Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:
Week 2 Assignment – Proposal
Executive Summary
Homeland security officers include law enforcement officers, first responders, and federal personnel who work in the country’s borders to manage the movement of people in and out and ensure the security of the borders, seaports, and airports checking potential immigrants for connections to terrorists or criminal behavior. The research aims to develop an app, designed for delivering and sharing timely intelligence information with law enforcement officers and first responders across the country. The app specifications include an interactive interface element that allows the user to use, modify and edit navigation control tools. The study sample includes 2 senior leaders per department, from the 22 departments of the homeland security officers due to their sufficient information on the necessary app specification necessary for investigating, disrupting, and dismantling terrorists’ transnational and other criminal investigations. The study will employ both parametric and non-parametric statistical tests to evaluate the data collected from app users.
The app users include homeland security officers which include law enforcement officers, first responders, and federal personnel. The officers work in the country’s borders to manage the movement of people in and out of the country’s homeland security officers help to secure the borders, seaports, and airports checking potential immigrants for connections to terrorist or criminal behavior. The research aims to develop an app, designed for delivering and sharing timely intelligence information with law enforcement officers and first responders across the country. The app must allow easy and faster access to information and must be secure for any device. It should have a feature that permits real-time collaboration between the partners and offer key technologies for protecting the citizens from adversarial threats facilitating coordinated responses and helping law enforcement officer to secure the country’s borders.
The app specification includes an interactive interface element that allows the user to use, modify and edit. For instance, the navigation controls such as the links and buttons and editable content. This interactive element includes keyboard access and labels for assistive technologies. Other elements are non-test interface elements such as images and the text tendered such as graphs, charts, images audio and video files, and animations. (3) the app should permit the use of colors for conveying meaningful information and provides alternative means for users who cannot distinguish the different colors. Another important component is the flashing elements that flicker and blink repetitively.
The study sample includes 2 senior leaders per department, from the 22 departments of homeland security officers. The senior executives have sufficient information on the necessary app specification necessary for investigating, disrupting, and dismantling terrorists’ transnational and other criminal investigation that seeks to or threatens to exploit the customs and immigration laws. The research will employ the use of interviews for the data collection process. (1) an interview helps a researcher to explain, understand and explore the research subject’s experiences and opinions and collect in-depth information.
The interview will include questions surrounding the challenges experienced by the security officers in checking potential immigrants for connections to terrorist or criminal behaviors. The limitation of the present apps, and the recommendation for future apps. The users need an app that will improve their convenience by proving a new tool for accessing information quickly and easily and securely from any device. In most instances, field security officers are in an operational environment and require easy and secure access to intelligence updates, reports, and relevant breaking information. This is in line with the goal of the research w will be to provide a user-friendly application that meets the customer’s needs.
Two applicable tests for evaluating the data collected from users are the parametric and the non-parametric statistical tests. Parametric tests make specific assumptions about the collected data while the non-parametric do not make any assumptions. The two tests assist in making inferences about the collected data from the sample population (2). The parametric test permits the researcher in making generalizations from the sample and does not need interval data to be transformed into rank data. Equally this statistical test provides real information.
In conclusion, the purpose of research is to outline the app specification required by the homeland security officers to guide in the process of developing the app. the app needs to have interactive interface elements that permit the users in delivering and sharing timely intelligence information with the law enforcement officers checking potential immigrants for connection to criminal behavior. Both parametric and non-parametric statistical tests are used for evaluating the data collected during the interview.
1. Jain, N. (2021). Survey versus interviews: Comparing data collection tools for exploratory research.
The Qualitative Report,
26(2), 541-554.
2. Kelter, R. (2021). Analysis of type I and II error rates of Bayesian and frequentist parametric and nonparametric two-sample hypothesis tests under preliminary assessment of normality.
Computational Statistics,
36(2), 1263-1288.
3. Swalwell, E. M., & Alagood, R. K. (2021). Homeland security twenty years after 9/11: Addressing evolving threats.
Harv. J. on Legis.,
58, 221.
Running head:
Pilot Implementation Report 2
Pilot Implementation Report 2
Week 8 Assignment –
Pilot Implementation Report
Pilot Implementation Report
What the test will focus on
While focusing on the run tests, you need to focus on the following elements of the apps. The first is network performance which is necessary to ensure the apps can easily share the necessary data amongst the officers and testers. The networking elements to test include network compatibility, packet loss and jitters all needed to send and share all the necessary information. The second focus of the test will be the app performance in relation to the devices (2). This will determine the impact of the apps on mobile, laptops and other handheld devices. The main area of focus will be on the battery consumption, memory consumption which is necessary to ensure it runs on specific devices with the memory capabilities. The other device performance capabilities to focus on is compatibility with other applications, running on the device background, storage, and feature functionality. The other aspects to focus on include load time which is the app response time and how fast the app will load when opened (2). The other tests are to determine the app interaction and performance when there is a server downtime. This is necessary to focus on the back up strategies and creation of backup servers.
