summary and powerpoint
This week’s assignment is based on promotions in sports. Students will submit two separate documents for this two part assignment. Please follow the instructions below:
Part I: Please read the attached article from SportsBusiness Journal titled How best to use the bait? This article focuses on promotional strategies in Major League Baseball. After reading the article, please answer the questions below (remember, only answer the 5 questions below) in complete sentences with enough depth and detail that demonstrates your level of understanding. Submit your answers to these questions in a Word document and be sure to copy the questions down before responding. Please remember to include a reference page and text citations in APA format.
- In 2010, what was the rationale behind offering premium giveaways on a weekend versus a weeknight? Did that ideology change in 2011? According to the L.A. Dodgers’ Joe Jareck, how does he determine which games should offer promotions?
- What have been the most effective promotions for teams looking to provide value to their sponsors?
- What merchandising trend have some teams seen when deliberately distributing a limited number of premium giveaways?
- What has been the most significant change in game day events/non-giveaway promotions? How have most clubs utilized sponsors in these promotions?
- By what percentage did Coca-Cola increase their total number of activation dates from 2010 to 2011?
Note: Only answer the five questions above. Please do not answer the “Online Research Questions” at the end of the SBJ article.
Part II: Use the Internet to research and select a past College Bowl Game. Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for the Bowl Game you selected. The PowerPoint should be at least 10 slides in length (excluding your title slide and References slide). Visuals should be included in the presentation, but students will be evaluated on the accuracy and quality of the content in the presentation in addition to the design and visual appeal. Please remember to cite your references in the text in APA format. Provide the following information in your presentation.
- Information about the Bowl Game—where does it take place, date, time, price per ticket, seating capacity of stadium, etc. (2-4 slides).
- Slides for each team participating in the Bowl Game—the University/City, where it is located, enrollment, football team record, coaches for each team, etc. How much each team gets paid to participate (2-4 slides).
- Information about travel and tourism for the city hosting the Bowl Game (4-6 slides). This should include things like climate, special attractions, hotels, # of hotel rooms, shopping, restaurants, other amusements, etc.
- Prepare a budget for two people to attend this bowl game. To do this, use the location of one of the colleges participating in the bowl game as the area in which these two people attending the game are traveling from. In addition to game tickets, mode of travel, hotels, etc., remember to also include other items such as meals, entertainment, parking.
Note: Be sure to provide where these two people are traveling from (city/state).
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Street & Smith’s SportsBusinessJOURNAL x x 1
LB clubs adjusted their game-
day promotions strategies this
season by shifting much of
their distribution of bobbleheads back
to weeknights, increasing the number of
weekend festivals and concerts, and giving
away more traditional items.
Club officials and vendors said the
changes were done to help boost attendance
throughout the week and maximize expo-
sure for a sponsor base that has become
increasingly involved in the promotions
and giveaway process.
T-shirts, headwear and bobbleheads
again topped the list of items most fre-
quently given to fans, according to a Sports-
Business Journal analysis of teams’ 2011
promotional efforts, as they have been in
each of the seasons since SBJ first started
tracking MLB game-day promotions and
giveaways in 2002.
But as fans’ attitudes toward stadium
giveaways have changed in recent years,
so have the expectations of teams and their
As the 2010 season was winding down,
MLB clubs were faced with the reality that
more than 30 percent of their seats had
gone unfilled, the highest such vacancy
rate since 2005. When the planning and
ordering process for the 2011 season of
promotions and giveaways began, there
was no reason to believe attendance pat-
terns were going to suddenly improve.
As a result, most clubs continued to
tinker with their promotions strate-
gies. A look at the most recent six years
of bobblehead giveaways shows how
much MLB teams are constantly ad-
justing those metrics.
The switch to distributing primarily
higher value items (think bobbleheads
versus foam fingers) has been around since
the Beanie Babies craze of the late 1990s.
But in 2010 several clubs made the jump
to fill their Saturdays with premium give-
aways, rather than doing so on presumably
slower weeknights.
A number of attendance-challenged
teams, such as the Pittsburgh Pirates and
Texas Rangers, had begun that change in
philosophy prior to 2010. The thinking was
that while the overall increase in atten-
dance may be bigger, percentage-wise, on
a weeknight that features a promotion,
fans and sponsors would get a better expe-
riential payoff by being in the presence
of a larger crowd on a weekend. As a
result, nearly half of the bobbleheads
were doled out on Saturdays in 2010
among all MLB teams, compared
with less than one-third in 2009.
