Case Study 1
50 pts
Due 3/9 by 11:59 p.m. via Canvas
Read and/or listen to the following article (also posted in Canvas):
Taking into consideration Izidor’s background and his behavior manifestations, address the following questions.
Be sure to number each response (1-6).
1. Based on APA 3 criteria for defining and diagnosing abnormal behavior, has Izidor shown evidence of abnormal behavior? Addressing
each of the 3 criteria, what
evidence do you have that is sufficient for these requirements? Use the article to incorporate text evidence, however, you do not have to include formal citations.
2. Based on text evidence, do you believe he meets the DSM-5 criteria for attachment disorder? Provide examples. DSM-5:
3. Would you consider his prognosis good or guarded? Why?
4. How might both heritability and environmentality come into play when considering Izidor’s unique responses to his environment?
5. Discuss how reaction range may also affect his responses.
6. Select a scenario of maladaptive behavior from Izidor. Address the ABC’s of the particular behavior. If no consequences are listed, simply state that.
Upload to Canvas in
Word (other applications will
not be accepted by the system). MAKE SURE you are submitting your responses –
NOT just the assignment sheet.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. I strongly recommend submitting ahead of the deadline to account for WIFI issues, etc.