things that need to be submitted
a annotated biography, a image that depict the topic and one of the option from step 3
1. Research the topic and select five primary source scientific articles to write about.
- identify five articles
at least three should be primary sources
one can be a review
one can be a secondary source
the secondary source cannot be the same story as any of the primary sources2. Design an image using photos from different sources OR draw your own to depict what your topic looks like to you.
3Create a research journal, podcast, video or portfolio to disseminate the information.
BIOL209 Genetics Lab
Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for papers relevant to a particular topic accompanied by a
bulleted summary (annotation) of each paper. For more information about annotated bibliographies:
Assignment: Find 3 sources of primary literature that specifically identifies your topic and create an annotated
bibliography on those articles. This is an individual assignment. You should begin your search on This is a repository of peer-reviewed primary source articles. You may also use Google Scholar.
You may not use reviews or secondary sources. There are examples of these three article types on
1. APA-style Citation of the article
2. Describe the research question or problem addressed in this paper
3. Describe the methods
a. What subjects were used
b. What experiments were performed
4. List a minimum of 3 main findings, conclusions, or main points
a. Include the figure/table from results, if necessary
5. State the relevance of these conclusions to your study
Be sure to identify relevant literature. This will assist you in determining your specific research
question and formulating the introduction/background information.
Write more, never less. I have to read and grade this assignment not you; so do not be concerned
about the length.
PARAPHRASE the material. Read the article. Understand the article. Restate the information.
Include all relevant information listed in the format above.
You can find more than 3 articles. You may need them later.
Do not purchase articles. Try to access articles that require payment or subscription using the BSU
library services
Do NOT write one sentence answers for the sections.
BIOL 209 Annotated Bibliography Example
1. APA-style Citation of the article
Smith A.J. et al. (2021). A genetic basis for friendship? Homophily for membrane-associated PDE11A-cAMP-CREB
signaling in CA1 of hippocampus dictates mutual social preference in male and female mice. Molecular Psychiatry,
26, 7107 – 7117.
2. Describe the research question or problem addressed in this paper
Previous studies have shown that friendships can have physical and mental benefits including a reduction in
mortality and morbidity risks and cognitive declines. Although these benefits are evident, the neurobiological
mechanisms underlying them are not. Additionally, long-term friendships are seen in different species allowing for
the use of a model organism to study the molecular mechanisms in a controlled experiment. This research uses a
model mouse to determine if the genetics of PDE11A is important in establishing friendships.
3. Describe the methods
a. What subjects were used
Adolescent and adult female and male pde11a knockout mice and BALB/cJ mice were used. C57BL/6 were
referenced from prior experiments.
b. What experiments were performed
The following experiments were used to obtain results: Immunofluorescence of PDE11A4 in brain samples,
Western blots of PDE11A4 and actin, social approach/avoidance, social preference assay (mouse psychiatry
assay), social odor detection and preference, PDE activity and stereotactic surgeries targeting CA1 of
NOTE: This can be detailed or an overview, but make sure you state all subjects (all, genotype, sex and
samples, if possible) and all experiments.
4. List a minimum of 3 main findings, conclusions, or main points
a. Include the figure/table from results, if necessary
The genetic background of the mice affect the social preference of mouse vs object.
C57BL/6 had reduced social approach and BALB/cJ had a change in the social preference.
In adult and adolescent mice, regardless of sex, Pde11a genotype dictates mutual social
preference. KO mice rather interact with other KO mice than WT mice.
PDE11A homophily is a driver of mutual social preference, but the exact mechanism is still
NOTE: These statements should come from the results and/or discussion of the paper.
Make sure they make sense and are not repetitive. You may have to elaborate briefly.
5. State the relevance of these conclusions to your project
I am trying to find the reasons why certain people has lasting friendship and others are short-lived.
This study states that there are genetic basis to different similarities in people like alcoholism.
Additionally, it shows that the genotype for pde11a can be a contributing factor. This will allow me to
potentially identify other molecular mechanisms of friendships.
NOTE: Discuss the reason(s) you chose this article and how the contents relate to your project.
6. State the relevance of these conclusions to the field
I think this research will allow researchers to make genetic connections between friendships that could
be linked to the physical and mental benefits experiences. Additionally, the authors think that it is
possible to develop markers that predict compatibility. Imagine the new “online” dating profiles if this
becomes a reality!
NOTE: Discuss the implications the results/conclusions have to the overall field of study. How does it
advance the field and/or science?