That strategy appeared to shift
this season, however, as the per-
centage of bobbleheads given
out on Saturdays declined 12
percentage points, and for the
first time since at least 2006,
such items were more likely to
be given out on a weeknight rather
than a Sunday.
The Los Angeles Dodgers were one of
several clubs that switched from a strictly
weekend bobblehead distribution to a to-
tally weeknight schedule in 2011.
How best to
use the bait?
“What has become clear
over the past decade is
that if you are not a team
that sells out every game,
the answer to the question
‘Does merchandise move
the needle on attendance?’
… is unequivocally ‘Yes.’”
2 x x Street & Smith’s SportsBusinessJOURNAL
a standard template for all clubs to follow,
when viewed over time, clear trends begin
to emerge.
“What has become clear over the past de-
cade is that if you are not a team that sells
out every game, the answer to the ques-
tion ‘Does merchandise move the needle
on attendance?’… is unequivocally ‘Yes,’”
said Jay Deutsch, CEO and co-founder of
BDA, MLB’s preferred premium merchan-
dise provider. “And teams that do fill their
seats on a regular basis begin to see those
promotional products move beyond the
Teams are trying to provide value to
sponsors in new ways and have found
branded merchandise for retail, drive-to-
retail, gift-with-purchase and social media
promotions to be effective.
According to one team source, some clubs
have found an increase in merchandise per
cap sales at team stores during the game, by
deliberately handing out giveaways, such
as a bobblehead, to a limited number of
fans. Fans see the item all around them,
and decide they want one, too, and go buy
it in the team store.
The game-day promotion provides addi-
tional revenue streams from sponsors, too.
For example, although visitors to Fenway
Park last season were again the fans who
were least likely to get a stadium freebie,
Red Sox sponsors didn’t seem to mind.
Local sponsors of MLB clubs can get bob-
bleheads and other items made with their
company logo and the team marks. So in
the case of the Red Sox, the team generates
revenue by selling items such as sponsor-
branded bobbleheads and caps that typi-
cally are game-day giveaways.
“Red Sox partners are far and away the most likely of any
MLB club to buy custom-
made premium items,”
Deutsch said. “They have
about 100 sponsors put-
ting their company logo
on Red Sox products.”
The 2011 market saw
more of the promotions
pie being occupied by items
that are tried-and-true favor-
ites, proved by the increase
in the number of T-shirts and
baseball caps handed out.
A standard bobblehead costs
$2.50-$3.50, with custom units
costing up to $4.50. Several
teams said that although rally
towels remain popular, the cost
of cotton has pushed the price of
such an item to about $4.
While teams often leaned on
traditional favorites, that’s not to
say the giveaway market turned
dull in 2011. The Angels handed out
45,000 Rally Monkey Chia Pets, one
of the 832,000 items they gave fans
this season. And Cincinnati-based
Idegy made the Reds’ “spirit hair,” one
of 540,000 freebies dished out
by the team in 2011, an 8
percent increase over
The most signifi-
cant change among
game-day events or
non-giveaways was
an increase in the
number of expe-
riential dates that
usually included a
“It was simply based on dates we think
will need a ticket lift when looking at the
schedule preseason,” said Joe Jareck,
the Dodgers’ assistant director of public
relations. “That is why the bigger give-
aways were frequently on Tuesdays and
Attendance at the Dodgers’ four bobble
nights showed a double-digit increase over
non-bobble weeknights.
The Rangers also changed their bobble-
head philosophy. In 2009 and 2010, the team
scheduled its lone bobble giveaway on a
weekend date, and saw a slight bump in
attendance compared with similar nights.
But this year’s Nelson Cruz bobble was
given out on Monday, June 20, when the
Houston Astros were in town. The crowd
of 41,205 was 28.5 percent higher than the
team’s other 10 Monday night home games.