Resources needed when testing the apps.
The main resources needed when testing the app will vary based on features and the application performance. The resources needed include the following:
Hardware and software resources
The first and the critical resources needed when testing the app include software and hardware equipment. The first physical or hardware resource include devices such as laptops, mobile devices, and tablets which the user will install the app then run it. These devices are necessary to determine the app’s performance capabilities such as battery, memory, and storage consumption among others (3). The other hardware needed will be the networking devices on the test sites which include network devices such as routers, network boosters and other essential network hardware.
The next essentials needed for the tests include software which are critical for the running of the app. The software needed include security software which include firewalls, virtual security system and other security features for authentication (3). The app must function alongside other software which will be running in the background. The software includes data and history software which include software used by other international security agencies such as NATO, FBI, CIA, DHS, and other software. The software provides the data and history needed to identify the victims to enable the officers identify the immigrants and their relations to the criminals and crime families.
Human resources
The human resources will include the people involved in the testing process. The first team needed are the IT and networking team who will be involved in testing the apps and configuration them to boost their performance (1). The team will test for run time, load time, compatibility, speed and other features and device capabilities. The IT and networking team will also be involved in device security testing to ensure the apps are fully optimized to boost its security capabilities. The second human resources will be the border patrol and immigration security. They will be involved in the test process to determine the app’s user-friendliness, ease of use and how familiar the users feel about using the applications.
The other team involved is other federal security teams such as the FBI, CIA and DHS which provide other background and apps used along the app. These security agencies will provide data such as criminal records including facials, DNA, finger print information which enables the immigrations security officers to verify the data and confirm an immigrant’s connection to criminal families. The other human resources needed include consultancy services which involve hiring consultants, testers and other parties. Their role is to provide a third party opinion and independent assessment of the application before deployment. Their independent opinion is critical for determining the app’s effectiveness, efficiency and reliability to meet different functional needs.
Virtual resources
The third resources needed are the virtual resources since most apps will be used for remote services and applications. The virtual resources needed include backup services and systems which include cloud services needed to backup data and allow the apps operate offline in case of server downtime. The other virtual resource needed include cloud services and security systems which include remote security strategies such as multiple virtual authentication and other virtual security features. While testing the virtual resources, the team will also use virtual services provided by different companies such as Microsoft Azure, Verizon, AWS and other virtual networks. The most compatible one will be selected for the app implementation and launch.
Test duration
The application testing is scheduled to run for six months. The hardware test will be the first which will run for about 2 months to test which hardware are compatible with the application hence suable for future section. The next four months will involve testing the networking and virtual resources to test the app’s user-friendliness, compatibility, performance, and other features. This will take longer due to the number of tests conducted and the number of software which must run in sync with the immigration apps.
The test will take six months and will be a multidisciplinary approach with various staff and people from different government organizations’ departments participating. The test will also involve contractors hired for their third-party opinions. The test will also require hardware, software, and virtual resources to test for various aspects such as efficiency, performance, reliability, and compatibility. The test success will be based on the scores outline in the requirements checklist.
1. Muccini, H., Di Francesco, A., & Esposito, P. (2012, June). Software testing of mobile applications: Challenges and future research directions. In
2012 7th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST) (pp. 29-35). IEEE.
2. Linares-Vasquez, M., Moran, K., & Poshyvanyk, D. (2017, September). Continuous, evolutionary, and large-scale: A new perspective for automated mobile app testing. In
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) (pp. 399-410). IEEE.
3. Tao, C., & Gao, J. (2018, July). Modeling mobile application test platform and environment: testing criteria and complexity analysis. In
Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Test Automation and Model-Based Testing (pp. 28-33).
Running head: PROTOTYPING PLAN 2
Week 6 Assignment – Prototyping Plan
Prototyping Plan
Executive Summary:
This report outlines the plan for developing a Section 508-validated application for U.S. Department of Homeland Security field officers to check potential immigrants for connections to criminal or terrorist behavior. The application must conform to Section-508 accessibility guidelines, allow wireless real-time bidirectional data transfer, and have a secure login and autolocking feature. The officers work in various environments, including offices, vehicles, and on foot along the U.S. border and in cities across the country. The report provides details on the interface choices, input/output methods, supported devices, error processing, security implementation, software tools, automated tools, and UX prototyping techniques. Finally, the report includes two Visio drawings that depict the user display and the system processing flow.
