For this assignment, imagine you are one of the leaders working for an international or domestic business. You are analyzing the diversity dynamics of work teams and have been asked to present your findings to the other managers within the company.
Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:
· Describe the business that you lead. Do you have a multicultural or an intercultural work team?
· What are two problems?
· What are the characteristics?
· What are two opportunities?
· How does your team address communication?
· How does your team approach negotiations?
· What value systems are integrated among your diverse team?
Your presentation must be 8-10 slides in length, not including the title and reference slides. Speaker notes are required for each slide.
Support your presentation with a minimum of 2 graphics or images. Support your presentation with a minimum of 2 academic or scholarly references from the CSU Library.
Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for
MGT 6306, Intercultural Management 1
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
2. Analyze approaches to diversity in workplaces in the United States.
2.1 Explain integration of a common value system among a multicultural or intercultural work team.
3. Evaluate the opportunities of managing a diverse workforce.
3.1 Identify challenges and opportunities of a multicultural or intercultural work team.
3.2 Analyze communication dynamics of a multicultural or intercultural work team.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
2.1, 3.1, 3.2
Chapter 5
Unit III PowerPoint Presentation
Chapter 5: Managing Diverse Groups
Unit Lesson
Diversity involves people from different ethnic and social groups, genders, races, ages, original national
origins, and more. It includes all the factors and elements that make us different. With all these differences
also brings creativity and expertise. A diverse workforce will result in different ideas and creativity that will
help any organization remain competitive. Studies show that companies with ethnically diverse executive
teams are 36% more likely to have above-average profits than companies whose teams are less diverse
(Dixon-Fyle et al., 2022). The focus of this unit will be on the benefits of a diverse workforce as well as
challenges and controversies
(Rawpixelimages, n.d.)
Managing Diverse
MGT 6306, Intercultural Management 2
Cultural Diversity
The uniqueness of a culture is also what makes it complex. Some countries are more diverse with several
cultures and ethnic groups while others are homogenous. This could be due to the migration of people into
some countries such as the United States and Canada. Countries that are more diverse boast of having
different nationalities and ethnic groups. It is also interesting to note that countries that are homogenous have
distinct ethnic characteristics, such as Korea. Cultural diversity is the difference that exists between groups,
and it is the presence of people with distinctly different group affiliations and significantly different cultural
identities (Cox, 2000). It is important to view cultural diversity as a way for companies to maintain a
competitive advantage.
Dimensions of Diversity
There are some differences that are obvious and do not need any explanation, such as age, race, gender,
and physical features. When it comes to physical features, it is important to note that people that have distinct
African features, dark skin with thick natural black hair, may not identify themselves as Africans. The reason is
that though the individual has African parents they were born and brought to the United States and, therefore,
perceive themselves as an American. In such a situation, physical features may not always be accurate. The
two important dimensions that are considered in cultural diversity are primary and secondary dimensions
depicted in Figure 5.1 in Chapter 5. Primary dimensions are the endowed traits, such as race, ethnicity,
gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical ability. Secondary dimensions are the acquired traits, such as
nationality, religion, income, education, marital status, and socioeconomic background (Nahavandi, 2022).
Just like with the earlier example on physical features, sexual orientation is likely not obvious just by merely
looking at someone; whereas, an individual wearing a turban can clearly indicate a certain religious sect.
Impact of a Diverse Workforce
The movement of people around the world has resulted in an increased number of foreign-born people who
now live in the United States. Immigrants can bring various educational levels and expertise. This means that
diversity is evident in most organizations. Organizations should leverage all aspects of diversity. Workforce
diversity includes both an internal labor force that consists of current employees and the external labor market
comprised of individuals actively seeking employment. Organizations should recognize the importance of
developing strategies required to manage a diverse workforce in effort to maximize performance and
There is also a shift of women in the workforce holding career positions that were previously male dominated.
According to a report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2019), women’s labor force participation
was 57.4 percent in 2019, up from 57.1 percent in 2018. Men’s labor force participation, which always has
been much higher than that for women, was 69.2 percent in 2019, little changed from the previous year (69.1
percent) (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019). This report shows that a lot of industries are positively addressing
the issue of gender in the workplace and leveraging the benefits of a diverse workforce.
Challenges with Cultural Diversity
For organizations to benefit from a culturally diverse workforce, there must be an effective structure in place
that will lead to success. Such a structure must be geared toward enhancing the work of the organization
while recognizing and harnessing cultural differences. Groups without the benefit of a clearly defined cultural
identity will find themselves struggling with personal identity issues, personal esteem issues, and what we
have labeled “collective self-control” challenges (Taylor & de la Sablonnière, 2013, Taylor & de la
Sablonnière 2014).
