Discussion/Exercise 1
Type Analysis of Folktales
In each small group, please start FOUR discussion threads, one for each Tale Type.
The first four people should each post a paragraph (about 150 words) to start a discussion for a different type:
Summarize how the movie, Into the Woods, adapted a traditional tale type (ATU 310, 328, 333 or 510).
Describe one specific episode or motif that the movie
added or
Why do you think the screenplay authors changed the story?
Post your paragraphs in the discussion area below.
James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim wrote the screenplay for Rob Marshall’s movie,
Into the Woods. Together, these three authors were the actual storytellers, but let’s
simplify and say that “the movie” is a storyteller.
The movie adapts four Tale Types. First, find these type descriptions in the
310 (Rapunzel); 328 (Jack and the Beanstalk); 333 (Red Riding Hood); 510 (Cinderella).
Then, watch the movie and note where it repeats traditional episodes and motifs, and where it adds something new and uncommon.