For this week’s assignment you will want to start in Google Scholar (or any electronic Library you may have access to) and locate one Journal Articles (less than 7 years old) that address some facet of forecasting. To Search, start by entering search terms such as “Demand Forecasting” or “Forecasting Methods” into the search bar and a long list of sub-topic titles will appear. Choose a journal article that (a) interests you, and (b) has a PDF version you can download to your PC or MAC. Read the journal article through from start to finish while making notes on the research, the findings, and the conclusions. Then using the Word template provided below, report on the journal article you chose:
- Title of the journal article, author, publishing journal, year of publication,
- A summation that introduces the Journal article subject matter
- Type of research conducted and research question (if there is one)
- Background information as to why this journal article was written (look in the Literature Search/Survey section)
- Findings and Conclusions if a research-based article
- A short summary of what you learned that added to your understanding of demand driven forecasting
Utilize the template attached below for this assignment. Label your submission document as follows: yourlastname_Assignment1 x (ex: Johnson_Assignment1 x)
Demand Forecasting Journal Article
Student Name
American Public University
COURSE####: Course Title
Instructor Name
Due Date
Journal Reference
Erase back to the beginning of the first sentence in this section and insert a reference APA format.
Summation of the Journal Subject Matter
Use this section to thoroughly explore the journal article subject matter. Erase back to the indent and begin.
Research Conducted
Use this section to thoroughly explore the journal article research. Erase back to the indent and begin.
Summation of the Journal Subject Matter
Use this section to thoroughly explore the journal article subject matter. Erase back to the indent and begin.
Journal Background & Literature Survey
Use this section to explore the journal article background research in the Literature survey section. Erase back to the indent and begin.
Findings and Conclusions
Use this section to thoroughly explore the findings and conclusions section of the journal article. Erase back to the indent and begin.
Summary of Learning
Use this section to summarize what you have learned about forecasting from this journal article. Erase back to the indent and begin.
Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon.
The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.