This is not just some ordinary father, this is a well-respected person in the community who just
lost his mind for a moment. And you talk to him the next day; he can’t even believe that that
was him. But this is something that happens, that people just lose it, literally lose it.
—Claude Grubair, Athletic Director, Ransom Everglades School, Miami, FL (as cited in Mullane,
Recent years have been marked by a rise of almost epic proportion in the number of incidents
at youth sports events involving assaults and violence, including a now-famous case of two
fathers of 12-year-old boys who got into a physical fight at a hockey practice that resulted in the
death of one and a prison sentence for the other (Osnos, 2002). While this may seem like an
extreme example, the term “sports rage” has become accepted in the arena of youth sports.
Officials, parents, and coaches have been tied to verbal abuse, physical confrontations, assault
and battery, and violence.
This bad behavior is antithetical to the purposes of youth sport related to character
development. Research has shown that children play sports at the youth level primarily to have
fun, but with the increased pressure that parents and coaches are placing on these
participants, the “winning at all costs” mentality has taken over, to the point where “sports rage”
is a reality.
What do you think makes parents so angry that they would engage in a physical fight in front of
their children? What drives this rage?
> Use the Weekly Learning Materials for your assignment.
Research and view a video on youth sports rage, such as the Violence and Bad Parenting in
Youth Sports piece in your Learning Materials.
Submit by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. ET, a 4-page paper that includes the following:
• Considering both the media you viewed and the situation you described, incorporate
factors you believe contributed to the rage (e.g., fear, ego, greed). Which of these or
combination of these factors do you think were responsible, and why?
• Of these factors, which were the most relevant factors influencing the rage incident, and
• What were some of the ethical issues, and how you would rectify these issues?
• What relevant ethical theories you explored in Week 1 apply to this situation?
• Have you experienced any of the issues raised in this video? What happened? Discuss
the consequences. If not, consider an example from the media. Given the issues, how
would you handle this if you were a coach or parent? What are some alternate ways this
situation could have been handled so as to avoid these consequences?
f. ‘
Putting the Youth Back Into Youth Sports
SusanP.Mullane,Ph.D,AssociateProfessor,Univers#yof Miami-
It is generally.•acknowledged
that sports participa
tion teaches character and leadership skills that
can be·appUed later in life. Teamwork, communica
tion, peaceful resolutionto conflic~ goal setting,
W motivation,·and development of a strong work ethic
are seen as some of the positive aspects of sports
~ participatio~.In addition,certain values and princi-
ples are associated with being engaged in athletic·
W activities,such as respect (for rules and people),
– integrjty,competition,honesty,safety,fairness,trust,> responsibility,compassionand sportsmanship.
W.The extent to which ethical issues play an important
N role in the climate of contemporary schoolscan be
LL seenin the results of a number of recent studies. In
a 2004 survey of 4200 high school athletes by the
rv CharacterCountsCoalition,12% of males and 3%
~ of feqi:tles admittedto using performance enhanc
W ing di.’ugs in the past year. l\.dditionaliy, 69% of
males ®,d 50% of the females in the study admitted
W that tlie~ h~d bullie4, teased, or taunted someonein a.the p~frear, and 55% of males acknowledged
using rj!.cial slurs (New Survey Shows, 2004). A
200ti~tirveyof 5,275 high schools athletes revealed
that1µgli. involved cheatschool students in athletics
irisi:)lct9lat a higher rate than their non-athlete
coupt~i:parts(JosephsonInstitute,2006).In yet an-
. qtlfei}tiidy, 27% of participants admittedacting
like’~~~d sport, 14% said they believed cheatingis
atlac~~ptablebehavior,32% consider arguingwith
o~~~ to be a part of the game, and 13 % admitted
tijilig’.t’r1111rt Bredemeier,;m opponent (Shields,
i~Y?t:&;Power, .2005).
YqWig’athletesare increasingly the subjects of news
s.ts~#jout negative incidentsin sports.’ Recently,a
1~. ear, pld boy was. chargedwith murder for a fatal
a • a baseb~ bat on another boy who
· t .•. about losing a basebali game (“Califor-
n,µi..~-year-oldchargedin a baseball bat kllllng,”
i.QOz)J.,¥thica!,issues involving school settings are
!J,Qf~ted to students,but also involve coachesand
g./ll’e~~fln.arecentstudy of 803 athletes rangingin
(lg~fr~ni9 to 15 years old, 189 parents, and 61
Y.?ii!iP poor behavior parentsOrtcoaches, among
.a,n~c9~cheswas consistently repo1ied.Amongpar
~~;1_3.%acknowledgedangrily criticizing their
of parents and coaches steppingover the line at
sportingeventsand engaging in aggressive and vio
lent behavior. Heinzmann(2003), defines sports
rage as “any physical attack upon another person
(withina sport setting) such as striking, wounding,
or otherwise touchingin an offensive manner,
and/or malicious, verbal.abuseor sustained harass
ment which threatens subsequentviolenceor bod
ily harm” (p. 1). Examples can be found of a
father shooting a football coach because of the
coach’streatmentof his son, a father being beaten
to death by another parent at a youth hockey game,
4 and 5 year olds watching parents brawling at a
t-ball game, and parents poisoning the members of
an opposing team (Heinzmann, 2003).
Sportsmanship ‘(.ersus
:Understandingthe difference betweensportsman
ship and its counterpart, gamesmanship,is essen
tial to a discussion regardingthe problell1s
plaguingsports, and specifically, youth sports.
Sportsmanshiprefers to the virtuous perspectiveor
the way that sport participation ought to be. It in
cludes winning the right way, being willing to lose
gracefully,having appropriate respect for oppo
nents and officials, understandingand abiding by
the spirit of the rules, and putting competition into
perspectiveGosephson,2005). Good sportsman
ship occurs when teanimates, opponents,coaches
and officials treat each other with respect. Itcan
take the form of small gestures or heroic deeds;’ or
somethingas simple as shaking hands after a game
and acknowledging good plays made by others and
acceptingbad calls with grace. It includesaccept
ing losing and losing gracefully. In addition, sports
manshipincludesplayingfair,playinghard, and full
commitmentto participation, followingrule{>,re
i;pectingthe decisions of officials and coaches, and
demonstratingrespect for on-eself, one’s team
mates, officials, opponents,and coaches on ·both
sides. Good sportsmanship involvesself control,
courage,and persistence, and avoiding displaysof
bad temper. To be a good spo~ one does not have
a “win at all costs” attitude, but rather a love and
appreciationof’the sport and a genuine sense of
enjoymentfrom participation.
<:. •. S,Performance(Shields,et al.) Gamesmanship, aton the other hand, is the winning all costs mentality, and is the way that sports "is" ?0~~~~ are increasingly reportedas being involved rather than how it should be. ItincludeslookingforJf.~~gttsmanllke b~haviors, behaviorsthat often exceptionsto the rules, fake fouls, illegal maneuvers, 3:v~ ~ethical overtones. For example, a 2005 sur- or strategies such as head starts, taunting to gain an vey reveaJed that 8% of coaches admitted to en advantage,intentionallyinjuringanother player, andc~ill:~g their players t~ hurt an opponent, 7% intimidationor espionage Gosephson,2005). While c91~dpnedcheating,and 33% admitted yellingat winningis commonly the goal in an athletic conies~pliiy~rsfor making mistakes Shields,et al.). it is the pervasive notion that it is the most impo1iant
A r.eiativ~ly ne.wphenomenon,sports rage, has de-, aspect of the contest that often causes unethicalbe
velopedlnrecent years with an increasing number havior and even violencein sports.
‘..28 Th1,: FAHPERDS Tournal
A popular Nike adve1ilsement in the 1996 Olympic
Gamessent the message that “you don’t win the sil
ver, you lose the gold” and the famous NFL football
coach, Vince Lombardi,is often quoted as saying
“winningisn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” These
examplesperpetuatethe notion that winning is the
·mostimportantgoal in sports, and to be successful,
one must attain that goal in whatever manneravail
able.Itis also a perspective that is not necessarily
consistentwith what ls considered appropriateethi
cal behavior.
The Problem
In our current society, youth sports are more or
ganizedthan ever for a pl~thora of reasons, includ
ing increasing neighborhoodcrime, !IlOre working
parents, and fewer opportunities for informal par
ticipation.These reasons, in addition to competi
tion and pressure for limited spots on high school
teams, have led parents to enroll their children in
organizedsports, and sometiIJ?.es Inevitably,several.
adult volunteers and coaches talce over. Depending
on their values, philosophies, and perspectives on
“winning,”a new set of pressures is introduced,
A i990 survey of 10,000 high school athletes con
ducted by the Youth Sports Institute at·Michigan
State University, revealedthat the number one rea
son boys and girlsparticipatein sports is to have
fun. Further, lack of having fun was identified as the
leadtngreason for participants droppingout of
sports. Though winning in itself is funand losing
can be painful, winning is not essential to enjoy
ment or even a major incentive to participate. In
fac½winningwas ranked 12th by girlsand 8t\1 by
boys as a reason for sports participation. Approxi
mately70-80% of youth athletes drop out of sports
by age 12, and 50% of youth athletes drop out by
age 10. It is estimated that 46 milllon American
childrenparticipatein youth sports; thus 34.5 mil
lion are expected to drop out by middle school
(OrganizedYouthSports, 1999).
It appears that the focus on winning ls the central
theme for the pressure youth participants feel from
parents, coaches, and themselves. Though only
.02% of high school athletes will makeit to the pro
fessionalleaguesor even receive a college scholar
ship (Knox, 2007), the pressure begins early. The
Vice President of Youth Developmentfor the Al
liance for Youth Sports, Fred Engh,·points out that
competitionis so emphasized that the recreation
has been taken out of recreational sports. He
blames this phenomenon on putting too much
pressureon the kids. He further notes that across
the country, kids are dropping out of sports be
cause the adults are draining all thefunout of it.
He points to burnout, emphasis on competition,
and lack of enjoyment. He reminds us that for
everykid who quits, there is anotheiless talented
child wanting toplaybutnevergels a chance. Most
importantly,the trend comes at a time when public
schoolsare cutting back on sports programs, and
obesityhas become a national epidemic(Engh,
1999).Indeed, according to Lustberg and Deitch
(2005), the very clear message childrenreceive
ParentalinvolvementJn youth sports has also made
. childhoodgames less about having fun and more
about training and competing for the topspo4
. landinga college ~cholarship or launching a lucra-
five professional career.Whileoften living vicari-
•'” ously through their children, someparents steer .
their children Into specializing Inonesport.
Burnoutis one serious side effect of the pressure
placed on youth participants. mds begin playlng
organizedsports at a very young age, somelimes as
youngas 3 years old. Bythe lime they are 6 or 7,
half their lives have been spent in sports. Given the
availabilityof travel teams, in many cases there ls
no off-season. Safetyis another issue. Weiss (2006)
citesDr.James an orthopedist Anderson, and a
founder of the American SportsMedlclneInstitute,
• who points out that often the bestyoungathletes
are at the greatest rlsk of injury,somelimesbecause
the coach often leaves them in the game the
longest,and during championship eventsmight
[!Venplay them in back to back games.
~ additionto the issues outlined therep.rev.lously,
another serious by-product of the pressures’
ced on young athletes. Heinzmann(2003),
; the winning-at-all-costs can und~ mentality
. e a child’s physical and social development,
ni an educational perspective,this, above all,
implicationsfor teachers, who often take on
g responsibilities, and volunteer coachesln
~th sports.
,otential Solutions
ferms of solutions, shnPJrput, we should reduce
. pi;essureon w.illning and emphasize teaching
·dren the positive aspects of sports participation.
ox (2007) suggests that as adult fans we have to
e that every player on each team goes out and
to do his/her best, and that the everyday emo-
tio.nalstress that teenagers experience can have a
· -effecton their performance in a game, He calls
. biinging back sportsmanship and civility tohigh
, _ool sports. Josephson advocatesa “T.H.A.M.”
trach, enforce, advocate, mod~) strategy for char-
Jer building in -sports. His emphasis lies in the
ortance of the coach to exhibit good, ethical be-
.: v.ior that youth athletes willhopefullyemulate.
, . elds and Bredemeier (1995) offer specific sug-
!!5tlonsfor coaches, Including concentratingon
e integrated development of the child, tailoring
!!irstylestothe appropriate agelevel of the pat’-
.., cipant, mlnlmizing external motivation for particl-
J?.ation,givingparticipantsas much responsibility as
possibletopromotedecisionmaking skilis, and
meetingwith parents to make them aware of their
coachingphilosophy.For example, if a coach wants
to focus on winning rather than equal particlpation,
then that coach needs todeliverthat message to
parents and part!clpants who might then be able to
make an alternate choice.Itisimportantthat par-
enls and coaches do not send outmixed messages.
Addltionalremedlesmight Include certification
programs,ethics and sportsm3!1shlp andtraining,
clinicsfor both coaches and parent9i and
sportsmanshiprewards for athletes and coaches.
Accordingto Lancaster (2002), there are 7
prlnclplesthat should apply to youth sports
programs:(1) makeitfun, (2) limit standing
around,·(3) everyone plays, (4) teach every
positionto every participant,(5) emphasize
fundamentals,(6) Incorporatea progresslon of
skill development for every participant,and(J) yell
encouragementand whisper constructivecriticism.
The Montana High Association withSchool joined
US Bank in a partnership goodsupporting
sportsmanship.It has a sportsmanship programin
placethat includes the requirement of an on-site
administratorwho has completed coursesand
clinicsin sportsmanship,includingthe dl.fference
betweensportsmanshipand gamesmanship, rules
for coaches, players, students, and fans, and
leadershiptraJnlng/workshops.It also has an
elaboraterecognitionand sportsmanship reward
programfor players, officials, parents, and fans
2008). Additionally, the Josephson Instituteoffersa
detailedsportsmanshipprogram entitled “Pursuing
areembeddedJn many sportsmanship programs
across the country.
In many cases, youth sports and its various con-
st!tuencies,(parents, coaches, and athletes), are out
of control. Basic principles of recreation, sports-
manship,andfunhave been sacrlftced by the need
towlnat all costs. Since there appears to be a natu-
raIprogressionin sports from one level to the next,
<;mecould argue that some of the ethical break-
downsseenln collegeand profession sports had
their genesis ln high school and youth sports. There-
fore, perhaps ifyouthsports could be cleaned up,
thiscould help toeliminateproblemsin the future. ·
The adults, parents and coaches, need to encourage
young athletes to participate in• sports for the right
reasonsand to put winning in its proper perspec-
tive.A renewed empha:;is on sportsmanship and a
de-emphasison gamesmanship at the earliest levels
is necessary tolay a solid foundation for the future.
California13 year-old-chal’ged in a baseball bat
killing,(2005, April). Retrieved February 12,
2008, from
news/13Jeacold charged_in _basebaILbat_
Engh, R (1999), WhyJohnny hates sports. New
Helnzniailn,G. (2003, November 25).Parentalvt-
o!encein youth sports: Facts, myths, and video-
tape.RetrievedFebruary5, 2008, from http:// 11 ,f11
Josephsoninstituteof Ethics. (2004, September).
