13.27 Go to www.brighthubpm.com/monitoring-projects/51982-understanding-the-s-curve-theory-for-project-management-monitoring/ and read the article on the multiple uses of project S-curves. What does the article suggest about the use of different S-curves and analysis methods?
13.28 Go to www.nu-solutions.com/downloads/earned_ value_lite.pdf and access the article by Q. W. Fleming and J. M. Koppelman, “Earned Value Lite: Earned Value for the Masses.” From your reading, summarize the 10 key steps in EVM and the advantages the authors argue earned value offers for project control and evaluation.
13.29 Go to www.acq.osd.mil/evm and explore the various links and screens. What does the size and diversity of this site tell you about the acceptance and use of earned value in organizations today?
13.30 Go to www.erpgenie.com/general/project.htm and access the reading on “Six Steps to Successful Sponsorship.” Consider the critical success factors it identifies for managing an IT project implementation. How do these factors map onto the 10-factor model of Pinto and Slevin? How do you account for differences?
13.31 Type in the address www.massdot.state.ma.us/highway/ TheBigDig.aspx and navigate through the Web site supporting the Boston Tunnel project. Evaluate the performance of this project using the model of 10 critical project success factors discussed in this chapter. How does the project rate, in your opinion? Present specific examples and evidence to support your ratings.