Module 1 Assignment: Reading Response
For your first major assignment, you are going to write a Response to a reading on
internationalization. Responses like this are common assignments you might encounter in
many different courses. For this Response, you will choose one reading to respond to in a
manner appropriate to the genre.
Write a 750-800 word Response to one of the following readings from class:
● “Car Talk” (Louie & Qin, 2018)
● “Perceived Discrimination” (Poyrazil & Lopez, 2017)
Your Response should assume an interested
academic reader who is unfamiliar with the
original reading but has some interest in the
How are you
In your Response, provide a general overview of
the reading and then highlight a few points from
the reading to discuss in more detail.
● For example, you may choose to agree
with a point made by the author, disagree
with a point, or discuss why a particular
point is interesting, important, or problematic.
● Be sure to support your ideas with explanations or examples.
● At the top of your paper, include a complete APA reference to the reading you are responding to and
use APA documentation style for any quotations from the reading.
Responses like this are often written to demonstrate an understanding of something (in this case, a reading)
and to share the writer’s viewpoints on the topic they are responding to in a concise and organized manner.
This assignment will also help you work towards achieving the following course objectives:
1D. analyze the ways a text’s purposes, audiences, and contexts influence rhetorical options.
1E. respond to a variety of writing contexts calling for purposeful shifts in structure, medium, design,
level of formality, tone, and/or voice.
3D. identify and effectively use variations in genre conventions, including formats and/or design
3E. apply citation conventions systematically in their own work
4E. evaluate and act on peer and instructor feedback to revise their texts.
4F. reflect on their progress as an academic writer
1. First Draft: January 31
2. Peer Review: February 2
3. Second Draft/ Individual Conference: February 7-9
4. Final Due Date: February 12 at 11:59 pm
Rubric (Assessment Criteria)
Your Response will be graded according to the following criteria:
Excellent Good Average Below
Response includes an appropriate and
accurate summary of the original
8 6 4 2 0 __/8
Response identifies interesting points
from reading to discuss and possibly
agree or disagree with, demonstrating
evidence of critical engagement with
the text.
8 6 4 2 0 __/8
Claims are supported with sufficient
explanation and/or examples.
8 6 4 2 0 __/8
Response appropriately uses or
adapts conventional features of
summaries and critiques, such as
reporting verbs, verb tense,
evaluative language, APA citation
to the source, and proper use of
8 6 4 2 0 __/8
Response meets the assignment
guidelines including all drafts
4 3 2 1 0 __/4