New survey shows high school sportsfilled with f11
cheatingimpropergamesmanshipand confit· ;a
slonaboutsports.RetrievedDecember12, 2007,
from spo~survey/
20041. ;a
JosephsonInstituteof Ethics (2006, October). f11
2OO6/osephson cardontheinstitut6tvJpor~
ethics of American youth: Part one. Retrieved <
January 17, 2008, from -
pdf/ReportCardpress-release_20o6-1013 . f11
Josephson,M. (2005).,ATrainingprogramfo1•
coachesonethics, sportsmanship andcharacter
building.Retrieved 18, 2005,.from January http://
Knox,D. (2007), High school and middle school
athletics:now ls the lime? Coach&AthleticDirec-
Lancastei;S. B. (2002).FalrP!ay: organ-Making
ized sports agreatexperienceforyourkids. New
Lustberg,R., &Deitch, C, (2005,January 24),The
hypocrisy of youth sport. RetrievedFebruary
5, 2008, from
MHSAlllS pat’lnershipBank sportsmanship
. (2008). Retrieved October28, 2008, from
Program2008 .
Organizedyouth sports today-Troubling signals
from youth sports. (1999). Retrieved February 12,
2008, from
The_Facts_about_Youtb,_Sports .
Shields,D,L.& Bredemeier, B,L. (1995).Charac-
ter development and physical activity. Cham-
pafgn, IL: Human mnettcs.
Shields,D,L., Bredemeier, B.L.,La.Vol,N.M., &
Power,R C, (2005). The Sport J:iehavior of youth,
parents, and coaches: The Good, the bad, and the
u’l).y.Journalof Research In Character ,:j
Education 3 (1), 43-59,
Weiss,M.J. (2006, April). The Agony of defeat.
RetrievedAugust,2007, from
The FAHPERDS Journal 29
”Hey, data data — sWing!”
The hidden demographics of youth sports
Originally Published: July 11, 2013
By Bruce Kelley and Carl Carchia IESPN The Magazine
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Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 2 of 21
COMPETITIVE YOUTH SPORTS may be as American as apple pie, but we
know a lot less about youth sports than we do about apple pie.
The problem is that while the FDA takes responsibility for knowing everything
about our food (as the EPA does with the environment and a group called ARDA
does with religious life), no one agency or organization monitors youth sports either
as a central part of American childhood or as an industry. (And it is an industry. The
Columbus Dispatch .:….:::::….~~=-==c..::….:..==in 2009 and found that nonprofit sports
groups alone, from the AAU to the thousands of cash-strapped parent-run
community leagues, have $5 billion a year pass through their coffers.) So we are left
with a Wild West of local and regional organizations in dozens of sports and no
better odds of getting pinpoint data than of counting all the tumbleweeds blowing
across the land.
Yet research has been done; there are smart academics and organizations in search
of answers. As part of ESPN’s summer 2013 Kids in Sports focus, we mined the
often hidden-away data to paint as comprehensible a portrait of the nation’s
cmnpetitive youth sports landscape as we could.
1. Youth sports is so big that no one knows quite how big it is.
How many American kids play competitively on teams or clubs? No one has ever
conducted a census. Still, it’s worth looking at the various counts, even if they all are
For starters, the Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), which employs
tens of thousands of online interviews, tallies how many kids between 6 and 17 are
regular/frequent ( or what it calls “core”) players of different sports. These “core”
numbers make a decent stand-in for kids who play on organized teams, even though
that’s not the question asked; what’s asked is whether a kid played that sport a
minimum of 13 times a year in a sport like ice hockey or 26 times a year in a sport
like soccer. SFIA gave ESPN The Mag custom data totaling up its 2011
participation. 3/20/2014
Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 3 of 21
That adds up to 21.4 7 million kids between 6 and 1 7, or more than the population of
Texas in 2000. That’s big.
Competitive sports look bigger in a survey of students done by Don Sabo, a
longtime youth-sports researcher and a professor at D’Y ouville College in Buffalo.
He queried a research sample of 2,185 students in 2007 for the Women’s Sports
Foundation and found that 75 percent of boys and 69 percent of girls from 8 to 17
took part in organized sports during the previous year — playing on at least one team
or in one club. Do the math on the 39.82 million U.S. students ages 8 to 17 in 2011
and that would be 28. 7 million of them playing organized sports, more than the
population of Texas today plus most of Oklahoma. This chart shows the
participation rate of Sabo’s sample.
Whichever estimate you have faith in, it’s far below the actual total, because it
doesn’t count the millions of kids who start before age 6 or 8. espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014
Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 4 of21
2. Kids start by kindergarten, unless …
No research tries to count the 2-year-olds everywhere being taught by their dads to
shoot like Trick Shot Titus of Jimmy Kimmel fame or the 4-year-olds playing in Itty
-Bitty and Munchkins leagues that let parents stand by their kids during the games.
But Don Saba’s research for the Women’s Sports Foundation does try to catch early
starters, and it confirms what you already sense, either because you’re a parent or
you drive by fields filled with them: Lots of kids start playing on teams before they
start attending school.
But which kids? Saba’s analysis distinguishing the early starters from the students
who don’t begin until third or fourth grade speaks to several unsurprising truths
about youth sports. Girls start an average of half a year later than boys, and kids
who don’t exercise start later than those who do. But we also see starkly what drives
the very earliest action: money. The biggest indicator of whether kids start young,
Sabo found, is whether their parents have a household income of $100,000 or more.
And you know where most of those families live, right? 3/20/2014
Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 5 of21
GHl □ ER
0 0
3. The suburban soccer mom (and dad) is based in fact.
Indeed, Saba’s WSF data paints a distinct picture of suburbs where swaths of kids in espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 6 of 21
URBAN LOW-INCOMERURAL RURAL LOW-INCOME GRADEBOYS:rrnAnErnnrn GRADEmnu; GRADEnmts1mrmEGIFlUl The suburbs clearly aren’t alone in their obsession: Kids all over America play As involved as they are, though, parents aren’t necessarily driving the sports ship. http :// espn/story I_/id/946925 2/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 7 of 21
PERCENTAGE WHOOF STUDENTS SAY GIRLS 34% 61% 35% • 40% 28% 70% 63% 53%
4. Hoops is the king because it’s for girls too.
Baseball and soccer start off fast, but by the time kids reach age 9, basketball espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 8 of 21
i•!iillHHiiiiiiiii!ijpiiMiNIMil•litMtl BA:”HffTBALL VfJIUVRAU[CCIUFIT I 15%'” “‘” “” ‘” “” “” “” “‘” ” “‘” “” “” “‘” “” “‘” “”‘ “” “‘” “‘” ‘” “‘” “”‘ “” “‘” “‘” “” ..
AGE 6 7 8 9 HI 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Even through age 1 7, basketball remains dominant because both genders continue to looked at data from 2006 to 2010 via an annual survey of about 50,000 11 IYS Idildlibldiiitilll!IH90i¥10-lij%QU9it1i•hll SWIMMING FOOTBALLBASKETBALLI BASEBALL TRACK
TENHIS CROSS LACROSSEBASKETBALL SOFTBALL TRACH SWIMMING •VOLLEYBALL SOCCER _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 9 of21
5. Dropping out is both the norm and often temporary.
Nervous types appalled by the incessant yelling by adults from the sidelines can be http :// espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 10 of 21
Hiiiii’MHH@liiiMHA•hil 18% I DID HOTLIHEOR GET 16o/cI 1110 HOTUHf. OB GET 15% I WAS HOTAr;ooo 1 % MVFAMILY fl.BOUTWORRIED Indeed, most of their reasons relate more to temporary concerns: The kids weren’t I DID NOT LIKE OR GET MYFAMILY ABOUTwrmmrn _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 mailto:IWP.Wi�MiH@ii:iiMlfnihil Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 11 of21
It helps that the trend has been toward offering more sports; using 2005-06 data, the But there’s another trend as well: Millions of high school kids phase out organized 6. In fact, the closer you look, the more you see the kids left behind.
• I I
Girls continue to simply have less access. Whereas high schools in 31 states had And then there are the kids who live in the wrong places. In New York, a state with Meanwhile, opportunities for city kids are far fewer. In Washington D.C., the WSF espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 12 of 21
percent of boys. That’s about one-third the opportunity of girls in New York state ATHLETIC WHEREOPPORTUNITIES: YOU HIGHSCHOOL POSITIOtlS OF EtlROLLHENT ROSTER AS A PERCEtlTAGE
BOYS104% GIRLS 79%
CALIFORNIA BOYS95% GIRLS 72% Bo·vsl 9″0 ” ~. /0 GIRic- 82(,.,I) 11./ft
28% 39% 50% 63%
Living in poor comers of cities culls even more kids from sports. Nationwide, espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 13 of 21
the highest dropout rates, meaning that even lower percentages of the kids in those 7. Finally, about our kids’ health …
The No. 1 fear of sports parents is seeing their child injured on the field. And due to Reports of head injuries are especially on the rise. From 2001 to 2009, emergency Yet looking closely at the CDC’s traumatic brain injury data, which includes Long-term, the nation’s biggest health concern remains obesity. And despite all the Clearly, all the time that kids spend competing — and that their parents spend urging http:// espn. go .com/ espn/story/ _/id/9469252/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Hidden demographics of youth sports – ESPN The Magazine – ESPN Page 14 of 21
For that and many other reasons, the transition from adolescence to early adulthood liiiMiii1i!iiiiUMUUJ1ihl•t#•hit• 31% 25% ANDMANYHIDSOFALL AGES AREOBESE
AGES2-5 6-11 12..19
The ubiquity of competitive sports is clearly not a panacea, nor does it last. By 18, Yet after all is said and done, one fact sticks out: Of all the kids in America, very That’s American childhood for you. espn/story/ _/id/946925 2/hidden-demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine 3/20/2014 Running head: Sport Specialization vs . Diversification
Sport Specialization vs. Diversification Youth Sport Specialization vs. Diversification: The Debate Continues Michael Fraina, Ph.D. Susan P. Mullane, Ph.D . May 2020
A topic that has gained attention within the sport industry is the discourse between youth sport specialization and diversification (Normand, Wolfe, & Peak, 2017). Sport specialization has been defined as “the age or point in time in an athlete’s development when sports training and competition is restricted to and focused upon a single sport in the pursuit of elite performance” (Capranica & Millard-Stafford, 2011, p. 572). This practice has become increasingly common for children as young as five years old (Hecimovich, 2004). The opposite method of youth sport participation is diversification. Wiersma (2000) defined sport diversification as “the participation in a variety of sports and activities through which an athlete develops multilateral physical, social, and psychological skills” (p. 13). Any individual having competed in multiple sports and/or recreational activities has participated within the model of sport diversification. Although there are strong opinions on both sides, limited research has evaluated the topic in a quantitative or qualitative environment. As expressed in the review of literature, studies (e.g., Baker, 2003; Ferguson & Stern, 2014; Russell & Molina, 2018) have generally examined one element of the specialization issue (e.g., psychological, physical). The current study is designed to comprehensively measure, in a retrospective manner, the perceptions of current college students as to the merits and downsides of both specialization and diversification at the youth level. Topics to be evaluated include the factors that influence one’s decision of whether to specialize, psychological and academic outcomes attributed to athletes’ sport participation decisions, and participants’ recommendations to current youth athletes. Prior to the methodology, results, and discussion, a review of the existing literature on sport specialization is presented.
Specialization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
In conjunction with the trend in recent decades toward early sport specialization, there are many proponents of this strategy. Coaches, administrators, and parents in favor of devotion to a single sport generally report three specific justifications: the “10-year rule”, case studies of successful athletes, and enhanced athletic development.
From a theoretical perspective, a commonly held stance is that the only pathway to elite athletic performance is through extensive practice. In a study designed to explore whether specialization is a prerequisite for athletic prowess, Baker (2003) cited the “10-year rule,” which suggests that the ability of an individual to reach his/her full potential could only be achieved through a minimum of 10 years of intense training. The 10-year rule was initially developed by Simon and Chase (1973). Supporters of early sport specialization contend that year-round training is the only manner in which to demonstrate this level of commitment. Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Romer (1993) applied this theory to athletics by proposing that sport success was tied directly to the individual’s amount of deliberate practice. Stewart and Shroyer (2015) noted that specialization can lead to enhanced coaching and skill instruction, improved skill acquisition, development of time management skills, and enjoyment of sport and talent development. The popularity of youth sport specialization is often connected with the accomplishments of famous athletes. Gould (2010) theorized that media portrayals of Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps, which emphasized their sole dedication to their respective sports at a young age, have encouraged young athletes to follow suit. Kaleth and Mikesky (2010) similarly referenced interviews from Amanda Beard and Venus and Serena Williams, which urged young athletes of the need to specialize in order to be successful. Thus, there is documentation from elite and influential athletes in favor of early specialization. There is also some evidence that specialization may lead to positive developmental outcomes. Comparisons of the participation patterns of athletes have measured the differences between competitors of varying skill levels. Abernethy, Baker, and Cote (2003) compared training tendencies of Australian expert athletes and non-expert performers. In-depth interviews revealed that experts competed in more intense training than non-expert athletes. Additionally, expert athletes perceived that all aspects of deliberate practice were helpful toward sport performance (Abernethy et al., 2003). Livingston, Schmidt, and Lehman (2016) viewed that parents perceived expedited skill development among those children who had specialized in their respective sport. Russell and Molina (2018) observed virtually identical levels of peer satisfaction between specializers and non-specializers, and slightly higher levels of intrinsic motivation for specializers. These favorable opinions toward sport specialization support the notion of intense, year-round training in a single activity. Despite the emergence of early specialization, there are many detractors to this practice. Brylinsky (2010) contended that arguments in support of early specialization, in particular the “10-year rule,” were not essential for elite sport participation. Some of the main arguments against youth specialization (and thus in favor of diversification) include athletic success of multi-sport athletes, psychological consequences of specialization, and physical risks of specialization. The necessity of early sport specialization toward athletic achievement has been countered in literature. Hill (1993) surveyed 152 baseball players in the Northwest Rookie League to identify their previous athletic participation patterns and recommendations for youth. Results reflected that the majority of these professional baseball players were multi-sport athletes through high school. Only 22% of these successful athletes advised youth and high school students to specialize in their chosen sport. Griffin (2008) concurred with the observations of Hill (1993). The author noted that many elite athletes had participated in various sports during their youth. This study also cited the work of Gould and Carson (2004), which revealed that a sample of Olympic athletes had not focused on skill expertise at the youth level. Rather than categorizing success through winning and losing, these athletes sought happiness, a proper balance of enjoyment, and psychological maturity associated with athletics. Contrary to the belief of sport specialization proponents, White and Oatman (2009) determined that early commitment to a single sport was not required for skill superiority. Their study of Division I and II National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) football and field hockey players revealed that early specialization was not their chosen path. In fact, 83% of these successful athletes reported that they had participated in three or more different sports prior to high school. These results directly contradicted the opinion of the pro-specialization crowd that success is only achievable through full commitment. Ultra-endurance athletes have also attributed positive outcomes to the sport diversification model. During interviews with 28 ultra-endurance athletes, Baker, Cote, and Deakin (2005) determined that early sport specialization was not required for success. Athletes were categorized as Experts, “Middle of the pack,” and “Back of the pack” competitors. Prior to mid-adolescence, these triathletes had not specialized in any of the three triathlon events. Their ability to convert early diversification into participation in the grueling activity of Ultra-endurance triathlons negated the importance of specialization. In terms of psychological outcomes, several crippling implications of early sport specialization have been reported. Malina (2010) classified these as social isolation, overdependence, burnout, manipulation, and compromised growth and maturation. Young athletes with identities tied solely to athletic participation may have limited opportunities to develop relationships with peers (Malina, 2010). The harmful psychological consequence of burnout has occurred more frequently within specialized athletes (Malina, 2010). The atmosphere of adult control in specialized environments has also enhanced manipulation (i.e., age modification, dietary manipulation) (Malina, 2010). Lastly, specialized athletes have demonstrated stunted physical and emotional maturation (Malina, 2010). As these harmful consequences were deemed as unique to sport specialization, they present a compelling argument in favor of diversification. Along the same lines, Strachan, Cote, and Deakin (2009) conducted a study regarding the psychological profiles of 40 specializers and 34 non-specializers participating in swimming, gymnastics, and diving. They observed that specialized athletes suffered higher levels of emotional exhaustion than their peers who had diversified sport involvement. Russell and Limle (2013) observed that young adults who had specialized in a single sport were less likely to continue sport participation into adulthood. Lastly, early specialization can manifest in physical risks. Through an odds ratio analysis, Ferguson and Stern (2014) deciphered that youth sport specialization often facilitates fatigue and overuse injuries. Baseball pitchers were especially susceptible to overuse injuries, as likelihood of elbow/shoulder surgery increased according to amount of months, pitches thrown, and pitch velocity (Ferguson & Stern, 2014).
