By using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a visual graphic that explains the variables inthe question below and how to make the best decision as the manager.
You are the manager of the only firm in the world that specializes in exporting fish products to
Japan. Your firm competes against a handful of Japanese firms that enjoy a significant firstmover advantage. Recently, one of your Japanese customers has called to inform you that the
Japanese legislature is considering imposing a quota that would reduce the number of pounds of
fish products you are permitted to ship to Japan each year. Your first instinct is to call the trade
representative of your country to lobby against the import quota.
• Is following through with your first instinct necessarily the best decision? Why or why
Editable Graphic Organizers
Graphic Organizers
Free Graphic Organizer Templates
8 Editable Graphic Organizer Templates for Google Apps
Tips on Designing a Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge map, concept map, cognitive organizer,
advance organizer, or concept diagram is a tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge
and concepts by visualizing the relationships between them. The main purpose of a graphic
organizer is to provide a visual aid to facilitate learning.
Examples of Graphic Organizers
Concept Maps
Venn Diagram
Flow Charts in Google slides
View the Visual Organizer Rubric.
1.5-6 Page Paper
2.APA style formatting is required for each written assignment. Please use the APA 7th edition.
An updated copy of the APA changes and a sample of an APA paper can be found in the
General Course Forums of the course Global Academic Portal (GAP).
3.All papers are to consist of original composition, double spaced, 12 type font in Times New
4.The page length requirement does not include the title page, abstract or reference pages.
5.Papers should begin with an introduction and should end with a conclusion.
6.The body of the paper must include citations according to the APA style format.
7.Every assignment should contain at least six references.