Another aspect to consider is how individuals process their understandings of cultural diversity as well as their
own personal contributions to the organization. For example, individuals should not see themselves as
belonging to an organization just to make up a diversity quota; rather, they should perceive themselves as
contributing toward the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
MGT 6306, Intercultural Management 3
A social and historical context provide information on colonialism, immigration, and slavery. The United States
has witnessed all three factors. Immigration has continued to pose challenges because of the dual and
contradicting traditions of welcoming immigrants, but at the same time not affording them the opportunity to
thrive because of racism.
Another challenge faced by global corporations is that workplace diversity is likely to be addressed differently
based on what is culturally acceptable and what values are observed in certain countries. For example, in the
United States, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal
laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race,
color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, transgender status, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40
or older), disability, or genetic information (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.). Another
example is a job advertisement should not require a certain gender or age group to apply for a position
because this may be considered discrimination under the mandate set out by the EEOC. Yet, in another
country, it may state those requirements, which is an acceptable hiring process. It is therefore not possible to
use the same measure to manage everyone due to differences in assumptions, values, and beliefs.
To overcome some of the challenges posed by cultural diversity, it is important to address it within the
organization. It is obvious that someone who wears certain attire that covers their entire body does so due to
their religious beliefs. It is perfectly fine to address the differences presented at the workplace as that will help
ease any uncomfortable situations. It is important to acknowledge these differences and create awareness on
how to promote a workplace that is welcoming to all. Most organizations implement frequent diversity
workshops and training accompanied by quarterly reports on diversity. The issue of diversity at the
management level has continued to exist, and not addressing this can only lead to dysfunction in the
workplace. In your suggested reading article for this unit, Mahajan and Toh further discuss group culture
within an organization.
In conclusion, we discussed some of the strategies that organizations may apply to respond to issues
associated with the implementation of a diverse workforce. This starts with recognizing and appreciating the
different cultures that make up their workforce. Not addressing diversity is not an option as this may cause an
organization not to recruit the necessary talent required to improve organizational performance and activities.
Procter and Gamble (P&G) is highly recognized for their effort in addressing diversity. According to a 2015
report, the company has spent more than $2 billion annually during the past 7 years to build a diverse supplier
group that includes 1,500 women and minority-owned businesses (P&G Diversity, 2015, as cited in
Nahavandi, 2022, p. 226). It is also recommended that organizations conduct training not only to address
diversity, but to promote the benefits of having a diverse workforce by creating cultural awareness.
Organizations should promote a work environment that is free of prejudice as well as implement diversity in
inclusion programs. Everyone appreciates fair and equal treatment irrespective of their cultural values. For
any manager to be successful in today’s diverse workforce, it is highly recommended that they develop a
cultural mindset, which will help them take care of the needs and requirements of a diverse workforce.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021, April). Women in the labor force: A databook.
Cox, T. H., Jr. (2001). Creating the multicultural organization: A strategy for capturing the power of diversity.
Dixon-Fyle, S., Dolan, K., Hunt, V., & Prince, S., (2020, May 19). Diversity wins: How inclusion matters.
MGT 6306, Intercultural Management 4
Nahavandi, A. (2022). The cultural mindset: Managing people across cultures. SAGE.
Rawpixelimages (n.d.). Business team professional occupation workplace concept (ID 66696081)
[Photograph]. Dreamstime.
Taylor, D. M., & de la Sablonnière, R. (2013). Why interventions in dysfunctional communities fail: The need
for a truly collective approach. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 54, 22–29.
Taylor, D. M., & de la Sablonnière, R. (2014). Towards constructive change in Aboriginal communities: A
social psychology perspective. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (n.d.). Overview.
In order to access the following resources, click the links below.
These videos present more information about managing a diverse workforce and why we should value
diversity in business. The transcript for these videos can be found by clicking the “Transcript” tab to the right
of the video in the Films on Demand database.
Master Source (Producer) (1994). America’s diversity (Segment 1 of 16) [Video]. In Managing diversity in
business. Films on Demand.
Master Source (Producer). (1994). Value of diversity (Segment 2 of 16) [Video]. In Managing diversity in
business. Films on Demand.
This article discusses work groups that vary in group cultural values.
Mahajan, A., & Toh, S. M. (2017) Group cultural values and political skills: A situationist perspective on
interpersonal citizenship behaviors. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(1), 113–121.
Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit
them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.
Do you hold stereotypes about different groups? Complete the Self-Assessment 5.2: The Stereotypes I Hold
in Chapter 5 of your textbook.
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit III
Required Unit Resources
Unit Lesson
Cultural Diversity
Dimensions of Diversity
Impact of a Diverse Workforce
Challenges with Cultural Diversity
Suggested Unit Resources
Learning Activities (Nongraded)