MindTap Videos to Watch
Topic 1 | SQL | |||||||||||||||||
Data Models | ||||||||||||||||||
Topic 2 | Relational Model | |||||||||||||||||
Unary Many to Many Relationships | ||||||||||||||||||
Database Design Process | ||||||||||||||||||
Topic 3 | Triggers | |||||||||||||||||
CREATE TABLE Basics | ||||||||||||||||||
CREATE TABLE with Relationships | ||||||||||||||||||
Topic 4 | SELECT Operations | |||||||||||||||||
SELECT Clause Basics | ||||||||||||||||||
FROM Clause Basics | ||||||||||||||||||
WHERE Clause Basics | ||||||||||||||||||
BETWEEN Operator | ||||||||||||||||||
IN Operator | ||||||||||||||||||
LIKE Operator | ||||||||||||||||||
IS NUL Operator | ||||||||||||||||||
Optional Videos to Watch | Selecting Primary Keys (chapter 5) | |||||||||||||||||
Normalization of Database Tables Part 1 (chapter 6) | ||||||||||||||||||
Normalization of Database Tables Part 2 (chapter 6) | ||||||||||||||||||
Normalization of Database Tables Part 3 (chapter 6) | ||||||||||||||||||
Improving the Design (chapter 6) | ||||||||||||||||||
Two-Phase Locking Protocol (chapter 10) | ||||||||||||||||||
Big Data and Data Science (chapter 14) |
Health care data management
Complete the “File Structures” assignment in MindTap for Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and
Management. Examine the provided file structures and answer the associated problem questions.
This assignment aligns to the following AMIA 2017 Core Competencies for Health Informatics Curricula at the
master’s degree level:
F2: Information Science and Technology: Shows How
F4: Health Information Science and Technology: Shows How