1. Scholarship recipients are expected to seek gainful employment in the field for which they are being trained. In 300-500 words, describe your educational career goals and how this QuickJobs program will fit into those goals.
2QuickJobs programs require strong reading comprehension, business math skills (fractions/percentages), and the ability to use graphs, blue prints, and other documents to gather information. In 300-500 words, describe your abilities in these areas. Feel free to reference previous WIN or other test scores if applicable, work experience, school examples, etc. (PLEASE ADHERE TO THE WORD COUNT PARAMETER)*
3. In 300-500 words, explain the abilities and/or qualifications you currently hold or hope to obtain in this subject area, that you believe will help you stand out in a career after completing your program
The quick jobI pick is accounting/payroll specialist. I have a degree already inEarlyChildhood Education but I am Tired of work with