Interface Choices:
For the interface of the application, we have decided to use a GUI (Graphical User Interface) interface. This choice was made based on research that shows that a GUI interface is easier for users to navigate, as it allows for the visual representation of options, reducing the likelihood of user error. Additionally, a GUI interface also provides a more visually appealing interface that is easier to understand, making it more user-friendly.
Methods for Input/Output:
The input and output methods for the application will include both mouse and keyboard inputs, as well as touch inputs for devices that support touch input. The output will be displayed on the screen, providing visual feedback to the user. This choice was made to support a variety of devices and to ensure that the application is accessible to users with different abilities.
Supported Devices:
The application will be supported on desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. This choice was made to accommodate the needs of officers who may work in different environments, including offices, vehicles, and on foot.
Error Processing:
To process user mistakes and errors, the application will use a combination of error messages and pop-up notifications. The error messages will be displayed in clear language and provide clear instructions on how to resolve the error. The pop-up notifications will be used to provide additional information or clarification to the user. This approach was chosen to ensure that errors are handled in a clear and user-friendly manner, reducing the likelihood of user frustration, and increasing user satisfaction.
Security Implementation:
To ensure the security of the application and the sensitive information it processes, the application will implement the following security measures:
· Secure login: The application will require a secure login with a strong password to access the application.
· Autolocking: After two minutes of non-use, the application will automatically lock, requiring a secure login to access it again.
· Data encryption: All data transfer and database queries will be encrypted to protect sensitive information from being intercepted during transfer.
· Regular software updates: Regular software updates will be performed to ensure that any security vulnerabilities are addressed.
The DHS application will use a combination of software tools and techniques to ensure its development and deployment. The following tools will be used in the development process:
JIRA and Bugzilla: These software tools will be used to determine programming bugs in the DHS application. JIRA and Bugzilla were chosen based on research that indicates that they are effective tools for tracking and fixing bugs in software development.
Software Tools for Debugging:
· JSLint: JSLint is a popular JavaScript code quality tool that helps to detect potential programming bugs and coding errors. It checks for syntax and formatting issues, enforces coding standards, and identifies potential security risks.
· GDB (GNU Debugger): GDB is a powerful debugger tool that can be used to debug any application written in C, C++, Fortran, Ada, and other programming languages. GDB can help developers detect and correct errors in the code, making it a crucial tool for ensuring the reliability of the application.
Automated Tools for Accessibility Validation:
· NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access): NVDA is a free, open-source screen reader that helps to validate the accessibility of the application.
· WAVE: WAVE is a free online tool that helps to validate the accessibility of web pages.
UX Prototyping Techniques:
· Wireframing: Wireframing is a technique used to create a visual representation of the user interface (UI) of the application.
· User Testing: User testing is a crucial technique for evaluating the user experience (UX) of the application.
Login Screen
Search Screen
Output Screen
Fig 1: User Screens
Fig 2: Flow Diagram
1. Cooper, A. (2007). The essentials of interaction design. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Lidwell, W., Holden, K., & Butler, J. (2010). Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design. Rockport Publishers.
3. Blattner, M. M., Stuart, D. S., & Hu, Y. (2017). Human-computer interaction: Development process. Springer.
4. Molich, R. (2010). User testing. In Usability Evaluation in Industry (pp. 71-90). Springer, London.
Week 4 Assignment – Software Development Plan
Software Development Plan
Steps for the Project and their Management
Step 1: Proposal
Handling immigrants entering the United States (U.S.) is imperative so that illegal persons would not be introduced into the country. Target users for the application shall be first responders and law enforcement officers who constantly interact with potential immigrants. The main locations to get managed by the application shall be airports, seaports, and borders. The project’s direction is to ensure a detailed process of investigating, disrupting, and dismantling terrorist plans.
Step 2: Planning
The app shall allow target users to use interactive elements for modification, editing, and navigational operations. The use of parametric and non-parametric statistical tests shall be handled in the project to ensure coordination activities involved in the project facilitate different tasks involved in homeland security.
Step 3: Design
The app shall integrate an interactive interface where users can use, modify, and edit different elements. Improvements in navigational controls are suitable by using assistive technologies, which ensure there can be advanced design considerations. A non-test interface is required to ensure the text-handling procedure includes animations, video and audio files, images, charts, and graphs.