A quantitative survey was designed using Qualtrics software. The survey contained 24 items, 14 of which used a Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree), and the remainder sought demographic information about the participants. The survey was divided into three sections. The first area (items # 1-8) addressed the factors that influenced the athlete into either specialization or diversification. Next, items # 9-16 measured physical and psychological outcomes that participants attributed to their participation decision. Lastly, the third section (items # 17-24) investigated athletes’ recommendations toward youth sport specialization. Questions were designed by a panel of experts in addition to items gleaned from reviewing the literature on the subject matter. Participants received an announcement on Blackboard about the study with the link to the study provided. Participation was voluntary and anonymous, as the survey was monitored by Qualtrics. A purposeful sample was used. Eligible participants were undergraduate students with majors or minors in a Sport Administration program at a private research university in the southeastern United States. The participants were enrolled in either of two undergraduate courses in their sport administration curriculum during two different semesters. The total number of eligible participants was 140 (N=140), and number of respondents was 86, representing a 61.4% response rate.
Participants in the study were 60.4% males and 39.6% females. Seventy-one percent of males had diversified sport participation, and 64.7% of females played multiple sports as youth. Composition of race/ethnicity was White/Caucasian (67.4%), Hispanic (13.9%), Black/African American (10.5%), Asian/Pacific Islander (4.7%), and mixed race (3.5%). The sample included 46.5% seniors, 22.0% juniors, 16.3% sophomores, and 15.1% freshmen. In total, 31.4% had never specialized in sport, 12.8% began specialization between the ages of 6-8, 15.1% between 9-11, 19.8% between 12-14, 18.6% between 15-17, and 2.3% after the age of 18. Among the participants, 81.4% did not currently receive an athletic scholarship. Of the 16 athletes on scholarship, 56.3% had diversified and 43.7% had specialized. Regarding their current rate of sport participation, 48.8% were involved between 1-5 hours per week, 16.3% between 6-10 hours, 11.6% between 11-15 hours, 6.9% between 16-20 hours, and 16.3% played sport 20 or more hours per week. Research question # 1 sought to identify which factors influenced the athlete toward either specialization or diversification. Overall, 68.6% engaged in diversification, while 31.4% were sport specializers. In terms of parental influence, 67.4% disagreed that parents influenced them toward specialization, while 32.6% agreed. Furthermore, 69.8% of respondents agreed that parents urged them toward diversification, as compared to 30.2% who disagreed. In the current study, 61.6% disagreed and 38.4% agreed that peers influenced them toward specialization. Conversely, 67.4% agreed that peers influenced them to diversify, as opposed to 32.6% who disagreed. Results indicated that coaches were the only ones who pushed these athletes toward specialization. In sum, 51.2% agreed that coaches favored specialization, compared to 48.8% who disagreed. Ultimately, the greatest percentage (59.3%) responded that they made their own choice toward specialization or diversification. Parents (27.9%), coaches (6.9%), and peers (5.8%) were less influential toward the athlete’s decision. The survey then transitioned to assess a variety of physical and psychological outcomes perceived by participants. A significant majority (79%) disagreed that specialization takes the fun out of sport. An even 50-50% of respondents indicated that they felt it was good to specialize. There was a strong rate of disagreement (60.5%) in the item dealing with specialization and its increased risk of injury. Regarding whether specialization is helpful toward earning a college scholarship, 77.9% agreed. Even 53.5% of participants who had diversified sport participation responded affirmatively to this item. A large percentage of respondents (84.9%) agreed that specialization can lead to burnout. Some who had specialized (77.8%) agreed that their chosen strategy could illicit burnout. Another outcome was that 97.6% of responded that diversification can lead to an athlete becoming more well-rounded. There was more balance as to whether diversification takes pressure off of a young athlete; while 70.9% agreed, 27.9% disagreed. Many who had diversified toward multiple sports responded that their chosen path released pressure. To measure research question # 3, participants were requested to recommend the ideal age for youth to begin specialization. Results indicated that 10.4% suggested between the ages of 6-8, 19.7% proposed specialization from age 9-11, 37.2% responded an ideal age of 12-14, 26.7% thought it best to begin specialization between the ages of 15-17, and 5.8% advised youth to specialize at age 18 and above. Thus, it appears that the participants in the current study favored specialization around the age of high school, but earlier than college.
A commonly held opinion revolves around the perceived rise of youth sport specialization. Yet, nearly 70% of the participants in the current study (college students studying Sport Administration at a university in the southeastern United States) diversified in multiple sports during their youth. Perhaps either the emphasis toward specialization is overblown, or there has been a shift back to diversification. There is wide agreement that participation in sports offers both short and long-term physical and psychosocial benefits for children and adolescents. Therefore, efforts must be made to ensure that youth athletes receive the best opportunity to participate in multiple sports. Administrators and coaches should limit conflicts between sports and encourage children to pursue multiple activities. Some sport organizations and associations are taking steps to encourage diversification. The U.S. Tennis Association, NCAA, and NFL, and a number of other sports organizations have teamed together in an advertisement aimed to educate parents and coaches. The ad warns that children who specialize in sports early on may not be on the best path for success, according to writer Jennifer Wallace. Wallace, in an appearance on “CBS This Morning,” goes on to point out “the idea that childhood should be spent working and not experimenting in multiple sports, is not in the best interest of the child.” Additionally, given the current alarming statistic that approximately 70% of youth athletes are dropping out of sports by age 13 due to lack of fun while participating, it is necessary to be creative and responsive to making sure kids have fun. It could be the sport landscape is changing, and that kids want new opportunities for fun and sport participation. Gadd (2018) noted that while participation is dropping overall, there is growth happening in some areas. Suggestions to re-evaluate and re-conceptualize the concept of “sport” include adding other activities and supporting new and emerging sport, and nontraditional sports, like climbing, which had a 130% increase in participation last year. While the introduction of free play that might be more unstructured, it allows for more “playing” as opposed to competition, so that the fun might return to youth sports. If kids play for fun, their experience needs to provide that, and many agree (including members of the sample in the current study) that specialization takes the fun out. In promoting the specialization approach, kids lose the opportunity to play other sports and engage in other activities, such as music, art, drama, and even reading, the things necessary to become more well-rounded people. If they specialize, they do not have any time for any of those other activities and burnout is possible. Upon noticing a decline in membership numbers overall and specifically for kids 10 years old and under, USA Swimming also has been proactive in encouraging kids to diversify in an effort to both retain existing members and increase the number of new ones. Research had indicated that parents wanted their kids to participate on swim teams and have a great “fitness activity” but not necessarily be on competitive teams. USA Swimming introduced a new category of membership, “flex membership,” that requires less of a time commitment, fitness and fun, and not so much competition. The sport of swimming has been involved with ProjectPlay from its inception and has been very proactive in developing multisport athletes. Ad campaigns for USA Swimming have also included swimmers performing ballet, kicking soccer balls, painting, playing musical instruments and basically reinforcing the idea that kids can swim as well as participate in other activities. Additionally, the NBA and USA Baseball have developed age specific guidelines for participation for young athletes that are intended to promote a healthy and positive sport experience. The overarching philosophy behind the NBA approach is that youth should be provide opportunities and encouraged to sample different sports and should avoid specializing in basketball prior to the age of 14. Four national sport organizations in Canada recently joined forces with the Canadian Olympic Committee in a campaign to encourage young people to play various sports in lieu of only one. In the U.S., the OneSport media campaign was designed to help prevent overuse injuries in youth athletes, and backed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Society for Sports Medicine. Both initiatives support the pushback against the trend of early sport specialization. Another issue is cost, as well as the potential unintended consequences of expensive sport programs. Youth sport is a $15 billion industry. The rising cost of youth sports and specializing in one sport is very expensive. According to the Aspen Institute (2019), annual spending for one child in one sport is $693. Furthermore, only 22% of youth from families with household income rates of $25,000 participated in sport on a consistent basis. This contrasts with 43% of their peers from households in which incomes exceed $100,000. Overall, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), the total number of youth sport participants in 2018-2019 was 7,937,491. The importance of this figure was that it marked the first time in 30 years that participation figures had dropped from the previous year. Tackle football suffered the largest drop off, losing 30,829 athletes from 2017-2018 (NFHS, 2019). Youth sport not only consumes a large portion of a family’s gross income but can have a demotivating effect on young athletes too. In a 2017 study, Dorsch discovered an inverse relationship between the amount of money families spend on organized youth sports and their kids’ level of enjoyment and commitment to the sport. Speculation into the reason for this finding is related to added pressure kids might feel when parents spend money on their sport participation, which clearly increases as kids specialize to become top tier athletes. On behalf of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM), LaPrade et al. (2016) offered a consensus statement that sport specialization results in unhealthy physical and mental consequences for youth athletes. Another main focus of the current study was to determine how relevant social agents influenced the decisions of youth sport participants. While parents and peers more often pushed toward diversification, coaches were inclined to favor early specialization. This raises the question as to whether there is an ulterior motive for coaches to encourage specialization. If the justification is financial in that private coaches charge exorbitant rates to train specializers, this should be addressed. According to Shell (2017), 63% of parents admitted spending between $100-$499 monthly on private coaches, while an additional 18% allocated $500-$999. Importantly, study participants eschewed their advice and made the specialization vs. diversification decision of their own volition. With the value of autonomy, this is a positive development. There were mixed results when analyzing the outcomes to be attributed to early specialization. Study participants disagreed that specializing takes the fun out of sport, generally agreed that specialization is helpful to gaining a competitive edge in sport, and opined that specialization is necessary toward earning a college scholarship. In reality, however, the percentage of young athletes receiving these scholarships is only about 2%, which is minimal. Conversely, in addition to some agreement that specialization increases the risk of injury, a significant majority of respondents noted the propensity of specialization to lead to burnout. Previous literature has examined the dangerous consequences of burnout, making this a noteworthy finding. Within sport programs, especially those environments that encourage specialization, mechanisms should be introduced to continuously measure whether athletes are susceptible to burnout. In conjunction with the findings that diversification takes pressure off of a young athlete and leads them to become more well-rounded, it is worthwhile to explore which environment is more suitable for athletic and personal success. Lastly, when asked to recommend the ideal age for youth to begin specialization, the most popular responses were between 12-14 and 15-17. This indicates that current collegians are wary of specialization occurring at ages 6-8. Despite this observation, respondents suggested that specialization should commence before the age of 18. All of this information should be communicated to families. A response might be similar to the developmental model of sport specialization that has been proposed by various national sport governing bodies. For example, the model developed by the US Tennis Association divides tennis participation into three stages. The first stage, age 12 and under, focuses on the athlete learning basic tennis skills, having fun, and continuing to play other sports. The second stage, for ages 12-18, includes a greater understanding of the sport, training, and progression in competition. And the final, third stage, reached by ages 15-18, is the competitive stage where athletes are dedicated only to sport of tennis and work full time to become an elite player. The developmental model delays sport specialization (and its negative effects of overuse, burnout, and stress) by providing a transition and including an emphasis and framework for social, psychological, and developmental aspects of youth sport participation.
Although the current study was novel in that numerous facets of sport specialization were broached, certain limitations still exist. First, the design of this quantitative survey was cross-sectional. Thus, the researchers did not have the opportunity to track possible changes to attitudes toward specialization. Furthermore, data were collected among college students in one department at one university. It is entirely possible that attitudes within this population were unique and not generalizable to the larger population. On a related note, the study participants of college students were asked to retrospectively respond to questions regarding youth sport specialization. As items on the instrument addressed psychological perspectives toward specialization, it is conceivable that participants could have difficulty in recalling their youth. Lastly, the analysis consisted of review of Likert-style questions. Results did not compare group differences, for example across gender, race/ethnicity, or class standing. Despite the study’s limitations, findings should expand knowledge in the sport industry.
Directions for Future Research
Although the base of literature related to sport specialization has increased, further research is necessary. Gathering opinions from different populations, such as adults, high school students, and even youth themselves would shed light on this important issue. Since much of the literature surrounding sport specialization has focused on the perspective of the athlete, examining the issue through the lens of coaches and/or administrators would be valuable. Comparing group differences among sports or other factors may develop new knowledge about the types of sports that encourage specialization. Lastly, a qualitative or mixed-methods study could further the level of information. For example, participants could be asked how coaches influenced them into specialization, examples of how specialization may lead to burnout, or to explain their justification for selecting the appropriate age to specialize.
Youth sport specialization is a “hot topic” in the sport industry and has substantial implications on athletes and their parents. In this study, results depicted a trend toward diversification of multiple sports. Commonly, youth athletes are making their own decisions as to whether to specialize or diversify. Participants attributed a variety of outcomes to early specialization: while specialization was believed to aid toward achievement of a college scholarship, the practice is related to burnout. Ultimately, college students in the sample suggested involvement in a single sport beginning from ages 12-17. The authors hope that the current study inspires future research into all aspects of sport specialization.
