1/15/23, 4:22 PM MBA 699 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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MBA 699 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric
MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2 TM
1/15/23, 4:22 PM MBA 699 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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In Module One, you performed a personal SWOT analysis and reflected on your readiness for organiza�onal change. Then,
throughout the course, you learned to lead and manage organiza�onal change based on strategic decisions. You have also learned
several other skills and concepts through the other courses and the various badges and cer�fica�ons you earned in this MBA
Now, it is �me to reflect on these skills and use what you’ve learned to create a personal ac�on plan for your career and professional
development. Doing so will not only help you revisit various management-related concepts and skills you learned and developed in
this program, but will also help you understand how these concepts and skills can be applied in the workplace. This is also a
wonderful opportunity for you to review your own journey from the start of this MBA program up un�l now—the end of the
Create a personal ac�on plan to apply and further develop the skills you have gained in the MBA program.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Skills assessment: Reflect on the personal SWOT analysis you completed in Module One. Your response should address the
a. Describe any changes in your personal SWOT analysis based on skills you have acquired in the course.
b. Explain how might this affect your ability to handle organiza�onal change in the future.
2. Personal ac�on plan: Create a personal ac�on plan based on skills you learned in this course and in the MBA program. Your
response should address the following:
a. Iden�fy two key skills from this course that you will apply in your career and explain how each of these skills could
help in your career growth.
b. Iden�fy two key skills from the rest of the MBA program that you will apply in your career and explain how each of
these skills could help in your career growth.
c. Iden�fy two skills from the MBA program that you feel need further improvement and describe how these skills will
help in your career growth.
d. Iden�fy badges or cer�fica�ons from the MBA program that you feel will be most useful for your career growth and
explain how you will apply them.
3. Accountability: Describe ac�onable steps you will take to keep yourself accountable for developing and applying the skills
that you learned throughout the MBA program.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide
for more informa�on on cita�ons.
Module Ten Journal Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Skills Assessment
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes any
changes to
personal SWOT
analysis based on
skills acquired in
the course and
explains how might
this affect the
ability to handle
change in the
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include describing
changes in at least
one element of
personal SWOT
analysis based on
skills acquired in
the course; clearly
explaining how this
might affect ability
Does not a�empt
1/15/23, 4:22 PM MBA 699 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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g y
to handle
change in the
Personal Ac�on Plan:
Key Skills (Course
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes two key
skills from this
course that can be
applied to a career
and explains how
each of these skills
could help in career
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
two specific skills
learned in this
course that can
also be applied in a
career and clearly
explaining how
each skill can help
in career growth
Does not a�empt
Personal Ac�on Plan:
Key Skills (Program
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describe two key
skills from this
program that can
be applied to a
career and explain
how each of these
skills could help in
career growth
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
two specific skills
gained or improved
through other
courses of this
program and clearly
explaining how
each skill can help
in career growth
Does not a�empt
Personal Ac�on Plan:
Skills to Improve
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies two skills
from the MBA
program that need
improvement and
describes how
these skills will help
in career growth
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
at least two key
skills from the MBA
program that need
improvement and
clearly describing
how improving
each skill will help
in career growth
Does not a�empt
Personal Ac�on Plan:
Badges and
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies badges or
cer�fica�ons that
will be most useful
for career growth
and explains how
they can be applied
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
at least one badge
or cer�fica�on and
explaining how it
will be useful for
further career
Does not a�empt
Accountability Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
ac�onable steps to
accountability for
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
Does not a�empt
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Last Visited Jan 13, 2023 10:03 PM
Activity Details
1/15/23, 4:22 PM MBA 699 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1202966/viewContent/21559240/View 4/4
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
accountability for
developing and
applying the skills
learned throughout
the MBA program
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
at least one clear
and specific ac�on
to remain
accountable for
developing and
applying the skills
learned in the
Ar�cula�on of
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys
meaning with
correct grammar,
sentence structure,
and spelling,
demonstra�ng an
understanding of
audience and
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, nega�vely
Submission has
cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, preven�ng
the understanding
of ideas
Total: 100%