Adjusting the formula
Although variables such as weather,
opponent, winning or losing streaks, and
group sales make it impossible to create
In-DepthIn-Depth Promotions
Executives at 14 of the 16 MLB
clubs interviewed by SportsBusiness
Journal said that in 2011 their club
increased the number of promotional
dates and the total amount spent on
those dates, compared with the 2010
season. The other two clubs said
spending remained the same.
An analysis of all 30 MLB teams’
promotional schedules reveals that:
n Teams combined for 798 giveaway
dates this season, an increase of 11
percent over last year, and 39 percent
compared with 2008.
n The teams combined for 1,891
non-giveaway promotions, such as
fireworks, discounted parking, etc.,
up 33 percent over 2010 and double
what they were in 2008.
n A decade ago, many clubs didn’t
even release their promotional sched-
ule prior to spring training. This year,
some clubs have already placed orders
for 2012, and at least one-third of the
clubs will have released their lists pub-
licly by the end of this month.
n Seattle-based BDA, MLB’s pre-
ferred premium merchandise pro-
vider, has seen its revenue soar 30
percent this year, to “north of $300
million,” according to Jay Deutsch,
BDA’s CEO and co-founder.
Ludacris performs after an Atlanta
Braves game in May. The singer also
had concerts after Florida Marlins and
Los Angeles Angels home games.
such as
favorites, but
2011 also saw
Rally Monkey
Chia Pets in
Anaheim and
“spirit hair” in
Top game-day giveaways in
1 T-shirt (26) 94
2 Headwear (26) 88
3 Bobblehead (27) 81
4 Retail coupon (12) 68
5 (tie) Backpack/bag (23) 45
5 (tie) Magnets (28) 45
7 Toy (15) 32
8 Poster (14) 3
9 Jersey (20) 28
10 (tie) Figurine (13) 19
10 (tie) Rally item (12) 19
10 (tie) Bat/ball (11) 19
13 Back to school item (11) 15
14 Calendar (10) 14
15 Banner/pennant (10) 13
16 Cup/mug (11) 11
Top game-day promotions/
events in MLB
1 Ticket discount (16) 265
2 Fireworks (23) 195
3 Concession discount (13) 169
4 Run the bases (20) 145
5 Autographs (11) 129
6 Festival (9) 121
7 Family day (11) 118
8 Cultural celebration (19) 91
9 Charitable causes (19) 82
10 Team history tribute (24) 72
11 Kids day (12)
12 College night (10) 57
13 Concert (15) 56
14 Fan appreciation day (21) 42
15 Health awareness (12) 38
16 Community days (5) 34
17 Military day (11)
18 Business fan special (4) 25
19 Pet day (14) 20
20 Photo day (9) 19
Note: For efforts featured by at least two clubs.
Source: MLB clubs
3 x x Street & Smith’s SportsBusinessJOURNAL
Friday or Saturday night pregame fan
festival, and carried over into postgame
fireworks or a concert. Nine clubs staged
a total of 110 such events throughout the
season, and nearly every one of them had
a title sponsor to underwrite the estimated
$5,000-$7,500 weekly cost to stage the events.
MLB ballparks also saw a big increase in
concerts that were not tied to the regularly
scheduled fan festivals. Acts ranged from
state fair favorites .38 Special to Ludac-
ris, who performed after Atlanta Braves,
Florida Marlins and Los Angeles Angels
home games. And while city ordinances
prohibit seven clubs from shooting off fire-
works at their ballparks, the remaining 23
clubs staged a total of 195 fireworks shows.
Sponsors still interested
So despite a sluggish economy, the sta-
dium promotions market remains strong.
“The corporations are definitely coming
back,” Deutsch said. “But what’s refresh-
ing and challenging at the same time is
that sponsors are being much more selec-
tive and creative with what they want.
Merchandise can be just merchandise,
and people can bring it home and feel a
connection. And that’s great. But if you
equate that to the four or five times your
logo gets shown on TV, then it has more
than paid for itself.”
PNC Financial Services is the most ac-
tive financial partner among game-day
activators, sponsoring 17 dates at six
ballparks, including 85,000 bobbleheads
in 2011. PNC always orders several hundred
extra figures to pass through for branch
promotions, employee incentives and cus-
tomer giveaways. And in another example
of the growing importance of game-day
promotions to sponsors, the bank’s various
team-level contracts call for at least one
premium giveaway per year.