A reliable process of conveying meaningful information is possible when the app development procedure includes different color conventions, which enhance the productive method of capturing user attention. Software development provides access to the human capital required to ensure digital platforms’ conformity can be performed for any proposed product (1).
Step 4: Implementing
There shall be a reliable coding process in this stage while using different programming languages to facilitate the mobile app’s desired outcomes. The main programming languages to get used shall be Java and Laravel. The step shall take a long time since coding is a detailed process that integrates various modifications to ensure the resultant outcome is an app required to handle Homeland Security tasks.
Step 5: Testing
The app shall have an interface that allows users to perform parametric or non-parametric tests. Using parametric tests shall provide a proper method of collecting data from the sample population (2). Non-parametric tests shall also create a suitable statistical assessment of user data entered into the app.
Step 6: Integration
This step shall create a migration process from existing systems to the new mobile application. It shall be possible to ensure data storage operations get facilitated in the right ways where it shall be possible to promote suitable system outcomes.
Step 7: Deployment
Different errors removed during the testing stage shall promote proper system development operations in this stage. Delivery of intelligence fast and securely are the main requirements that shall produce proper system development outcomes.
Step 8: Maintenance
As the target users adopt the app for their daily duties, there can be different issues that might have been overlooked during software development.
Gantt Chart for the Project
Table 1
The table below displays different activities that shall get performed in the project.
1. Maruping, L. M., & Matook, S. (2020). The evolution of software development orchestration: Current State and an agenda for future research.
European Journal of Information Systems,
29(5), 443-457. doi:10.1080/0960085x.2020.1831834
2. Yu, J. (2018). Research process on software development model.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,
394, 032045. doi:10.1088/1757-899x/394/3/032045
3. Sharp, H., Preece, J., & Rogers, Y. (2019). Interaction Design (5th ed.). Wiley Professional Development (P&T).
Mobile App Development Gantt Chart
Detailed Description
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Step 1 – Proposal
Development of an application for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is the proposal that would validate safe outcomes for different citizens.
Step 2 – Planning
Contracting an information technology (IT) specialist is a crucial resource that shall promote better software development operations.
Step 3 – Design
Access to $5,000 is imperative to facilitate resource utilization operations so that the design process can integrate software and hardware tools.
Step 4 – Implementing
Working with existent frameworks shall promote the best outcomes when trying to validate system development requirements.
Step 5 – Testing
Development of generalized data shall be possible using automated statistical tests that are required to enhance reliable outcomes from the system.
Step 6 – Integration
Linking of the systems to enhance connection to Homeland Security’s database using a confidential path shall promote the proper technique of integrating mobile application requirements.
Step 7 – Deployment
Allowing the users who are law enforcement officers, first responders, and federal personnel shall be possible in this stage to ensure the app maintains conformity to their daily activities.
Step 8 – Maintenance
This step shall use the main IT specialist’s device to allow proper management of the systems so that there is a technical review procedure for the mobile app.
Assignment – Stakeholder Presentation
You’ve completed the pilot for the Section 508-validated application for U.S. Department of Homeland Security field officers. It’s now time to present your post-pilot report to stakeholders in order to secure funding. This is your sales pitch to convince the stakeholders to fund the project for the next five years.
Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following. Each slide should have no more than 6 bullets; all other context and explanations should be provided either in the speaker’s notes or in a recording of the presentation.
· Summarize your user applicability and needs proposal. Your summary should clearly demonstrate that your data-collection plan was directed toward the appropriate users and was designed to address user needs and minimize user frustration.
· Summarize your software development plan to show how you’ve followed the proper stages for software development, considered all necessary resources, and allowed for appropriate durations of time.
· Provide a brief overview of your prototype to clearly demonstrates you’ve addressed functionality and user needs. Include these features:
3. Interfaces.
3. Methods for input/output.
3. Supported devices.
3. Processing of user mistakes and errors by the application.
3. Tools to determine programming bugs.
3. Automated tools to validate accessibility.
3. Implementation of application security.
3. User display drawing.
3. System process flow drawing.
· Describe how your testing plan validates function, usability, accessibility, and security.
· Recommend that stakeholders fund the project for the next five years by validating that the specifications for the app were met and reiterating the benefits of the app.
· Include no more than 6 bullet points per slide. You may either write detailed speaker’s notes of what you would say if you were delivering the presentation live, or you may record the presentation.