domain are leadership and navigation and ethical practice.
Once you are familiar with the leadership domain clusters, conduct a self-reflection and analysis by responding to each of the following three questions.
- Strengths: What are your areas of strength within the leadership domain, and how did you determine a cluster as a strength? Provide supportive examples.
- Weaknesses: What are your areas of weakness within the leadership domain, and how did you determine a cluster as a weakness? Provide supportive examples.
- Strategies: What are your strategies for the development of behavioral competencies within the leadership domain? Provide supportive examples and information from your research.
To complete this assignment, review the
Module Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF
Module Resources
Human Resource Management opens in new window
, Chapters 11, 12, and 13.
Chapter 11 focuses on employee compensation discussing decisions and concepts in compensation structures, competitive market and global influences, pay equity, executive pay and challenges in compensation management. Consider the following questions as you read this chapter:
- How does the concept of internal and external pay equity effect the perception of fairness, employee engagement, and retention?
- How would you describe the controversy over pay equity and the gap between executive pay and pay for all others?
- What is the importance of employee participation and communication in compensation management?
Chapter 12 discusses how to use pay to recognize and reward employees for their contribution to organizational success. It reviews how pay influences employees, the advantages and disadvantages of pay programs, and how organizations align incentive programs to the balanced scorecard. Consider the following questions as you read this chapter:
- How does pay influence employee behavior?
- How do you properly design and administer programs for recognizing employee contributions to organizational success?
- What do you need in a pay program to address competitive forces in the market?
Chapter 13 explains the major provisions of employee benefit programs in the U.S and identifies the growth of benefit costs. It identifies the regulatory constraints that affect benefit design and addresses the effects of benefits to the workforce. Consider the following questions as you read this chapter
- How will the right mix of benefits assist organizations in attracting and retaining talent?
- How does an employer choose the right benefit mix while controlling benefit costs?
- What communication approaches ensure the effective messaging about the value of benefits?
Salary Surveys Series Part 1: Uses opens in new window
A captioned version of the video is available: Video:
Salary Surveys Series Part 1: Uses (CC) opens in new window
“Kerry Chou, CCP, Senior Practice Leader, WorldatWork, discusses the data contained in salary surveys and how organizations can use that data.” Consider relevant information from this resource for the small group discussion in this module.
Salary Surveys Series Part 2: Selection opens in new window
A captioned version of the video is available: Video:
Salary Surveys Series Part 2: Selection (CC) opens in new window
“Kerry Chou, CCP, Senior Practice Leader, WorldatWork, discusses the sources for surveys, selection criteria, and how many surveys to use.” Consider relevant information from this resource for the small group discussion in this module.
The SHRM Body of Competency & Knowledge opens in new window
Reference this resource throughout this course to develop an applied understanding of the strategic role of HR functions in an organization. As you review this resource, consider HR initiatives that impact the various functional areas within the HR knowl
OL 600 Module Four Journal Guidelines and
Self Analysis: Behavioral Competency: The Leadership Domain
Overview: For this journal task, you will conduct a self-reflection of your current strengths and skill gaps related to the behavioral competencies within the
leadership domain. You will also suggest ways to improve upon your weaknesses. This activity will help you practice the use of behavioral competencies that you
will need to complete your final project.
Journals in this course are private between each student and the instructor.
Prompt: First, review the required module resources, carefully examining the behavioral competencies within the leadership domain. As a reminder, the two
clusters within the leadership domain are leadership and navigation and ethical practice.
Once you are familiar with the leadership domain clusters, conduct a self-reflection and analysis by responding to the following questions.
Strengths: What are your areas of strength within the leadership domain, and how did you determine a cluster as a strength? Provide supportive
Weaknesses: What are your areas of weakness within the leadership domain, and how did you determine a cluster as a weakness? Provide supportive
Strategies: What are your strategies for the development of behavioral competencies within the leadership domain? Provide supportive examples and
information from your research.
Refer to the Module Four resources and other course materials to support your responses. Your instructor will provide feedback pertaining to your self-
reflection and offer recommendations for skill development.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Dedicate a
minimum of one paragraph of analysis for each of the three questions listed above.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Strengths Discusses areas of strength within the
leadership domain, including how a
cluster is determined as a strength,
and supports responses with evidence
Discusses areas of strength within the
leadership domain, but does not
sufficiently discuss how a cluster is
determined as a strength, or does not
support responses with evidence
Does not discuss areas of strength
within the leadership domain
Weaknesses Discusses areas of weakness within
the leadership domain, including how
a cluster is determined as a weakness,
and supports responses with evidence
Discusses areas of weakness within
the leadership domain, but does not
sufficiently discuss how a cluster is
determined as a weakness, or does
not support responses with evidence
Does not discuss areas of weakness
within the leadership domain
Strategies Discusses strategies for the
development of behavioral
competencies within the leadership
domain and supports responses with
Discusses strategies for the
development of behavioral
competencies within the leadership
domain, but discussion is cursory or
lacking in detail, or responses are not
supported with evidence
Does not discuss strategies for the
development of behavioral
competencies within the leadership
Articulation of Response Journal assignment is free of errors in
organization and grammar
Journal assignment contains errors of
organization and grammar, but the
errors are limited enough that the
assignment can be understood
Journal assignment contains errors of
organization and grammar that make
the assignment difficult to understand
Total 100%
- OL 600 Module Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Self Analysis: Behavioral Competency: The Leadership Domain