Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance
Module 1: Organizational Theory, Structure, Change, & Culture
Module 1 – Case
MHA510 Health Care delivery system
Ononuju Justin Emeka
Trident University
Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance
This paper explores the organizational theory published in Chapter 2 of Organizational Behaviors and Theory in Health Care by Walston, Stephen, Staff, Association of University Programs in Health Administration.
Organization theory is the examination of the performance and efficiency of employees within an organization.
Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance
There are five theories of management discussed in chapter 2 of the Organizational Behavior and Theory in Health care, among them are Scientific Management Theory, Administrative Theory, Human Relations Theory, Theory X and Y and the contingency Approach.
Scientific Management Theory: mechanical engineer Frederick W. Taylor in the late 1800s and early 1900s developed Scientific Management theory by systematically using time and motion to study and analyze human behavior at work. Scientific Management theory considered human input as cheap and interchangeable part that can be used to increase or maximize efficiency by breaking down production processes into small units; basically, Scientific management theory is a way of improving and structuring an organization or any business to maximum efficiency.
Administrative Theory: Administrative theory is in other words a structural theory or a process theory by which a clear division of labor and delegation of authority and power are assigned to managers for their specific areas of responsibilities. In the early 1900s several individuals like Max Weber sought ways to design and structure the best formal practice to manage firms, businesses, and organizations. Based on Max Weber’s proposition, Henri Fayol proposed 14 general management principles. These principles are functional principle, Scalar principle, division of labor, authority and responsibility, discipline, subordination of individual interest, order, unit of direction, remuneration,
Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance
centralization, equity, stability, initiative, and esprit de corps (the responsibility to motivate others).
Human Relations Theory: According to Hawthorne studies conducted in 1920s, I will define human relations management theory as a motivation theory which aims to raise employees moral, performance and productivity. As stated by the study, “This and other early studies suggested that workers’ needs for achievement, recognition, and social interaction could affect their productivity.”
(Chapter 2, Organizational Behavior and Theory in Health).
Theory X and Theory Y: These theories define how managers perceive their subordinates (employees) and how it affects motivation and behaviors. According to Douglas McGregor, managers with theory X perception supervise their workers closely while managers with Y theory perception allow their employees more freedom to make decisions, focus on developing workers’ skills, and encourage participation.
Contingency Approach: several researchers and writers explored this concept in the 1950s, as they said, ‘Weber’s bureaucracy and Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theories had failed as they had implied one best way to organize and ignored the effects of the environment on management style and organizational structure.” “There is no one best way to lead and organize, they contended.”
(Chapter 2, Organizational Behavior and Theory in Health).
Based on their approach, Contingency approach has no one definition rather it is a situational approach that is contingent on a company’s needs both internal and external.
Open System Theory: this theory agrees with contingency theory. Open system theory affirms that organization or firms are highly influenced by their environments and that the environment contributes a significant role with what happens in a company or organization.
To compare and contrast the theory noted in box two and box one, box two mainly about Hawthorne’s studies conducted in the early 1920s on Human Relations Theory which basically is about motivating workers to promote moral, performance and productivity while box one is mostly about scientific management theory analyzing human behavior.
In box three, the two health care examples that would be applicable to box one will be theory X and Y and the scientific theory.
Part 2
Six Theories |
Comparison |
Two Applicable Health Care Examples |
Scientific Management Theory: |
Human Relations Theory: |
Physiological Needs and Safety and Security |
Administrative Theory: |
The Contingency Approach: |
Social Interaction / love and Belonging, Safety and Security |
Theory X Theory Y: |
Theory X against Theory Y: |
Esteem, Social interaction / Love and Belonging |
Esteem, Self-Actualization |
Reference Page
Organizational Behaviors and Theory in Health Care (Chapter 2) by Walston, Stephen, Staff, Association of University Programs in Health Administration
theory X and theory Y
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs | IxDF (interaction-design.org)