Watch Karboul’s TEDtalk (The global learning crisis and what to do about it):
The shift from schooling to learning seemed comparable to the shift in organizations from training to learning. What are the implications of this crisis on business? What new insights did this offer you regarding your learning and development projects?
On a side note, Amel Karboul is CEO of The Education Outcomes Fund. To read her recent interview related to the impact of the pandemic on education around the world, visit
The Education Outcomes Fund: An Interview With The CEO Amel Karboul
Remember in Week 3, we discussed the concept of SOAR? While that concept is geared toward organizational strategy, it can apply to your own personal career development. We so often base our development plans based on our weaknesses. Yet, what if we focus on our Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results?
Let’s start with Aspirations! Download the HR Self-Assessment and Career Development Form. Complete #1 What would you like to accomplish? Complete #2 What do you value most? Complete #3 and #4 What do you enjoy (and DON’T enjoy) doing? You will retain this development form so your information remains personal. You can choose what you share with your classmates and instructor.
Share some of your desired accomplishments with your classmates. Also, explain how your values support these future desires. If your values are in conflict with your aspirations, does that understanding impact your aspiration? If so, how?
HR professionals who are able to confirm participants applied their new skills and knowledge to their work are able to tell a compelling story in the boardroom. As you consider the conclusion to your project, being able to tell a compelling story would make an excellent conclusion. How does Chapter 6 (Navin & Creelman) help you with your story? In addition to your response to this question, share a draft of your story.