Abernethy, B., Baker, J., & Cote, J. (2003). Learning from the experts: Practice activities of expert decision makers in sport. Aspen Institute. (2019). State of play: Trends and developments in youth sports. Retrieved from Baker, J. (2003). Early specialization in youth sport: A requirement for adult expertise? Baker, J., Cote, J., & Deakin, J. (2005). Expertise in ultra-endurance triathletes early sport involvement, training structure, and the theory of deliberate practice. Brylinsky, J. (2010). Practice makes perfect and other curricular myths in the sport specialization debate: Appropriate coaching can make all the difference. Capranica, L, & Millard-Stafford, M.L. (2011). Youth sport specialization: How to manage competition and training? Dorsch, T. (2017). How kids’ sports became a $15 billion industry. Ericsson, K.A., Krampe, R.T., & Tesch-Romer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Ferguson, B., & Stern, P.J. (2014). A case of early sports specialization in an adolescent athlete. Gadd, C.P. (2018). Fear, greed, broken dreams: How early sports specialization is eroding youth sports. Gould, D. (2010). Early sport specialization: A psychological perspective: Early sport specialization does not guarantee later sport success. Gould, D., & Carson, S. (2004). Fun and games?: Myths surrounding the role of youth sports in developing Olympic champions. Griffin, J. (2008). Sport psychology: Myths in sport education and physical education: Sport psychology isn’t just for the elites; it can benefit everyone in youth sports and physical education. Hecimovich, M. (2004). Sport specialization in youth: A literature review. Hill, G.M. (1993). Youth sport participation of professional baseball players. Kaleth, A.S., & Mikesky, A.E. (2010). Impact of early sport specialization: A physiological perspective: From a physiological standpoint, the benefits of early specialization are unsubstantiated. LaPrade, R.F., Agel, J., Baker, J., Brenner, J.S., Cordasco, F.A., Cote, J., Engebretsen, L., Feeley, B.T., Gould, D., Hainline, B., Hewett, T.E., Jayanthi, N., Kocher, M.S., Myer, G.D., Nissen, C.W., Philippon, M.J., & Provencher, M.T. (2016). AOSSM early sport specialization consensus statement. Livingston, J., Schmidt, C., & Lehman, S. (2016). Competitive club soccer: Parents’ assessments of children’s early and later sport specialization. Malina, R.M. (2010). Early sport specialization: Roots, effectiveness, risks. National Federation of State High School Associations. (2019, September 5). Participation in high school sports registers first decline in 30 years. Retrieved from Normand, J.M., Wolfe, A., & Peak, K. (2017). A review of early sport specialization in relation to the development of a young athlete. Russell, W.D., & Limle, A.N. (2013). The relationship between youth sport specialization and involvement in sport and physical activity in young adulthood. Journal of Sport Behavior, 36(1), 83-98. Russell, W., & Molina, S. (2018). A comparison of female youth sport specializers and non-specializers on sport motivation and athletic burnout. Shell, A. (2017). Why families stretch their budgets for high-priced youth sports. Retrieved from Simon, H.A., & Chase, W.G. (1973). Skill in chess: Experiments with chess-playing tasks and computer simulation of skilled performance throw light on some human perceptual and memory processes. Stewart, C., & Shroyer, J. (2015). Sport specialization: A coach’s role in being honest with parents. Strachan, L., Cote, J., & Deakin, J. (2009). “Specializers” versus “samplers” in youth sport: Comparing experiences and outcomes. White, J., & Oatman, D. (2009). Does specializing in team sports during childhood translate into a college athletic career? Wiersma, L.D. (2000). Risks and benefits of youth sport specialization: Perspectives and recommendations. ETHICALCONSIDERATIONS
Parents and fans are essential to any successful spo1ts program or franchise. Ethical concerns 1 Parents are a significant part of any youth sports organization. Many serve Negative comments or acts of displeasure from parents or fans toward the coach, visiting team, PARENTAL ETHICS
The joy of being a parent of a young athlete comes from watching your child compete in athletic ‘Michael Crowley, “Outrageous! Field of Screams,” Reader’s Digest, October 2007. April 28, 2009.
171 172 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
Amateur spo1ts leagues and associations sometimes have a difficult job ensuring that parents set The Standard of Appropriate Behavior for Parents
The standard of appropriate behavior for parents is the reasonably prudent parent. Ethical par 1. Stress good sportsmanship. Talk to youth participants about what it means to be a good 2. Watch for “teachable” moments. If a scenario ai·ises where youth sports participants can 3. Teach how to lose gracefully. Shaking hands with the opposing team and teaching youth par 4. “Check yourself.” If emotions are getting out of control, step away from the field and perform Hostile and abusive parents at youth sporting events are a far too common occurrence in recent . . . ” ” .
In contrast to Ms. Lisle is Matthew Collins, an out-of-control parent, who assaul Former MLBMost Valuable Player Dale Murphy knows a thing or two about ers to avoid shortcuts”:
It takes courage, and we encourage kids to speak up. One of the more challenging thin What parents say to their children can have a major affect on their sports expe 1
percent.” After all, sports are supposed to be fun (at least to a certain point). Littll The league’s disciplinary board has had better luck barring individual parents from att 1 h , child in sports. Parents sign this form prior to their children participating in our league. Any parent guilty of improper con u d d from the following may cause a multiple game suspension, privilege of attending all games. Preamble The essential elements of character-building , core principles: embodied in the concep t Of
• Trustworthiness,
• Respect,
• Responsibility,
• Fairness,
• caring, and is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character.”
I therefore agree:
1, I will not force my child to participate in sports. and that the game 2. I will remember that chil ren
is for youth, not adults, physical disability or ailment that may or the safety of others, will learn the rules of the game and for my child and4. I , a ositive role model tsmanship by showing respect an cou , and sporencourage for all players, coaches, officials, ractice or other sporting even . t engage in any kind h player or parent sue k h ds· or using pro ane b haviors or prac ic the health and well being of the athletes, to resolve conflicts h stility or violence. ‘ld treat other 1Payers, , 9. t regardless of race, ability, more important than win- I will teach my ~ h tcome of a game10. never feel defeat byte ou or his/her performance.
11. I will praise my child for competing fairly and tryin,
my child feel like a winner every time.
12. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other .t:
making a mistake or losing a competition.
13, I will emphasize skill development and practices and h
my child over winning, I will also de-emphasize games
in the lower age groups.
14. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being
ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child t
15. I will respect the officials and their authority during
never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the~
will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon
16, I will demand a sports environment for my child thal
drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from tb
sports events.
17.I will refrain from coaching my child or other players di
practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of th
Parent/Guardian Signature
Source: © 2011 Little League Baseball, Incorporated. All Ris What are your thoughts on the parent code of conduct? Should each parent l: Parental Choices
There are many ethical issues in youth sports, and none are more difficult to d At what levels should girls no longer be allowed to participate in a boys’ league, if evt
girl is capable of playing football, can she participate on the boys’ team? If not, why not
allowed to play youth baseball? The Little League believes so. 13
“For further study, see Lyun Kidman, Alex McKenzie, and Bridig McKenzie, “The Nature and 1 12 Jessica Rudis and Rich Schapiro, “Queens High Schooler Tackles Her Football Dream,” New Yl 13 Dave Merchant, “Local Woman Changes Face of Little League Baseball,” Heritage Newspaper, 176 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fam
Check out one response to 12-year-old Jaime, a girl who was “dominating” a boys’ basketball league:
The~ were great … until she blocked the first shot. Then they were like, “Hey, we don’t want this big kid Consider the following questions regarding Jaime’s participation on the boys’ basketball team.
1. What actions, if any, should be taken? boys? What reasons can you give in support of her participation? the court? Youth sports can present multiple problems that need to be resolved fairly and ethically. Consider the one Consider the following questions as they relate to the place of prayer in youth sports.
1. What is wrong with a short solemn prayer for the safety of children nothwithstanding which 2. Would a prayer at a youth sporting event be more acceptable if it uses neutral language, 3. Should prayer be allowed under any circumstances’? What if a child is severely injured? Is 14 Kari~richer, Lisa Fletcher, Nicole Young, and Stephanie Dahle, “Banned from Playing Basketball with the :: Associated Pres~, “~~ttle League Calls Coach’s Pre-Game Prayer Fair, Not Foul,” KCBY News, May 3, 2010. 17 See Charles S. Prebish, ‘”Heavenly Father, Divine Goalie’: Sport and Religion:• The Antioch Review 42, no. 3 “See Pat 1:IcMan~o~: “Major Gains for Boy 1:1it ~y Ball at Minor Le~gue Game,”,July 26, 2010; 4, What consideration should people of different faiths be given in this : cheerleaders could use Bible verses on the banner a football team ru As a Christian I would not have liked it if they had used verses fn would have been a problem here. 20
Parental Rage issue becomes urgent when parents or fans fail to control their anger, and it t Sports rage has b 22 major ethical dilemmas for youth sports organizations and even present serk as
sports team knows it can be tainted by one “raging” parent. It would be naYv • Profanity physical makeup, sex, national origin, gender, religion, skin color, ski!
tion, or parental heritage participants 25
“See “Kurt Warner: Jesus Brought Me Here,” Chrisfian Post, January 30, 2010; Hannah 20 L. z.Granderson, “The Debate at Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe;’,October 6, 2 June 6, 1994. i< Paulo David, "Young Athletes and Competitive Sports: Exploit and Exploitation," lnte,
Children’s Rights 1 (1999): 53-81. National Recreation and Parks Association; Joel Fish and Susan Magee, 101 Ways to B https://teams.14 178 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations far Parents and Fans
As an SMP, what should be done to control a “raging” parent? What steps would you recom 2004 WL 1925551
Jordan Hale was thirteen at the time of the incident. When Jordan was
in the seventh grade, he signed up to play in the Casco Bay hockey
league. On December 10, 2001, Jordan’s team played another team on
which Michael Antoniou was a player. Jordan knew Michael and they were
friends. Jordan also knew Michael’s father, Demetri Antoniou.
Towards the end of the hockey game, Jordan and Michael collided.
Jordan had lowered his shoulder and checked Michael. Michael went down
onto the ice. Michael took a while to get up, and Jordan could tell
Michael had been jarred by the hit. Michael returned to his team
bench, and the game ended about ten seconds later. No penalty was
called against Jordan.
From Demetri’s perspective, it appeared as if Jordan drove his hockey
stick onto Michael’s “right jaw and right neck,” Demetri testified
that he thought his son might have suffered a concussion. In fact,
Michael was injured as a result of the hit.
After the game, the teams went to their respective locker rooms.
Jordan was in the locker room for about five minutes and had already
started getting out of his hockey equipment when he saw Demetri at the
doorway of his team’s locker room .. ,
Scalia [Jordan’s coach] testified that Demetri asked him where Jordan
was, came into the locker room with a “hockey stick under-a bag on his
shoulder, a hockey stick under his arm.•
In his affidavit, Jordan testified that after the incident, when he
tried to stand up, his knees buckled and he had to sit back down.
The court denied Demetri’s motion for summary judgment, because
Jordan’s claims for civil assault and intentional infliction of
emotional distress are allowed to go forward, their punitive damages
claim were not barred by the absence of an underlying tort.
26 For further study on parents and youth sports, see Dianna K. Fiore, “Parental Rage and Violence in Youth Sports: 1 Jordan showed that there is a di’ spute alleged actions were motivated by i’ 11 geous that malice towards Jordan as a result of that condu
implied. The court cites Scalia’s testimony that Demetri a , , ame in o t e locker room with a ;1hockey Express malice exists when the defendant’s vated by ill will toward the plainti’ ff and wh~n deliberate conduct by the defendant, although motivat, particular party, .is ~ owar a person injured as a result of tl: Source: Reprinted from Westlaw lvith permi’ssi’on Consider the following questions regarding Case 5-1.
1. It is clear this parent was “enr d” Wh ct· . . age . at 1sc1plme measures should t 2. Should a police report have been made in this case?
3. Should the parent be made to apologize to all involved? t e league?
The “hockey dad” case study that follows, involves the tragic death of a pare
M . . The most notable ~ccurrence of parental rage resulted in the death of a young hocke) · th(ee son~ and Junt~ 8 son. Junta was in the stands observing his son in a non-contact scrirr thought was unnecessary “body-checking.” Junta then left the ‘” d d • · . . s…,n s an went onto the 1ce , him with Junta s necklace and then kicking Junta’s shins and feet with the 3_. rmk. Junta left the rink 1′.”ith his son and later returned to pick up his son’s two frie ff” ” · secon argument ens and began pun~hin~ each other, Junta threw Costin to the floor and repeated!} to a coma and was pla~ed on_ ll_ventilator. A day after the incident, Michael Costin was ~ 180 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fam
In January 2002, Junta’s trial began with jury selection, which consisted of asking potemial jurors if they
had children, if their children played on sports teams, and if they ever had witnessed an incident of parental rage of involuntary manslaughter. The jury refused to find him guilty of the more serious charge of manslaughter, Parents should be supportive of their student-athlete. Any violence or abusive language is anath 2003 WL22533643 (E.D. Louisiana)
Bill Brantley
boys’ basketball
the court and
was injured while
game at Bowling
began assaulting
Brantley as School. a ref
ref eree
eree Frank
a high s
Ackerman. Apparently, this occurred when Glenn’s minor son was ejected
from the game because of a technical foul. Glenn allegedly was joined
in his assault of Ackerman by Donald McGehee. When Brantley tried to
stop the assault, McGehee allegedly punched, clawed, and battered him.
In the melee that ensued, McGehee was soon joined by two other McGehees,
who allegedly punched, kicked, and beat Brantley until he was uncon
scious, Brantley alleges that his injuries were caused by the inten
tional acts of Gle_nn, Bowling Green School, and the three McGehees,
Here, Glenn’s alleged acts occurred at a high school sports event
where Brantley and his fellow referee were charged with officiating
and keeping order.
Source: Reprinced from Westlaw with permission of Thomson Reuters.
Consider the following questions with regard to Case 5-2.
1. Should there be a harsher penalty for the parent who assaults a sports official? case? Preventing Parental Rage
What can be done to ensure parents are kept under control? If they are not held in check, it could 27 “Hockey Dad, Gets 6 to 10 Years for Fatal Beating,”, January 25, 2002. P,
A youth athletic league in Florida is adding a requirement for kids who want to be sp,
parents must learn how to behave on the sidelines as well. course. Jeff Leslie, the volunteer president of the association and father of four, stated: ” Youth Sports (PAYS) of the National Alliance for Youth Sports, costs $5 and will be re It is always good to ask an expert. Joey Scherperborg, an 8-year-old who plays in ti that.”29
Youth baseball coach, Mark R. Downs Jr. was charged witli offering one of his pla:r not able to play in the game. The boy who was hit with the ball was an 8-year-old teamn because of his disability. the field and had remarked to the entire team in jest, “Anybody who can line drive the r,
you $25.” The boy’s mother called state police after the boy was struck. She said sh, How Can We Prevent “Soccer Moms” and “Hockey Dads” from :C::
in Youth Sports and causing Games to End in Fistfights Ra’
By: Dianna K. Fiore
Villanova Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, 2003
29 Richelle Thompson, “Youth Leagues Make Parents Play by the Rules,” Cincinnati Enquire 182 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
Excitement suddenly turned to fear for the 49ers youth football team
f ield holding their stomachs and began vom- v:i.olentJ.y on the Parents and coaches helped the eig t practice for a championship game a few days later. No one knew it at
the time, but the sick 49ers had been poisoned, casualties in an epi
demic of parental rage sweeping through youth sports.
