Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
9-1 Distinguish between the different types of groups.
9-2 Describe the punctuated-equilibrium model of group development.
9-3 Show how role requirements change in different situations.
9-4 Demonstrate how norms exert influence on an individual’s behavior.
9-5 Show how status and size differences affect group performance.
9-6 Describe how issues of cohesiveness and diversity can be integrated for group effectiveness.
9-7 Contrast the strengths and weaknesses of group decision-making.
Questions for review
9-1 What are the different types of groups?
9-2 What are the key components of the punctuated-equilibrium model?
9-3 How do role requirements change in different situations?
9-4 How do group norms influence an individual’s behavior?
9-5 How do status and size differences affect group performance?
9-6 How can cohesiveness and diversity support group effectiveness?
9-7 What are the strengths and weaknesses of group (versus individual) decision making?