Can the following assignment be completed
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Module 3 – Case
Case Assignment
Simple Time Management RulesSimple Time Management Rules
Time Management and Writing Skills
Setting goals is an important first step toward achieving success. Managing
time and completing the tasks needed to reach those goals is a critical
second step. Time is a valuable personal resource—when we gain greater
control of it, we gain greater control of our lives.
Chapter 4 of Thriving at Trident supplies a comprehensive set of strategies
for managing time, establishing priorities, combating procrastination, and
completing tasks. The video, Simple Time Management Rules, will inspire
you to consider your personal goals, reflect on how you will achieve these
goals, and learn how time management will influence goal completion.
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In order to complete the assignment, first review the strategies
recommended for preventing and overcoming procrastination on pp. 78-80
from Chapter 4 of Thriving at Trident. Next, find another credible source of
information on time management. This source can include a book, article, or
First, select two strategies on overcoming and preventing procrastination
from pgs. 78-80 from Chapter 4, Thriving at Trident, that you think is
important and intend to put into practice.
Next, search the internet for another resource to find a third strategy. Don’t
forget to consider the validity of your internet source.
To complete the assignment, use a Word document to address the following:
1. Explain why you chose each strategy and how you will use it in your daily
2. Address the challenges that could come with implementing each strategy.
3. What support will you have to make the strategy successful?
4. It is important to learn how to reference in APA 7. You will need to support
where you found each strategy and create a reference page. A formal
reference will be created for (1) the textbook chapter and (2) your
additional source found on the internet. APA 7 explains how each
reference should be properly formatted. A guide is linked below.
The American Psychological Association (APA) writing style will be used
throughout your tenure at Trident. It is important to provide scholarly work
and support your opinion with research. It is time to start preparing for
future courses. In this course, there is no penalty for incorrectly formatted
references, but you are required to try. This assignment allows you to
learn how to use APA correctly. The following resource is provided for your
use and convenience:
Trident APA Guide:
Assignment Expectations
Using a Word document, present the answers in complete sentences and
paragraph form. There should be 4 or 5 sentences provided for each
question. Be sure to proofread, as scholarly writing is important. When you
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have finished, title the file with your name (Example: Module 3 Case Helen
Smith). Save and upload the document to the Case 3 Dropbox.
Review the grading rubric to ensure all requirements are met.
Resources for Student Success
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is required for assignments at Trident University. A free
download of Office 365 is available to you as a student. Follow the
instructions on the Student Support Resources guide.
You will see a Free Tutoring link in the navigation bar of your course. (If you
do not see it, it may be under the “More” menu.)
Turnitin (TII) and the Practice Dropbox
Turnitin is linked directly to the assignment’s Dropbox in this course. Once
you submit an assignment to the Dropbox, Turnitin automatically generates a
value called the Similarity Score, indicating how much matching text (text
matching sources or other written papers) is present in your essay. You can
click on the colored square to see the Similarity Report, which shows the
sources that correspond to text within the paper.
Courses contain a Practice Dropbox that is also linked to TII. Before
submitting the assignment to the module Case or SLP dropbox, the Practice
Dropbox may be used to view the assignment’s similarity score.
For more information on Turnitin, access the Turnitin Guide under the My
Resources tab on the Trident Portal page or by clicking on the following
link .
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