Youth sports have been a part of American culture for a long time. For
many years, sports have provided positive experiences for children.
When children play sports, they may experience the joy of learning a
new athletic skill or even scoring the winning point in a game, Play
ing sports should not only be a positive experience for children, but
should also be an enjoyable experience for parents who proudly watch
their children play from the sidelines or the stands.
Occasionally, parents are not involved in their children 1 s sporting
interests. Before being introduced to the world of organized youth
sports, children often gather in streets to play stickball, shoot
hoops, or play touch football with family and friends in a backyard.
Overall, children participate in sports for exercise, fun, and
Today, the games that carefree children played in the backyard with
friends are replaced by more structured activities such as organized
youth sports programs. Sadly, parents and other adults have become too
involved in youth sports, making them more structured, competitive,
and violent, rather than carefree, recreational, and fun. As a result
of this invasiveness, tragedies have occurred~ .. this rage is ment for children.
With an estimated thirty to thirty-five million children between ages
five and eighteen participating in youth sports, it is clear that
youth sports are integrated significantly in modern American culture.
Children play to have fun with their friends and to practice and
improve their athletic skills. Moreover, parents want their children
to be involved in sports to build character and to manage the chil
dren1s free time with a healthy, positive activity. Participating in
youth sports programs . . can fulfill the needs and desires of both
children and their parents.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, organized youth sports emerged in
urban America because parents sought to occupy their children’s free
time while they worked in factories and mills. Parents organized
sports activities for their children to compensate for a,non-rural
fi ‘ll the void caused by parents’ working long hours.
1 with this increased activities with friends, structured sporting experience Baseball is highly structured, organizing P nities around the wor • · · · t 00 000 baseball and softball participants” Soccer Organization ( ”AYSO”) offers chi1 f’ve to nineteen an opportunity to participa . – ue AYSO modernized yout spor s Plays” and ‘\Balanced Team, w ic t f AYSO’s trademark. Parents found soc when a child is alone at bat.
t d with the best int were motivated by the ideal of winning.
time these youth sports leagues progressed into intensely c dren and shaping today’s youth sports model. Now more ~h~ntE adults structure youth sports programs
versions of professional sports.
structured organization of youth sports pl
have been modeled after professional spo: leagues. In fact, however, yout spor . l the founders of the oldest youth sports Glen ”Popu warner, , d tions, intended youth emulate their professional counterparts.
, lved in making youth sports just as competitive as professional sports. Due to r their children’s sports, youth sports compr:
characteristics as professional sports. Fr,
and games, leagues, officials, umpiresr referees onships, tournaments, professiona 1 eam like to be a professional athlete. 184 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations far Parents and Fans
Unfortunately, some adults overlook the reality that exposure to the
rigorous schedules and fierce competition that professional athletes
face may be overwhelming for children who simply want to play sports
to have fun with friends. Parents often neglect that the primary goal
of youth sports is for children to have fun. Therefore, if the players
are not enjoying themselves, the whole purpose of participation in
youth sports is averted.
Although most violence in sports occurs at the professional level,
particularly in football and hockey, there is an inherent degree of
violence at all levels. As a result, sports involve a serious risk of
physical injury.
Unnecessary violence now plagues youth sports across the country and
has escalated to the point 1;,1here parents, coaches, umpires, and refer
ees are fighting and beating each other to death. The labels “sports
rage” and “parental rage 11 refer specifically to parents who lose con
trol and take their “rage” out on other adults. Sports rage and
parental rage are not new developments. Yet, the number of violent
incidents in youth sports has increased at an alarming rate in the
past five years. “From Little League to the big leagues, violence at
sporting events is no longer startling.” Organized youth sports pro
grams are earning a reputation for producing a generation of unhappy
child athletes. Children either must drop out of youth
because they are too competitive and no longer fun, or be exposed to
the violence that increasingly erupts.
In addition, the trend of violence in youth sports is exposing young
athletes to the judicial system. . Given the extreme nature of
this growing problem parents, children, coaches, and youth sports
organizations have sounded the alarm for youth sports league adminis
trators and legislators to take action: first, to find out what is
causing the unfortunate trend of parental rage and unnecessary vio
lence in youth sports; and then to find a way to address the problem
before it is exacerbated.
There are several factors that contribute to the alarming increase in
unnecessary violence in today’s youth sports. The •win-at-all-cost
coaches, violent parents and poor role models in professional sportsu
are primary causes …. This mentality in professional sports has
integrated in youth sports. The ideal of winning in youth sports has
become much more important than mere participation as a team player.
Because there is so much emphasis on winning, the physical and emotion,~_
nature of youth sporting events continues to change for the worse,
Unfortunately, the intense competition in youth sports
young athletes to play more aggressively on the field and has led
Paren more violent outbursts by parents on the sidelines. Everyone
i..n·_youth sports, including the athletes, coaches, referees, ut
.S,i;:>ectators, and parents, are at unnecessary risk of injury dui
.,.in,,at-all-costs mentality.
An early 1990s survey revealed that out of the 20,000,000 Ame,
‘ children who participate in youth sports programs, approximat,
<14,000,000 will quit before they reach the age of thirteen. A<
,;,~o the survey, these children drop out “mostly because adults
;particularly their own parents-have turned playing sports intc
“‘:.’_:j/,Yless,negative experience.”
)•,at·ents have contributed largely to the “winning is the only t
iittitud0 in youth sports. Child athletes now struggle to succE
pleaee their parents, not to achieve personal goals. This stru
anxiety among young athletes and their~
attend their children’s sporting events
ing an opportunity to interact with their children. Today,
; parents are more involved in structuring their children
sur0 that their children become successful athletes. Thus
:tng pressure on a child to make a high school varsity team
his or her chance of procuring a college athletic sch
become the new motivation for parents. Consequently, becau
they have invested in their children’s success, parents be
parents to participate excessively in spar
own children are the players. The parental
their children when hurt during a game com·
to lose control of their emotions and temper.
s youth sports coaches should. act as role models t•
:i,ve influences for children. In youth sports, the most su,
are concerned more about treating each child as an ind,
~-fJ_P_laying concern, respect, understanding, and patience v1:
as.he or she develops skills. Unfortunately, some youth,
f!B_._have become fanatical about winning and have resorted (
cting young players to play violently, or to coaching
professional athletes and struggle
i’:~”tin their sports. To be recognized by scouts as especi,
agd to succeed in competition, young athletes p11sh them,
J.imits of talent and skill. When these athletes can nc
their talents and skills, they panic over the possibilj
~ and consequently resort to aggressive, intimidating, ar
rt:slllanlike• conduct on and off the field.
1 186 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fam
violence in youth leagues contributes to 1 d from participation in t h seek to prevent t eir c i • d set an appropriate th sports league adm1nistra ors t 1 rage at youth sports games e avio . administrators, and even lawmakers are exists and are making reasona e re incidents of unnecessary v10 ence,futuefforts to prevent League self-control and S . h’ r to curb violence in sports. You p , ‘ng youth sports programs. ho ~.~ever, more youth sports supervisors are sports administrators, and paren s. that coaches undergo criminal back- . ‘t’ n The background chec s are children’s exposure to violent offen . t d that “[n]o organization that runs . h ld allow parents to regis ethics and sportsmanship.”
It is imperative that adults and children involved in youth. their violent behaviors because , ctivities for ch1 ren, itted senseless vio en . , Their inappropriate actions have crsa rage and put the fun back into sports. tandard for behavior at youth sport’s games • incidents resulting from via en s orts. . . . “‘The bottom line is we \;ran enjoy watching their children play the game.” Source: Reprinted from Westlaw tifi th permission
th p· article on parental behavi.or ing events.
1. Are there portions of the Fiore article you disagree with? allowing the youth participants to pick their own team captains and their owr 4. Are umpires essential for every youth sporting event? Should the kids just be Fans can be adamant about supporting a team. They like to go to the stadium or sporting contest, fans must regulate their conduct to conform to societal expectations. inappropriate in a restaurant may be pe1fectly aeceptable at an outdoor sporting e happen if a fan crosses the line? Should stadium officials taser them ?31 How ab, ctive by abusive heckling or even violently interacting with participants, usiastic hockey fans banging on the glass during a game is generally consider, guage is not. Stadium owners want fans to come back to the ballpark. 1 sporting contest. Spectators at sporting events are encouraged to (in a reasorn
“Would Taser Boy Electrify Broadway?” Wall Street Jounu,/, May 5, 2010. ay 8, 2010. allpnrk,”, August 8, 2001. https://events.34 https://violent.33 https://behavi.or LSS Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
yell, scream, and cheer in an effort to provide support to their team and express their opinion to sports The spectator and fan should be enthusiastic, but fair, and adhere to the tenets of good sportsman ing is a model code of fan conduct:
Fan Code of Conduct
The club expects all who enter the stadium and surrounding parking lots to adhere to the fan code account holder is responsible for the actions of those using their tickets. • Fighting, taunting, or engaging in any action that may harm, threaten, or bring discomfort to
anyone in the stadium ticket upon request by stadium personnel
• Possession or use of any illegal drugs or irresponsible use of alcohol
• Loitering in concourses, aisles, tunnels or stairs
• Smoking in the stadium other stadium personnel with the game, or hinders the enjoyment of the game for other fans frontations, intimidation, or threatening behavior by stadium personnel Consider the following with regard to the model code of fan conduct:
1. Is the code of conduct complete? If not, what would you add? The NFL’s code of conduct prohibits the following:
• Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature Fa,
• Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures Failing to follow instructions of t d’g mcludmg throwmg ob3ects onto tl r physical harassment of opposing team fans35
Fan Heckling
“Heckling” is very common in ba b 11 . h h e e av10r s 1t a “fair co t” h Heckling players is not an act of sportsmanshi and h . . ‘ 1 cu t to avoid items that are b · h . t ough at times it may be dist t’ . . a c enge for mamAl h rac mg, noise ts considered ab’ d · • IS no cons1 ered appro · t tO 11 en, commented· ”I’ t · 1 . . ‘ ey s ou n t disrupt our game” win. While this was previously done y Ip ~ators is runnmg out on fields and floors afte1
happens for no apparent reason. Fans os: y ‘1:en a ‘tdeam w~s ran~ed_ and played a ranked t you ve one it before” (Hummer, 2004, p. C2).” a vice: ry wmr
How a player reacts to a heckler may dictate wh th . enerwasagreatNt’ A· encan players were prohibited from . ame. t t . e time heArnhe played the game. He was kno p!aymg._ Bender was sub3ect to ra, s own style yelling back “F . F . ops when he came onto the field,
ore1gners, oreigners.”39, ,
McCarthy, “NFL Unveils New Code of Cond ~ ” JO, 2010. ar ‘ eaten by This Guy m 3-Point Shootout”
tinespring, “The Art of Sports Hecklin ” Tl I ‘ S. Martin and Lillian H Chaney “S gt, E ‘.e C wrleSlon Gazette, Jnne 11, 2010 H . · s are 01111tte on quote , 10). ,~ _ · ie I ent trugg/e of a Baseball Star (Lincoln 190 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
Are certain subjects off-limits for fans and hecklers? How much should a fan be able to say about Michael Katz, a spectator who heckled coach Isiah Thomas of the New York Knicks, received a warning
card from a security guard to stop what he was doing or he would be ejected from Madison Square Garden;
Katz, an accountant, said he was not cursing or swearing but merely yelling critical remarks at Thomas. Katz a brawl in 2004 involving the Detroit Pistons, the Indiana Pacers, and some spectators. Verbal criticism of
Thomas had been common in 2004, with some Knicks fans sometimes chanting “Fire Isiahi”
The card given to Katz featured blue letters on a white background and read: ”You are being issued a warn and/or other spectators constitute excessive verbal abuse and are in violation of the NBA Fan Code of Conduct.
This is the first and only warning that you will receive. If, after receiving this warning, you verbally abuse any
player, coach, game official or spectator, you will be immediately ejected from the arena without refund.” 42
After receiving the warning, Katz said he moved to a different seat and was not ejected from the Garden,
Consider the following questions related to Katz’s behavior.
1. Is giving a fan a warning card if they engage in improper conduct a good idea? was the general manager of the New York Knicks be considered “fair comment'”! It is, after The national pastime can sometimes bring out the worst in baseball fans.43 Baseball fans can be 40 Larry Dorman, “Woods ls Getting Ready; So Are the Hecklers,” New York Times, March 24, 2010. October 25, 2008. F,
cir. 1981)
1975, David Manning, Jr,, was a spectator at
Park in Boston for a baseball game between the Baltimore.Orio:
the Boston Red Sox. Ross Grimsley was a pitcher for Balti~ore
the first three innings, Grimsley was warming up by throwing’
from a pitcher’s· mound to a plate in the bullpen located ne~r
right field bleachers, The spectators in the bleachers co~tin,
heckled Grimsley, On several occasions immediately f~llow~ng t
ling, Grimsley looked directly at the hecklers, not _Just ~nto. faced the bleachers and wound up or stretched as though to pi
the direction of the plate. Instead, the ball traveled from GJ
hand at more than 80 miles per hour at an angle of 90 degrees
path from the pitcher’s mound to the plate and directly ~owan
hecklers in the bleachers, The ball passed through the wire m,
in front of the bleachers and struck Manning.
ReprJ. ·nted from westlat’l w-it:h permission of Thomson Reu;source:
It might be illegal for hecklers to heckle temperamental relievers; however, it was What ethical and legal duties does this case present? . with a heckler. Not only ~as he sued for his actions in civil court, he was also charg<
712 F. Supp 79 (W.D, Va. 1989)
d the Fourth of July, 198·dSimmons along with a friend, atten e Virginia. Bluefield was not having a g,farm team, at Bluefield’ third baseline along about the eighth inning, and started to l
~he Oriole players sitting in the bullpen. Champ [Orioles pla,
stated in his deposition that Simmons was accusing the ballpli
stealing the local women, and that he {Simmons) would show th~
what West Virginia manhood was like by blowing the players’ ,hec asked Simmons to leav’e. After the game (Bluefield lost, 9-8, ‘ https://fifth.44 https://activities.40 192 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
three runners in the bottom of the ninth), Champ encountered Simmons in
the parking lot. Si111111ons … offers no details of what ensued other
than that he was punched and kicked by Champ and then hit in the jaw
by a baseball bat wielded by Hicks [Orioles player], causing his jaw to
be broken in two places. Champ’s version was that Si111111ons saw him car
rying a bat, made a gesture as if he were shooting Champ with his
finger, and said 1’0ht so you need a bat, huh? 1 Champ said 1’No, I1
don’t,” and throw his bat down. Si111111ons gestured toward his car and
said, 1\Let’ s go over to my car, and I’ 11 blow your head off. 11 Another
player tried to intervene, and Champ said, ‘1 Just get out of here.”
