In the coaching cycle, the pre-conference sets the tone for the teacher coaching and development process. It is during the pre-conference that expectations are made clear and the details of the process are discussed. Thoughtful principals will prepare ahead of time for the pre-conference, to consider the unique needs of the teacher with whom they will be meeting.
In this topic’s field experience, you will be conducting a pre-conference with a special education teacher. Before the pre-conference, write a 500-750 word summary developing the following questions. For each question, describe the responses you would expect to receive from a special education teacher, and how you might coach that teacher during the pre- or post-conference.
- What questions might you ask about their lessons (i.e., objectives, state standards being addressed, activities, assessments, and materials)? What questions might you ask that would provide you with information about the students’ IEPs, accommodations, specific disabilities, etc.
- What questions might you ask to identify the teacher’s plan to differentiate instruction?
- What questions might you ask to identify areas where the teacher believes students struggle, and how the teacher will address these areas?
- What questions might you ask to determine the teacher’s understanding of students’ prior knowledge and how, if at all, it has guided the instructional planning for this lesson?
- What questions might you ask to determine the teacher’s classroom management plan and any behavior intervention plans for individual students?
Provide a minimum of three scholarly resources to support your response.
Supervising and Coaching Special Education Teachers – Rubric
Lessons and Student Needs 9 points
Criteria Description
Lessons and Student Needs
5. Target 9 points
Questions and expected responses thoroughly address the lesson components and
information regarding the students’ IEPs, accommodations, and specific
4. Acceptable 7.83 points
Questions and expected responses appropriately address the lesson components
and information regarding the students’ IEPs, accommodations, and specific
3. Approaching 6.66 points
Questions and expected responses minimally address the lesson components and
information regarding the students’ IEPs, accommodations, and specific disabilities.
2. Insufficient 6.21 points
Questions and expected responses inadequately address the lesson components
and information regarding the students’ IEPs, accommodations, and specific
1. No Submission 0 points
Di�erentiated Instruction 9 points
Criteria Description
Differentiated Instruction
5. Target 9 points
Questions and expected responses insightfully address the teacher’s plan to
4. Acceptable 7.83 points
Questions and expected responses significantly address the teacher’s plan to
differentiate instruction.
Collapse All
3. Approaching 6.66 points
Questions and expected responses superficially address the teacher’s plan to
differentiate instruction.
2. Insufficient 6.21 points
Questions and expected responses fail to identify the teacher’s plan to differentiate
Struggling Students 9 points
Criteria Description
Struggling Students
5. Target 9 points
Questions and expected responses professionally identify areas the teacher
students struggle and how the teacher plans to address these areas.
4. Acceptable 7.83 points
Questions and expected responses effectively identify areas the teacher believes
students struggle and how the teacher plans to address these areas.
3. Approaching 6.66 points
Questions and expected responses inexplicitly identify areas the teacher believes
students struggle and how the teacher plans to address these areas.
2. Insufficient 6.21 points
Questions and expected responses ineffectively identify areas the teacher believes
students struggle and how the teacher plans to address these areas.
1. No Submission 0 points
Not addressed.
Prior Knowledge
9 points
Criteria Description
Prior Knowledge
5. Target 9 points
Questions and expected responses thoughtfully determine the teacher’s
understanding of student’s prior knowledge and how it guides instructional
4. Acceptable 7.83 points
Questions and expected responses successfully determine the teacher’s
understanding of student’s prior knowledge and how it guides instructional
3. Approaching 6.66 points
Questions and expected responses minimally determine the teacher’s
understanding of student’s prior knowledge and how it guides instructional
2. Insufficient 6.21 points
Questions and expected responses inadequately determine the teacher’s
understanding of student’s prior knowledge and how it guides instructional
Classroom Management 9 points
Criteria Description
Classroom Management
5. Target 9 points
Questions and expected responses skillfully determine the teacher’s classroom
management plan and any behavior intervention plans for individual students.
4. Acceptable 7.83 points
Questions and expected responses competently determine the teacher’s classroom
management plan and any behavior intervention plans for individual students.
3. Approaching 6.66 points
Questions and expected responses superficially evaluate the teacher’s classroom
management plan and any behavior intervention plans for individual students.
2. Insufficient 6.21 points
Questions and expected responses fail to determine the teacher’s classroom
management plan and any behavior intervention plans for individual students.
1. No Submission 0 points
Not addressed.
Documentation of Sources 3 points
Criteria Description
citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and
5. Target 3 points
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment
and style. Format is free of error.
4. Acceptable 2.61 points
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is
mostly correct.
3. Approaching 2.22 points
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some
key formatting and citation errors are present.
2. Insufficient 2.07 points
Documentation of sources is inconsistent and/or incorrect, as appropriate to
assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.
1. No Submission 0 points
Organization 6 points
Criteria Description
5. Target 6 points
The content is well-organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas
that relate to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit and provides
the audience with a clear sense of the main idea. The summary is within the
required word count.
4. Acceptable 5.22 points
The content is logically organized. The ideas presented relate to each other. The
content provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea. The summary is
within a reasonable range of the
required word count.
3. Approaching 4.44 points
The content is not adequately organized even though it provides the audience with
a sense of the main idea. The summary may not be within a reasonable range of the
required word count.
2. Insufficient 4.14 points
An attempt is made to organize the content, but the sequence is indiscernible. The
ideas presented are compartmentalized and may not relate to each other; or the
summary is widely outside of the required word count.
Mechanics of Writing 6 points
Criteria Description
includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use
5. Target 6 points
Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-
developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are
varied and engaging.
4. Acceptable 5.22 points
Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder
comprehension. Variety of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some
practice and content-related language.
3. Approaching 4.44 points
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistent
language or word choice is present. Sentence structure is lacking.
2. Insufficient 4.14 points
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning.
Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used.
1. No Submission 0 points
Total 60 points