The company has been the primary
bobblehead sponsor of the Washington
Nationals since 2006, a designation that
makes Sonia McCormick, the bank’s vice
president of corporate communications,
almost giddy.
“Who doesn’t want to sponsor a give-
away that everyone loves to have on their
desk?” said McCormick, who said she has
20 bobbles displayed in her office. “Anyone
can give away a hat.”
In-DepthIn-Depth Promotions
2006 2007
Most common days for giveaways
Saturday is still the most likely day to receive a bobblehead at the ballpark, but MLB
clubs in 2011 shifted many such giveaways to weekdays, reversing a two-year trend.
Turnkey Sports Poll
n From the team’s stand-
point, what is the No. 1
criterion for assessing
the success of a sports
Source: Turnkey Sports Poll of
sports industry executives, Sep-
tember 2011. Turnkey Sports &
Entertainment in conjunction
with SportsBusiness Journal.
Turnkey Intelligence specializes in
research, measurement and lead
generation for brands and proper-
ties. Visit
2008 2009 2010 2011
Festival atmosphere
As teams look to improve the overall game-day experience, one-third of MLB clubs
stage fan festivals during the season, which include events before, during and after
the game. The number of postgame concerts, separate from these festivals, has also
increased in recent years
Space crunch
The Philadelphia Phillies have sold out
204 consecutive games, yet maintain their
long-held policy that when they offer a
stadium giveaway, every fan gets the item.
So how did the Phillies handle a deliv-
ery of 50,000 bobbleheads that arrived
on 80 refrigerator-sized pallets and, if
stood side-by-side, would stretch from
home plate to the center-field wall? Like
most MLB ballparks, Citizens Bank Park
has limited storage space, so the Phillies
arranged for the items to be delivered
directly to the stadium’s gates, while the
team staff set them up on tables ready
to be handed out the next day.
Other spaces of note:
n The Cleveland Indians distributed
368,500 non-coupon items to fans this sea-
son, despite having only 1,600 square feet
of space to store items.
n The Los Angeles Angels led all teams
with 832,000 items given away in 2011, in-
cluding 120,000 bobbleheads, 185,000 hats
and 80,000 shirts. The team’s ballpark has
the advantage of four large storage areas.
n Target Field has MLB’s smallest sta-
dium footprint, so the Minnesota Twins
use a warehouse off site and an on-site
storage room that has 2,345 square feet of
space. The team gave away about 460,000
items in 2011.
n The Milwaukee Brewers doled out
more bobbleheads than any other team
in 2011 — 285,000. Miller Park has enough
storage to hold the 45,000 bobbleheads
given out every time. The main space
crunch is at the gate. Tom Hecht, Brewers
vice president of corporate marketing,
said the team distributes items at five
points of entry, but 60 percent of fans
enter through the main gate. The club
hires a local company to set up tents in
front of the main gate, where the items
can be given out while avoiding conges-
tion inside the concourse.
Target Field’s storage space was filled
with bobbleheads for an Aug. 5 promotion.
Effect on
ticket sales/
Not sure/
No response
Source: MLB clubs
Most active sponsors in MLB promotions
Ranked by total number of 2011 activation dates at baseball games.
DATES, 2011 (2010) TEAMS, 2011 (2010)
1 Coca-Cola 78 (36) 10 (7)
2 Pepsi* 72 (56) 10 (9)
3 Chevrolet 45 (14) 11 (9)
4 MillerCoors 31 (12) 7 (5)
5 Anheuser-Busch* 30 (43) 9 (8)
6 AT&T 30 (30) 7 (7)
7 Verizon Wireless 19 (26) 4 (4)
8 (tie) PNC Bank 17 (11) 6 (4)
8 (tie) Time Warner Cable 17 (6) 3 (4)
8 (tie) Wells Fargo 17 (15) 2 (2)
11 (tie) Loopt 16 (0) 13 (0)
11 (tie) Meijer 16 (18) 2 (2)
11 (tie) Toyota 16 (5) 5 (4)
14 Subway 14 (3) 4 (2)
15 (tie) Bank of America* 12 (10) 7 (6)
15 (tie) Delta 12 (4) 6 (4)
Note: Among sponsors that activated with two or more clubs.
* Official MLB sponsor
Source: MLB clubs
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