Simmons then advanced threateningly upon him, and Champ hit Simmons in
the face. Si111111ons was unfazed, and Champ kicked him in the chest,
causing Simmons to stagger back. According to Champ he then smiled and
said “I’m drunk. I didn’t feel that.• Champ turned to walk away, and
at that point … Hicks hit Simmons. Simmons says Hicks hit him with
a bat, but Hicks says that he used only his fist. Hicks had not been
near any of the heckling and says he intervened because he was afraid
Simmons was about to pull a gun on Champ.
Source; Reprinted from Westlaw with permission of Thomson Reuters.
1. What actions should be taken against players who enter the stands and assault hecklers? license be revoked?
Fan Rage
Fan rage is much like parental rage; it should never be tolerated and stadium personnel should A Bowie hunting knife with a 5-inch blade was thrown at California Angels rookie Wally Joy A local disc jockey set up an anti-disco promotion to be held between games of a Wh 45 Ian O’Connor, “Giants Get Snowballed: Fans Show Disgusting Lack of Class,” New York Daily News, 46 “Previous Examples of Fan Violence,”, September 19, 2002.
The thousands of records were then jammed into a large wooden box in center Even coaches are not immune to fan violence. The attack against Kansas Cil Stalking is a serious societal crime and should be treated as such. Unfortun2 A man was found to be stalking Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson. 5°F Whether they are obsessed fans fixating on celebrities or former romantic partners, 1
invoke spurned Jove-real or imagined-to defend their actions. But stalkers seldon
their behavior in the legal system because only one in three cases is ever reported to
In Case 5-5, Bob Uecker, “Mr. Baseball,” had been stalked and procured e LaPointe, “The Night Disco Went Up in Smoke,” New York Times, July 5, 2009. son, “Though Many Are Stalked, Few Report It,” New York Times, February 15, . Schimmel, C. Lee Harrington, and Denise D. Bielby, “Keep Your Fans to Youn e Lollis, “ESPN’s Erin Andrews to Fight for Stronger Federal Anti-Stalking Laws
Bob Uecker Stalker G2′.ts Restraining Order,” CBS Sports, September 7, 2006. https://stalker.53 https://stars.49 194 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
780 N.W.2d 216 (2010)
Uecker is the radio broadcaster for the Brewers. In June 2006, Uecker
petitioned the Milwaukee County Circuit Court for an injunction
against Ladd, alleging a six- or seven-year pattern of harassment.
Around the same time, Ladd, a self-described “devoted fan,” was
charged with felony stalking. The injunction petition hearing was held
on July 3 and September 7, 2006. The court commissioner found probable
cause and issued an injunction charge,
On September 8, 2008, Ladd filed a sprawling prose complaint alleging
that between June 1 and September 7, 2006, Uecker defamed her in the
affidavit supporting the injunction petition; he and/or the Brewers
published the allegedly defamatory affidavit to a website called; the Brewers posted on their website a defamatory
article regarding her removal from a spring training game in Maryvale,
Arizona; and a claim for ½false light invasion of privacyn for, among
other things, making and republishing false, defamatory statements and
photographing her in the stands at various baseball stadiums.
Ladd’s September 8, 2008, complaint alleges that Uecker defamed her:
(1) in the affidavit in support of his petition for the harassment
injunction; (2) by publishing the affidavit to;
{3) during the two-day injunction hearing; and (4) in a media interview
after the first day of the hearing. Distilled to its essence, Ladd’s
claim is that the false depiction of her as a stalker has damaged her
personal and professional reputations. Except for the continued injunc
tion hearing on September 7, 2006, however, all of these incidents
occurred more than two years before Ladd filed her complaint.
Ladd also argues that, although Uecker and/or the Brewers allegedly
posted his affidavit to thesmokinggun,com on June 2, 2006, the pur
portedly defamatory statements still can be accessed on the Internet
today. She contends that the information therefore is republished each
time someone visits that website or others to which the material has
found its way, thus renewing her cause of action,
Ladd asserts, however, that Decker’s statements lost their absolute
privilege through ”excessive publicationn on the Internet, because the
“stalker label” “defame[ed] [her] as a criminal” and because Uecker
defamed her to law enforcement officials.
Ladd’s complaints that the Brewers defamed her likewise fail. The Brewers
advised Ladd in December 2006 that, in light of the harassment injunc
tion, they would deny her entrance to the spring training facility in
March 2007 should she purchase a ticket. Upon finding her int
they were entitled to have her removed. As Ladd’s ticket indic
ticket of admission to a place of amusement is simply a licen,
a performance that the owner or proprietor may revoke at will
Ladd included a photocopy of her ticket as an exhibit, evide
show she had a right to be at the game. The ticket reads: “fJ
granted by this ticket to enter the Club baseball game is rE
Ladd then directs us to an allegedly defamatory March 20, 2(
cle in the Brewers’ online news archive about the Maryvale l
Assuming, as Ladd contends, that the Brewers posted the sto,
and accepting simply for argument’s sake that the article ii
tory, this claim also fails. Before filing suit, Ladd did nc
written to the Brewers providing them “a reasonable c
to correct the libelous matter.#
Ladd alleges that the Brewers took photographs of her in th 1
baseball parks and disseminated her “mug shot” and informat.
the injunction and the spring training incident. None of th,
involved private places, using her likeness for advertising
or depictions of nudity. Further, they are matters of publi
source: Repr.inted from Westlaw with permissior1 of Thomson R
Ladd had heen hounding Uecker for six or seven years, sending him unusu: Consider the following questions in light of the Uecker case.
1. What can be done to prevent crazy fans from stalking players? owners keep stalkers from entering the ball park? Going onto a playing field without permission con~titu:es criminal tr~spas: ission is a crime and also creates multiple safety issues for fans, securit) nsin/Michigan football game. They assert their injuries would not have occ 5-6 when fans ran onto the field at the University of Wisconsin.
AndrewGreiner, “Bob Decker’s Stalker Banned from Road Games;’ NBC Chicago, D, 196 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
577 N.W.2d 386 (1998)
Camp Randall Stadium is the site used for football games and other
outdoor events at the university of Wisconsin at Madison. The football
field is encircled by a chain-link fence with a walkway between the
fence and the bottom row of bleachers. Ingress and egress of the
bleachers varies, depending on the section of the stadium. Sections 0
and P were at issue in this lawsuit. The lower rows of sections O and
P exit to the walkway and then through the home team tunnel. It was
also possible for those rows to exit to the field itself, even though
security personnel directed spectators not to do so.
Prior to the 1993 football season, access to the field was limited by
handheld ropes, which provided no real barrier to a spectator deter
mined to enter the field. In anticipation of the 1993 football season,
the University installed metal gates that could be positioned to close
off the walkway at the bottom of the bleachers in order to permit the
team to exit the field into the tunnel without interference from the
spectators. When the walkway was closed off by the gates, sections 0
and P spectators’ means of egress was restricted, until tbe team had
made its way through the tunnel and the gates were opened again.
On October 30, 1993, after the University of Wisconsin’s football team
defeated the University of Michigan’s team at Camp Randall, many of
the students in sections O and P attempted to come onto the playing
field. However, a few minutes before the game’s end, the gates had
been closed and latched by security personnel. This provided a signif
icant barrier to the spectators’ egress onto the field, and it also
created a dead end for tunnel egress from sections O and P, at a time
when spectators were moving down the bleachers to exit the stadium or
to push onto the field. The plaintiffs were crushed against a metal
railing and the gates when security personnel were unable to quickly
unlatch the gates to open them.
Ward and Richter had no personal responsibility to manage the crowd at
the Camp Randall games. On the other hand, Riseling’s, Green’s and
Williams’s activities at Camp Randall were arguably within the scope of
the Standard Operating Procedures for Camp Randall relating to crowd
control. Additionally, prior to the Michigan game, and subsequent to
the installation of the gates, Riseling knew that it was possible that
the students might try to rush onto the field at the game’s end. In
response to this potential for congestion in the student sections, she
formulated and issued a directive entitled, “Post Game Crowd Tacticsr u
whose goal was uto prevent injury to people-officersr band members
and fans.” The plan outlined a general strategy to follow w implemented by security personnel, it was not successful.
Riseling, as Chief of Police and Security did not ignore tb
danger. She, with the assistance of others, formulated a pl
“POST GAME CROWD TACTICS,” the goal of which was “to preven
people-officers, band and fans.”
The plan established no specific tasks that were to be perf
certain time; rather, it made general statements and set ge
guidelines such as 1
We expect that if Wisconsin wins today, especially if i
close game, there will be an attempt by fans to come or
field, If there is a crowd surge, officers at that point w
the initial decision to move aside and begin pulling ba
goalpost assignment. Lt, Johnson will be observing from
box and will make decisions on giving the command for a
cers to pull back.
There may be times during and after the game when p,
the fence and put pressure against it. Actively encoura
move back. If it seems there is danger of the fence bre
has in the past) move back to a safe position.
Here, the formation of the post-game crowd control plan rep1
Riseling’s judgment about how best to reduce the potential l
to persons at the game, Additionally, the implementation of
required Riseling, Green and Williams to respond to their a,
of what the crowd’s actions required. By its very nature, tl
plan was effected had to change from moment to moment becau,
was responsive to the crowd. Reacting to the crowd also corn
the exercise of discretion. Furthermore, neither the documer
testimony contained in any of the portions of the depositior
ted in opposition to respondents’ motion for summary judgmer
lished a factual dispute about whether any specific acts wei
of any of the respondents.
Here, documents provided establish no inconsistency between
actions of those respondents whose job duties took them pere
into crowd control management activities, and the Universit:,
of safe management of the crowd at football games. Rather, t
in accord with the General Operating Procedures for Camp Rar. 198 Chapter 5 Ethical Considerations for Parents and Fans
Stadium. Neither the formulation of the plan nor the implementation
of it required highly technical, professional skills, such as a
Source: Reprinted from Westlaw with permission of Thomson Reuters.
Consider the following questions as they apply to the Camp Randall incident.
1. What ethical duties do stadium owners owe to fans? Were the fans at Camp Randall engaging 2. Did the university violate any ethical duty they had to the fans? NOTES AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
Parental Ethics
1. A Sport Parent Code of Conduct consists of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fair 2. Should states enact laws specifically to police the behavior of parents at sporting events? “but maybe it’s inevitable that kids’ priorities change as they mature. They have more 4. Some sports organizations insist that parents sign a pledge before enlisting their child in S. One sportsmanship parents’ guide included tips for parents such as “be supportive of 6. Leonard Zaichowsky, a professor of sports psychology at Boston University, grew up play 55 Associated Press, “Youth Baseball Loses Kids When Playing the Game Isn’t Fun Anymore,” Texarkana Gazette, 56 See “Must Parents Attend All Sports Events,” Wall Street Journal, April 19, 2007.
Notes and Discussio
they settled things themselves. Now parents drive the kids to practice: 7. What factors cause parents to get out of control at sporting events? What would be on the test? Could a league ever revoke a parent’s licern about fines, or an expulsion or banishment from the league? Is it a good idea to require a criminal background check for participati Fan Ethics
11. What conduct do you consider “crossing the line” for a fan? banned for life from all future Philadelphia sporting events?
Matthew Clemmens, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, pleaded guilty in Mi 13. Should youth sport leagues ban “negative cheering,” as some have alrei 14. The NBA gives written warnings to fans who heckle participants and c 15. Heckling and violent behavior is a serious problem in sports.60
16. Stalking is an issue as well unless, of course, you man-y your stalker!61
17. Should there be a higher standard to protect coaches? Participants? Ref should never be posed!62 “Are New York Fans Getting Too Tame?”
57 Fox Butterfield, “A Fatality, Parental Violence and Youth Sports,” New York Times, July 11, : July 30, 2010. manship?” Sports Law Journal (2007). Student Speech at College Basketball Games,” University of Baltimore Law Review (Winter 2 61 See “Chris Chambers Gets Married to His Stalker,” The National Football Post, August 11, ‘. https://sports.60
elementary and middle school, especially boys, play on three, four or five teams,
and the culture revolves around their practices, tourneys and getting to their games.
In contrast, childhood in cities and rural areas isn’t as intensely sports-focused.
~IFIDTO 5TH GHlrn8TH rmt rn om :3BDTO 5’111
3ROTri8111 3BDlU 5TH HlHTOfiTfl 31mmsrn3RDTOfiTH
[,.; :)FiK HHlf4COMF) f”~fiH HH lt!Cfl~WJ
sports, which means a large portion of families focus on youth sports. Ninety
percent of parents with children on a team attend at least one of their kid’s games a
week. And with youth players mostly at the age when they’ll still talk to parents, you
can guess what the subject of conversation often is: 68 percent say they talk at least
every other day about games and practices.
Sabo asked kids whether sports are “a big part of who they are,” and the results
reinforce just how deeply most American kids care about sports.
3 TO 5 6 TO 8 9 rn12 3 rofi s rn s 910 12
becomes the most popular competitive sport, according to the SFIA’s
regular/frequent count. Meanwhile, two sports played largely by one gender -
football for boys and volleyball for girls — grow fast from ages 11 through 14 but
never come close to catching up.
• sor:crn(OUHHHJRI
play organized ball. In a study done for the United States Tennis Association
students a year and found that 40 percent of adolescent boys and 25 percent of girls
play competitive hoops. Soccer and track are the next most popular with both boys
and girls, followed by swimming.
excused for believing that all the competition turns off as many kids as it turns on.
Sabo found that 45 percent of the students in his survey who started a sport had quit
it. Yet as you can see, the reasons for quitting aren’t that youth sports are necessarily
having fun playing, were hurt, didn’t get along with the team or wanted to focus on
their studies. That sheds light on the report’s next finding: 33 percent of kids had
restarted a sport they’d quit. Kids remain drawn to sports. Wlrn TEAMMATES
WSF found that high schools had more teams for both girls and boys than they did
in 2000. To wit, Sabo and his colleague Philip Veliz counted 2.3 million girls and
2.9 million boys playing on high school teams (public and private) in 2011-12 — 30
percent of high school girls and 37 percent of high school boys.
sports, with the biggest drop-off coming early — during and after freslunan year.
High school sports can be competitive and involve roster cuts and commitments
some teenagers can’t make. Kids quit for all the reasons above. Whatever the
explanation, the numbers are sizable: SFIA reports that between ages 14 and 15
there’s a 26 percent drop in the number of kids who play at least one sport even
enough roster slots for at least 50 percent of the boys enrolled, high schools in only
18 states had that many roster slots for girls.
well-funded schools, high school teams could accommodate 75 percent of boys and
62 percent of girls. But high schools in budget-deprived California and Florida, two
other major states, had spots on teams for only 29 percent and 23 percent of girls,
and 39 percent and 30 percent of boys, respectively.
found, high schools had positions on teams for only 22 percent of girls and 33
and boys in North Dakota.
BOYS39% GIRLS 29Cjf,
BOYS38% GIRLS 22′:.-()
BOYS33% GIRLS 22′!,.;~
according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, only a quarter of eighth- to 12th
-graders enrolled in the poorest schools played school sports. (Those are schools
with the highest rate of free-lunch eligibility, which are also among the schools with
communities are playing.) This situation won’t be helped as schools continue to cut
back funds for teams. The percentage of high schools with no sports has already
jumped from 8.2 percent during the 1999-2000 school year to 15.1 percent in 2009-
the United States’ growing population and sports participation, that’s now more
common. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 2.7
million kids under 20 were treated for “sports and recreation” injuries from 2001 to
room visits for traumatic brain injuries (TB Is) among children under 19 rose 62
percent. And football concussions reported among 10- to 14-year-olds more than
doubled from 4,138 in 2000 to 10,759 in 2010, according to the CDC.
concussions, puts football in context. More kids go to emergency rooms with TBis
from biking accidents than from football hits, and the percentage of ER visits for
TBis in football (7.2 percent) was lower than in a bunch of sports, including soccer,
baseball, hockey of all types, ice skating, ATV and dirt-bike riding and, most
dangerous, horseback riding, where an ER visit is twice as likely to involve a brain
injury than in football.
youth leagues, the waistlines of America’s children are growing. According to the
latest CDC numbers, 16.9 percent of kids were obese in 2009-10, almost triple the
rate of 1980. According to the CDC, overweight children have a 70 percent chance
of becoming overweight adults. By 2030, the CDC predicts that 42 percent of all
American adults will be obese.
them on — hasn’t forestalled the epidemic. It can’t help that for every extra hour kids
who love to compete spend in uniform, they spend many more hours staring at a
screen. In 2009, children spent more than 7 1/2 hours in front of some sort of media,
from handheld devices to iPods to computers or TVs, according to the Kaiser
— from the time when the bulk of kids compete in sports to the time when most
don’t — takes a measurable toll. Every year closer to age 18 our kids get, fewer of
them are as physically active as they should be.
the youth-sports pipeline has reached a destination or sorts — by then Serena
Williams had won her first major, Bryce Harper and Kobe Bryant had been drafted
and Tiger Woods had teed it up for his first PGA tourney. The players largely have
been sorted into their categories: future pros; college athletes; club and rec
competitors; and those who give up.
few have not played sports. In the survey done by Sabo for the WSF, only 13
percent of boys and 18 percent of girls between 8 and 17 had never joined a team or
club, had never shared the experience of getting a uniform, practicing with
teammates and running onto the field or court to compete.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74(3), 342-346.
High Ability Studies, 14(1), 85-94.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17(1), 64-78.
The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 81(8), 22-25.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 6(1), 572-579.
Time Magazine.
Psychological Review,
100(3), 363-406.
Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association, 58(4), 377-383.
Vancouver Sun.
The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 81(8), 33-37.
Youth Sports Australia, 23(1), 19-26.
The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 79(8), 11-13.
Journal of the American Chiropractic Association,
41(4), 32-41.
Sociology of Sport Journal, 10(1), 107-114.
The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 81(8), 29-37.
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 4(4), 1-8.
Journal of Sport Behavior, 39(3), 301-316.
Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(6), 364-371.
International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science, 5(2), 37-42.
Journal of Sport Behavior, 41(3), 330-350.
American Scientist, 61(4), 394-403.
Strategies, 28(5), 10-17.
The Sport Psychologist, 23(1), 77-92.
Missouri Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 19, 20-24.
Pediatric Exercise Science, 12(1), 13-22.
abound, however, with abusive parents injuring coaches and children, and out-of-control fans engag
ing in unethical conduct.
as volunteers and are necessary for the administration and the eventual success of the league. Ethical
parents are supportive of coaches, participants, and other parents. They teach young athletes respect
for coaches, other participants, and sports officials. Parents set the tone for their young athlete by set
ting an example of a true sportsman. Fans are essential to professional sports; after all, they buy tick
ets! Ethical fans are not obsessed with their hero as was Wesley Snipes in the movie The Fan with
Robert De Niro. Good fans are polite and not abusive: they are, in essence, good sports.
or officials undermine the sporting efforts of all involved. Ethical standards attempt to mold good
behavior on the part of parents and fans. These standards usually come into play as punishment for
unacceptable behavior, with the hope that these penalties will act as a deterrent of future acts of bad
behavior or poor sportsmanship by both parents and fans.
events and, of course, winning. No one likes to lose, but for a young athlete it is inevitable; the ath
lete must learn to lose and be a good sport in the process. That is a tough task for a 9-year-old but
sometimes an even tougher task for the parents of that child. Young athletes are encouraged and are
excited when they look into the stands and see their parents cheering for them. 2
2 “Soccer Moms Gone Wild: When Parents Need to Be Refereed at Youth Sports Games,” Wall Street Journal,
good examples for their children, play within the rules, act ethically, and conduct themselves properly
at sporting events. Many parents are enthralled with the idea of their child hitting the winning home run,
scoring the winning touchdown, or making the winning goal. There is certainly nothing wrong with that,
but when a parent loses his or her focus or perspective, then trouble looms on the horizon.3
ents view the participation of their child in sports as a part of the educational process. Patticipation in
interscholastic or youth sports is a learning experience for students; kids will make mistakes and par
ents must understand that. Ethical parents praise their children’s attempts to improve as dedicated stu
dents, athletes, and citizens. Parents must operate as role models for their children in all areas of life,
and that includes sports participation. Parents should encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrat
ing positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game or practice. Parents’ conduct
is considered unethical if they “misbehave.” Pai·ents would do well to follow these suggestions:
sport. Stress that “winning isn’t everything,” especially at the early stages of youth involve
ment in sport.
learn a lesson, step in and instruct.
ticipants how to accept defeat is a giattt step toward good sportsmanship.
a self-evaluation of your own conduct.
years. 4 For whatever reason, Little League baseball and youth sports in general, seem to bring out the
a Little League baseball game. 6 Criminal acts have even occurred at youth sports. U
Little League game in Vallejo, California, a parent was stabbed. 7 With tight family sc
playing 40-plus games in a short season, taking music lessons, playing Wii, and
doing homework, parents, kids, and coaches ai·e under extreme pressure. 8
and being a good sport. His “I Won’t Cheat Foundation” is “on a mission to encom
being the guy who does the cheating, but not saying anything about it and going along
especially, they need as many people as possible to say: You don’t want to do that. Yo,
right way to be successful. Kids see the short-term gain, that’s kind of the challenge w
any age-you see the short-term gain, you don’t see the long-term consequences.9
olds do not need to be told they are showing “lack of effort,” are “dogging it,” or are
would be wise to consider how the sport of baseball is played and the pace of the !
ers waiting in a field to hopefully get a chance to “muff’ a “soft” ball is not exact
average 5-year-old considers enticing. Parents should keep in mind the nature o:
“encouraging” their child to be successful. What about penalizing disruptive pari
them a certain distance from the field? About a hundred yards to be exact! That is\
a parent in one Maryland soccer league. The league president said:
the past three years rather than fining them, because the parents would pay the money
bad behavior. We have taken a strong stance. It’s important. This isn’t the World Cup
parents to be sln”ieking on the sidelines and belittling people goes against everything v
Chapter 5 Ethical Comiderations for Parents and Fans 174
parents in supporting t eir , .the proper role of
should read, understand, and
d ct at any game or practice will be
asked to leave the sports facility and be suspen e , or the
game. Repeat violations
season forfeiture of the
, and ethics in sports are
sportsmanship and six
, Good citizenship,
The highest potential of sports
d participate to have fun
3. I will inform the coach of any
affect the safety of my child the policies of the league.
5. I ( and my guests) will be p d rtesy and by demon-
strating positive support t
spectators at every game, p , , of unsportsmanlike conduct
6, I (and my guests) will no h as booing and taunt-
with any official, coac ‘ , , f language or gestures.
ing; refusing to sha e an ‘ t’ es that would endanger
7. I will not encourage any e
, by the rules and18, I will teach my child to p ay
without resorting to O coaches officials,
I will demand that my chi creed, color, sex or
and spectators with respec
ning, so that my child will
a pledge that he or she will promote sportsmanship as well as following a code of
gion and gender. Examine the following two case studies dealing with girl parti<
league and prayer before a youth sports game.
Comments During Youth Sport Competitions:’ Joumal of Sport Behavior 22 (1999); Margaret’
Messner, and Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach, Paradoxes of Youth and Sport (New York: State Universi
Press, 2002).
October 4, 2008.
2010; Bruce Weber, “Judge Sylvia J’ressler, Who Opened Little League to Girls, Dies at 75,” Ne
February 17, 2010.
commg ou~ and making us look b_ad,” said Michael Abraham, Jaime’s coach. After parents complained, The
Hoop, a pnvate _league that organizes the games, told Jaime she could no longer play with the boys, citing a
rule that bars nuxed-gender teams.14
2. What reasons can you provide that Jaime should not be able to play basketball with the
3. What would you do about the parents who do not want her making their sons look bad on
4. Is there an age limit at which girls should no longer participate in a boys’ league?
faced by the Medford Little League in Oregon. A parent pulled his son from coach Chris Palmer’s Indians base
ball team (the name of which presents another ethical issue} because the parent said Palmer “forced” religion on
the kids by leading them in prayer and quoting Bible verses. “All I wanted was for my daughter to sign up and
play baseball this spring. Not to have religion or prayer shoved down her throat. There’s a time and place for
prayer-and baseball isn’t it,” said Mike, a former assistant coach for Palmer. Coach Palmer said, “I just pray
that the Lord will watch over us …. I’ve never had anyone raise a stink about it.” 15
higher power you choose to worship? 16
specifying no particular religion, during the prayer? 17
prayer still prohibited under those circumstances? 18
Boys, ABC News, May 24, 2008.
Se~ Denm~ Collms, Nearer ~y God to the Goal Line: • Suppose I Pray to Win, and the Other Guy, He Prays to
Wm, Whats God Gonna Do?’ ‘ Washington Post, November19, 1978.
(Summer1984): 306–318.
Sara Pulham Batley, Where God Talk Gets Stdelmed: Sports Joumahsts Are Reluctant to Tackle Faith on the
Field,”Wall Street Joumal, February4, 2010.
5. What role should religion play in youth sports, if any? Consider th<
enter the playing field. The principal of the school stated:
had known about it, I probably would not have approved of them ,
basis of the court’s ruling … if you allow Christian verses then )
Buddhist, or Jewish and everything else. And to be perfectly hone
People, and especially parents, can become angry, and sometimes at th
negative consequences. “Rage” has become a term of art.2
the context of an organized athletic activity, any physical attack upon anoth,
ing wounding, or otherwise touching in an offensive manner, and/or any mal
sus~ained harassment which threatens subsequent violence or bodily harm.” :
Parental rage has taken youth sports to a new level. Anyone who h
coaches and officials, which consists primarily of volunteers (the key word b
not be subject to criticism; they will. However, violent acts and parental are di
criticism.2 4 Parental abuse or rage can include any of the following:
• Improper touching of a participant, referee, coach, or other parent
• Abusive language (including profanity) that demeans, ridicules, or bel
• Entering the playing field uninvited
• Making derogatory comments to coaches, parents, officials, league oJ
• Failing to follow the rules and regulations of the league
Your Short Game?” Wall Street Jo11mal, April 27, 2010.
21 Sophronia Scott Gregory and Adam Cohen, “Black Rage: In Defense of a Mass Murde1
22 Gregg S. Heinzmann, “Parental Violence in Youth Sports: Facts, Myths, and Violence;’
23 See Howard P. Benard, “Little League Fun, Big League Liability,” Marquette Sports Lt;
25 For further study, see G. S. Heinzmann, “Parental Violence in Youth Sports: Facts, Myt
(New York: Fireside, 2003):
mend?26 In the following case, an out-of-control parent threatened violence against a young player.
When is that ever appropriate? The simple answer: never.
How Can We Prevent Soccer Moms and Hockey Dads from Interfering in Youth Sports and Causing Games to
End in Fistfights Rather Than Handshakes;’ VillanovaSports and Entertainment Law Journal (2003); Geoffrey
G. Watson, “Games, Socialization and Parental Values: Social Class Differences in Parental Evaluation of Little
League Baseball,” flllemational Review for the Sociology of Sport (1977).
regarding whether De
will toward Jordan o
where Jordan was c • t h
a bag.on his shoulder, a hockey stick under his arm,”
Hale is an asshole.” and s,
tortuous conduc1
that implied maj
thing other than ill will toward any
geous that malice t d
can be implied.
of Thomson ii
the parent?
4. Shhould the parent be forced to take anger management. classes before he
/. as~achusetts hockey rmk. The encounter between Thomas Junta known as the “H k
Costm occurred on July 5 2000 C . . . • oc eyC . , , , . ostm was superv:ismg a hockey practice for IO-year-old
Dunng the scnrnmage, Junta became upset when he saw players acting rough and e·
t~e ro_ugh pla\ between the boys. Costin was in his protective hockey gear a~~
fter the ph · al I • me
. ysic a tercatlon, a rink employee separated Junta and Costin and re
en Junta returned to the nnk, he once again ran into Cos”n A d
th e neck. Upon their amval at the rink, paramedics found Costin without a pulse
removed from the ventdator, and died, Junta surrendered to the police and was arrested
at a youth sports game. Junta was found guilty and sentenced to 6 to JOyears in prison. 27 He was found guilty
which would have sentenced Junta to 20 years in prison. 28
ema to the desired goal of the ethical parent. When the stakes appear to be higher for the parents than
for the children, parents have an obligation to examine their own behavior and to refrain from uneth
ical conduct.
1 s
2. Should criminal charges be brought in this case?
3. What ethical and legal decisions would the school’s athletic department be faced with in this
lead to dire consequences and possible legal action.
28 Fox Butterfield, “Fatal Fight at Rink Nearly Severed Head, Doctor Testifies,” New York Times, January 15, 2002, A9.
The Jupiter-Tequesta Athletic Association is requiring parents to take an hour-1<
de-escalate the intensity that’s being shown by the parents at these games.” The progran
parent or guardian for each family. It states the roles and responsibilities of a parent of a
minute video and a handbook. The first season had many parents enrolled in the class.
puts it succinctly when discussing parental misconduct: “It makes it not as fun …. I wis
the head with a baseball. The boy was hit in the head and in the groin with a baseball just I
ability. Witnesses told police that Downs, who was a t-ball coach, did not want the be
In a previous game, another coach said that Downs had been cautioned by an umpir
wanted to keep the boy off the field, despite a league rule that required every player to part
a game. Downs was arrested and arraigned on charges of criminal solicitation to commit a
ruption of minors, criminal conspiracy to commit simple assault, and recklessly endang,
He was convicted on corruption charges of a minor and criminal solicitation to commit :
30 “Coach Denies Targeting Child;’,July 18, 2005.
as p 1ayers ran Off the . h
boys, ages l2 to 14, into cars and headed to the hospital1 ending the
taking the fun out of sports and creating a negative learning environ
upbringing and to
‘nterest in engaging their children in sp,
parents had to organize and implemen·
for their children. · · Litt
, • rograms within loc
ld Little League has brought youn
and b~ys together on ball fields around the world a~d. curren ,
to have a 1mos t 3 0f ,
. American Youth .. te in an ore
ages i , h t by implementing,
soccer 1eag · n h · h ha•
phies such as “Everyone cer and AYSO’s id<
par o . d· u~ as football and
appealing because soccer is not as angero ~
place the same kind of focalized pressure on children as bas
sports leagues were crea e ” . , n
, competitive athletic environment for ye
to represent “minia l
h ts programs · never
Sp orts leagues. Carl Stotz, Bil1
to replicate professiona
to be fun, recreational, an sSpor ts
Despite their intentions, youth sports eventually became so
parents became more invo , the cornbinat
over-structuring of youth sports programs and pare_
t names r trophies, ti
hi children experiencand even corporate sponsors p,
Each instance of unnecessary .
the erosion of constructive values g eha~e h’ldren from becoming vio
sports. Faren s w O
lent and overly aggressive should be t who aim to
example. Coaches and you should commu-
prevent incidents of paren a f ptable and unacceptable
nicate with parents and set guid~lines or ::c:n outh sports, par-
b h . r With so many notable violent even y
en ts, coaches; youth sports bl
acknowledging finally that a problem . 1
elf-regulation have emerged as effective ways
th s arts leagues are establis ing mo e
training programs for administrators in managi
To be fully effective, ” t
needed to train volunteer coaches,
some youth sports leagues require k
ground checks to obtain a coaching posi io . . ders …
intended to minimize
NAYS president Fred Engh commen e . ter their child with-
sports for children sou . t tion and training program on
out the parent going through an orien a
. . . . rage has no place in
sports control ‘ld Unfortunately, parents
recreational spo.rt1ng a . l t acts with little
and other adults have comm ‘tt’ g an example to children
no consequence, inadvertently transmi in ted a cycle of
violence wins. ff th field Lawmakers, youth
uncontrollable behavior both on and: chil:ren na~ionwide should
sports leagues, coaches, parents, an
find a way to stop sports
Implementing a national S l ce
will reduce the number of tragic • . , t players to play the
youth p d the parents to be able to
game, the coaches to coach the game an
. , of Thomson Reuters.
Consider the following questions as they relate to e iore .ii
2. Do you think a national standard of behavior for youth sports is feasible?
3. Should youth sports leagues be less organized with less parental involvemen
an original idea!
their own disputes?
;11good time; however, sometimes a “good time” can get out of hand. Just as any other
uld have a good time at the ballpark, there is a line that cannot be crossed. Getting
ore together in a large stadium with alcohol present and enthusiasmrnnning high c
xcitement. Teams and stadium owners have both a legal and an ethical duty tc
urethat spectators conduct themselves in a proper manner so as not to offend othe:
owing when a spectator has crossed the line into inappropriate or unethical c,
, intoxicated heckler at a golf match? Is a taser appropriate under these circ
there be an age limit defining which fans are subject to taser or assault?
s can become overly boisterous and rowdy, even violent. 33 Fans have a respon
ance with the rnles and to control their behavior at sporting events. 34 Unneces
is-anathema to the proper conduct that ethical fans should follow. Fans, like
e ethical decisions. They can choose the ethical course or allow themselve,
other sports officials.
natured “ragging” of a player by a fan is generally accepted, but cursin:
‘nensuring fans behave themselves. The fan has a responsibility for beha,
‘th, “Drunk Golf Fan Tasered for Heckling Tiger Woods at The Players Champi
see Bill Simmons’s list of “20 Most Annoying Fans at a Baseball Game.” Bill S
“~’s Best Faus? We Gotta Hand It to Steelers (Barely),”, August 29, 20(
officials. (Again, only if done reasonably.) This behavior is done to encourage and motivate the players.
ship. Committing a violent, drunken, or criminal act will not be tolerated and is considered inappro
priate fan conduct. This behavior can be punished by expulsion from the stadium as well as the fan
suffering the legal consequences of his or her actions. Owners want fans excited about their team, but
only if fans do so ethically and follow the conduct rules set down by the owner and society in general.
Professional leagues and teams have recently begun to publish codes of conduct for fans. The follow-
of conduct. Failure to follow this Code will result in possible ejection from the stadium, revocation
of ticket privileges, and arrest. Although Season Ticket Holders may give their tickets to others, the
The following actions are prohibited at the stadium and in surrounding parking lots:
• Sitting in a seat other than one’s ticketed seat location or refusing to produce one’s game
• Use of foul, abusive, or obscene language or gestures
• Damage, destruction, vandalism, or theft of any property of other fans or the club
• Failure to follow the directions of law enforcement, security, ushers, ticket takers, or any
• Unauthorized use of any seating designed for persons with a disability
• Engaging in any action that causes a disruption, creates an unsafe environment, interferes
• Mistreatment of visiting team fans, including verbal abuse, harassment, profanity, con-
• Refusal to remove or turn inside-out clothing deemed offensive or obscene upon requ
2. Under what circumstances should club officials remove a fan?
3. How do you define “irresponsible use of alcohol”?
• Intoxication or other signs of alcohol impairment that result in irresponsible behavior
• Interference with the progress of the ame C . . .
Verbal o . s a mm personnel
out of hand, it is considered acceptablseb ah , ~nd Im ?ther sports as well. As long as
w en t e playeris not playing well? Sh Id thl . . mmen w en fans h
James was heckled at a wedding rece ~:n : /t~ be sub3ectto heckling in a public l
dently an art form to heckling 37 The p u . n _a so heckled at an amusement park.3
stated it well: · q eStlOn is, when does a heckler go too far? c
most verbal heckling it is a little more d’ffi Ip s _ould be av01ded. While many play
at certam spectator events and taboo at Others. D 1· hallemg t rown. Nmea mg with noise is
and coaches. At spectator events such tg a vantage by a home te
to yell and cheer for your team It . ats foot~dall, baseball, and basketball, it is considere
family, race, or any other disparaging re ·k th pria e ye comments about a1golfer, following a noisy tournam t mai . n e game of golf, however, noise is disn
ness person in their business life and th h Id. ‘ 1:1cer am y not gomg to go out and
Another mappropriate behavior b s ec · . , ·
, d ou cons1 er taking this bit of d · “T •
• Charles Albert “Chi’ef’ B d e er a heckler will continue his
decades of the 20th century d . . B a Ive mencan baseball pla) . an ls m aseball’s Hall ofF A h .
r~cial taunts gracefully and wi ~ans heckled him or greeted him ::hf~:11:~~~ng
“dan, “LeBron James Heckled at Carmelo’ ~ d: Its ;ans, _USA Today, August 6, 200l
“LeBron James Heckled at Amusement p sk ; mg ece~twn,”‘, July 12, 2·
· , · , por s tlquette” p d’ -~ ·
atwn Annual Convention Citat1’011 . d ‘ rocee mgs o, the 2007 Association
•, ox1e,Encyclopedia of North America, 1 d’ .
see Tom Swift, Chief Bender’s Burden. “s’.~ns (SBoston,MA: Houghton Mifflin Har J,
an athlete’s personal life? There was much debate about this issue when Tiger Woods returned to the
golf course in 2010. Some fans made comments about Woods’s off-course activities.40 There are eth
ical guidelines for hecklers. 4 t Legal constraints impose obligations on fans that mandate appropriate.
behavior and fans can also be ejected for poor sportsmanship and conduct.
said his comments were within the boundaries of “fair comment.” Representatives of the Knicks and the NBA
said the warning was “routine” and part of a leaguewide effort to control fan behavior that was instituted after,
ing that the comments, gestures and/or behaviors that you have directed at players, coaches, game officials,
2. Should there be different levels of warning to fans before they are ejected?
3. What conduct should a fan be ejected for?
4. Would a fan commenting on the sexual harassment lawsuit against Isiah Thomas while he
all, a public record.
very loyal to their team and hostile to visitors. According to an algorithm designed by Nielsen, the
most hated team in Major League Baseball is actually the Cleveland Indians, not the New York
Yankees, who finished a distant fifth.44 Consider the following case in which a heckler provoked
a player.
41 Robin Ficker, “The Heckler’s Code,” New York Times, November 22, 2004.
42 Joe Lapointe, “NBA Gives Etiquette Warning to Fans,” l11temat/011alHerald Tribune, December 14, 2007.
43 Ashby Jones, “The Happy Heckler Can’t Be Heard Now in the Din at Tropicana Field,” Wall Street Journal,
44 David Biderman, “Are the Yankees Truly the Most-Despised Ballclub?” Wall Street Journal, April 28, 2010.
d At the end of the third inning, Grimsley, after his c,ts an s . t th be1
left his catching position and was walking over o e ·1
for Grimsley to intentionally throw a “pitch” into the grandstands where the hecklei
In the following case a minor league baseball player decided to take matters mt
between’ the Martinsville Phillies and the Bluefield Orioles, a I
and whether for this or some other reason Simmons moved down i
· h ·t h’ng coach [of the Oriol,whatever was precisely said, t epic 1.
2. If a fan merely has a license to be on the premises, under what circumstances could the
take immediate action to remove abusive fans from the premises. In the fourth quarter of a 1995
game between the Giants and the Chargers, fans began throwing snowballs from their seats and one
struck Chargers equipment manager Sid Brooks in the face, rendering him unconscious for 30 seconds.·.
A mclee ensued with fourteen fans being arrested, 175 ejections, and 15 injuries. It was rec,orted.
“Early in the fourth quarter, an ice ball sent in the direction of the San Diego bench hit Brooks in
left eye. ‘He went down like a ton of bricks,’ said the Chargers’ doctor, Paul Black, rendering him
unconscious. As the teams were called off the field and the crowd was warned a cancellation
imminent, ugly got uglier: more snowballs were hurled at the circle of trainers and players
rounding Brooks, out for thirty frightening seconds, down for two frightening minutes.” 45
after his team’s 2-0 defeat of the Yankees. “Joyner was grazed on the left arm by the butt end of
weapon, escaping injury. Said Joyner, “I picked it up and gave it to (Angels’ manager] Gene Mauch’.
Sox/Tigers doubleheader. Fans bringing a disco record were charged only 98 cents for admissi
December 24, 1995.
pieces. A riot ensued on the field as about 7000 fans brawled and set off bonfires w
ing the postponement of the second game. Fonner major league player Rusty Staub
slice around you and stick in the ground. It wasn’t just one, it was many. Oh, God a
seen anything so dangerous in my life. I begged the guys to put on their batting Ju
coach Tom Gamboa was unprecedented. The “fan,” William Ligue, Jr. and his l
onto the field and attacked Gamboa from behind. Ligue had telephoned his sistE
night’s attack and told her to watch the White Sox game. Ligue was charge,
battery-he told the police that he charged the field because he was angry that ti
losing. However, the evidence strongly supports the fact that the attack was prer
before he ran onto the field, he handed his keys, cell phone, and jewelry to another
wearing a pocketknife on his waistband when he ran on the field. His 15-year-ol
with two juvenile counts of aggravated battery; one for attacking Gamboa and th<
White Sox security guard, who was an off-duty police officer. Gamboa was pum1
several cuts and a large bruise on his forehead. 48 These episodes are emblematic u
by fans.
have been the victims of stalking, including entertainers and sports stars. 49
has become a major problem in sports. 51 The New York Times reported:
his stalker.53 She subsequently sued her for defamation.
gers, “Two Fans Attack Coach During White Sox Grune,” Chicago Tribu11e, Septemt
ny McCartney, “Trial Begins for Accused Shawn Johnson Stalker,” USA Today, June f
Scheck, “Stalkers Exploit Cellphone OPS,” Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2010; Subr
“Regulating Cyberstalking,” Journal of l11formatio11, Law,and Technology (February
.n Sport Studies’ and Pop Culture Studies’ Perspectives on Fandom,” Sport in Society
580-600; J. Reid Meloy, Lon-aine Sheridan, and Jens Hoffmann, Stalking, Threaten/1
Figures: A Psychological and Behavioral Analysis (New York: Oxford University Pn
autograph, and appearing at ball parks and hotels where he was staying.
2. What actions should stadium officials take to prevent such conduct? Hov
3. Where is the ethical line drawn between an enthusiastic fan and a stalke
4. The fan was banned from Brewers’ home and road games. How can tha
ested. However, that does not stop many fans from domgJust that. Runnmg 01
. Erica Eneman and Amy Nadler alleged to have suffered personal inju
y persons attempting to come onto the playing field at Camp Randall St
t been closed by security personnel at the conclusion of the game. Consid
her judgment, would have prevented injury. Although her pla
in poor sportsmanship, criminal activity, or unethical conduct?
3. How could stadium owners prevent these tragic events in the future?
ness, caring, and good citizenship. Should there be penalties, either civilly or criminally,
for those parents who fail to act properly?
3. Youth sports are for children; therefore, by definition, they should be fun. It has been stated,
homework, new social lives and don’t always love baseball enough to put in long hours of
practice and play. If they also play basketball, soccer or football, they often start specializ
ing in one sport by middle school, rather than alternating with the seasons.”55 Do you agree
with this statement?
sports program. A sample pledge consists of the following: “I hereby pledge to provide
positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in youth sports. I will
encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches,
and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sports event.” Do you consider this
pledge an effective tool to curb potential parental rage?
coaches,” “teach respect for auth01ity,” “focus on your child as an individual,” and “be
mindful of your role as a role model.” Which of these tips is the most important? Is it the
role of youth sports to teach respect for auth01ity or is it the job of teachers and parents?56
ing hockey in Alberta, Canada, and notes that one important development in youth sports
has been the sheer increase of parental involvement in sports. “When I was growing up,
parents were minimally involved,” he said. “Kids rode their bikes or walked to games, and
April 9, 2009.
things have gotten more organized, the stakes are higher.”57
8. Is a mandatory ethics course for parents who want to participate in s1
9. How should a youth sports league penalize parents who exhibit unethic
10. Should parents be required to recite the parent code of conduct before th
to a service provided by Protect Youth Sports (’
12. What are your thoughts on the Philadelphia Phillies fan described bel
assault, harassment, and disorderly conduct. Clemmens admitted he s1
down his throat and vomited on Michael Vangelo, an off-duty Easton,
police captain, and Vangelo’s daughter, after they began arguing at the P
National game on April 14 at Citizens Bank Park.58
parents and fans be allowed to cheer “against” an eight-year-old ball I
when he makes an error? At what age do opponents become “fair game”
mentary” from opposing players?
tice was intended to control unruly behavior. The heckler in one case st
Isiah!” Is this “over-the-top”? Should warning systems for abusive faJ
sports similar to that of the NBA? In youth sports, what should the war
18. What part does the media play in creating or encouraging fan rage? He1
58 Barry Leibowitz, “Matthew Clemmens, Vomiting Phillies Fan, Will Do Time for Nauseating
59 Kelley Tiffany, “Cheering Speech at State University Athletic Events: How Do You Regulat,
60 See Jonathan Singer, “Keep It Clean: How Public Universities May Constitutionally Enforce
Press, “Player Who Shot Heckler Is Back on the Field,” New York Times, January 21, 2010.
62 Jason Gay, “Are New York Fans~Getting Too Tame?” Wall Street Joumal, June 9, 2010.