College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Assignment (1)
Deadline: 24/4/2023 @ 23:59
Course Name: Accounting Research
and Practice
Student’s Name:
Course Code: ACCT403
Student’s ID Number:
Semester: 3rd term
Academic Year: 1444 H
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Youssef RIAHI
Students’ Grade:
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
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• Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be
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• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Late submission will NOT be accepted.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or
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• All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.
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• Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Assignment Question(s):
(Marks 15)
Question 1: The correct and complete sequence of steps in conducting research is as follows:
Identify broad area,
Select topic,
Decide approach,
Formulate plan,
Collect information,
Analyze data,
Present findings.
Using our Saudi Digital library (SDL) you should find two papers in accounting field and determine
for each paper the steps described above.
[4 marks]
1.The broad area of the
Paper 1
Paper 2
Depreciation of intangible
The broad area of the paper is
assets and the statutory
accounting and finance,
regimes governing it.
specifically the use of
depreciation methods and lifecycle costing (LCC)
methodology in managing
long-term assets in the context
of a changing world.
2.The topic
Statutory depreciation
The topic of the paper is the
regimes for intangible
importance of depreciation
methods and LCC
methodology in the economies
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
of Balkan and Eastern
European countries.
3.Approach used
The paper employs a
The approach used in the paper
literature review approach
is a literature review of
to examine the various
existing research on
statutory depreciation
depreciation methods and LCC
regimes for intangible
methodology in accounting
and finance, with a focus on
the economies of Balkan and
Eastern European countries.
4.Data source
The data sources used in the The data sources used in the
paper are secondary sources paper are primarily academic
such as academic articles,
journals and books, as well as
books, government
reports and publications from
publications, and relevant
international organizations
such as the International
Accounting Standards Board
(IASB) and the World Bank.
5. Data analysis
The data was analyzed
The data analysis in the paper
qualitatively through a
involves a review and
systematic review of the
synthesis of existing research
literature on statutory
on depreciation methods and
depreciation regimes for
LCC methodology in
intangible assets.
accounting and finance, with a
particular focus on their
application in the economies of
Balkan and Eastern European
The paper found that there
The findings of the paper
is a lack of consistency in
highlight the importance of
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
the statutory depreciation
carefully considering the
regimes for intangible
economic realities and tax
assets across different
implications of depreciation
jurisdictions. The paper
methods and LCC
also identified various
methodology in managing
methods used to calculate
long-term assets in the rapidly
the depreciation of
changing economies of Balkan
intangible assets, including
and Eastern European
straight-line method,
countries. The authors
declining balance method,
recommend that companies in
and the units of production
these countries adopt a more
method. Additionally, the
strategic and forward-thinking
paper highlighted the need
approach to managing their
for a clear definition of
assets, in order to remain
intangible assets and their
competitive and maximize
valuation to ensure
their long-term profitability.
consistency in the
application of statutory
depreciation regimes.
Papers. 1
Allen, C. (2021). Statutory depreciation regimes for intangible assets. In Australian Tax Forum: a
journal of taxation policy, law and reform (Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 131-159).
Papers. 2
Liapisa*, K. J., & Kantianisb, D. D. (Eds.). (2014). The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe
Countries in the changed world.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Question 2: Write a description of the research problem you propose to investigate and explain why
you chose this topic.
[2 marks]
Topic: The Impact of social media on Mental Health Among Young Adults
Description: The widespread use of social media among young adults has led to concerns about its
potential impact on mental health. While some studies have suggested that social media use may be
associated with increased rates of depression, anxiety, and stress, the evidence is mixed and the
mechanisms underlying this relationship are not well understood. This study aims to investigate the
impact of social media use on mental health outcomes among young adults and to explore the
potential mediating factors that may explain this relationship. The research problem is to identify the
extent to which social media use is associated with poor mental health outcomes and to elucidate the
underlying mechanisms, such as social comparison, cyberbullying, and sleep disturbance. By
addressing this research problem, the study will contribute to a better understanding of the impact of
social media on mental health and inform the development of interventions and policies to promote
healthy social media use among young adults.
I chose this topic because it addresses an important and timely issue that affects a large
segment of the population, particularly young adults who are heavy users of social media. The topic
also aligns with my research interests in the intersection of technology and mental health, and I
believe that the findings of this study will have practical implications for individuals, clinicians, and
policymakers. Additionally, there is a need for more research in this area to better understand the
complex relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes, and to identify
strategies to promote positive mental health outcomes among social media users.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Question 3: What should be considered in developing a good research idea? [2 marks]
Developing a good research idea requires careful consideration of various factors, including:
1. Relevance: The research idea should address a relevant and important problem or question.
2. Feasibility: The research should be feasible to conduct within the available resources and
time constraints.
3. Novelty: The research idea should contribute to the existing body of knowledge by offering
new insights or perspectives.
4. Clarity: The research question and objectives should be clearly defined and specific.
5. Ethical considerations: The research should adhere to ethical guidelines and ensure the
protection of human subjects (if applicable).
Question 4: What are the five categories of research methods? [2mark]
1. Experimental Research: This involves manipulating one or more variables to observe the
effect on the outcome variable (Wan, 2022).
2. Survey Research: This involves collecting data through questionnaires, interviews or other
methods from a sample of participants.
3. Case Study Research: This involves in-depth investigation of a single or a few cases to
understand and explain complex phenomena.
4. Quantitative research: This type of research uses numerical data and statistical analyses to
measure and analyze a phenomenon. Quantitative research often involves experiments,
surveys, and statistical analyses.
5. Quantitative research: This type of research uses numerical data and statistical analyses to
measure and analyze a phenomenon. Quantitative research often involves experiments,
surveys, and statistical analyses. The goal of quantitative research is to establish cause-andeffect relationships between variables or to make predictions about a population based on a
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Question 5: Differentiate between Quantitative vs. Qualitative research. [2.5 mark]
To put hypotheses to the test and draw inferences about populations, quantitative researchers collect
and analyze numerical data using statistical methods. Large samples and organized data collection
instruments, such surveys, are commonplace (Basias & Pollalis, 2018) since it is used to measure and
quantify phenomena.
Quantitative research relies on the collection and analysis of numerical data, whereas
qualitative research focuses on non-numerical data such as words, photographs, and videos. The
purpose of this method is to gain insight into the meanings, experiences, and points of view of those
involved in an investigation of a complicated phenomenon. Qualitative research typically makes use
of in-depth interviews, field notes, and focus groups rather than large statistical samples.
Question 6: Define ANOVA and Regression Analysis [2.5 mark]
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique for comparing means across many groups
(Desboulets, 2018). Finding out if there are statistically significant differences between groups
requires measuring variance both within and across them.
The correlation between several factors can be analyzed via regression analysis. Predicting the
dependent variable from the independent factors requires fitting a regression equation to the data.
Common applications of regression analysis include verifying hypotheses, developing forecasts, and
spotting patterns in data.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Basias, N., & Pollalis, Y. (2018). Quantitative and qualitative research in business & technology:
Justifying a suitable research methodology. Review of Integrative Business and Economics
Research, 7, 91-105.
Desboulets, L. D. D. (2018). A review on variable selection in regression
analysis. Econometrics, 6(4), 45.
Wan, M. (2022). Research methods. In CSR Image Discursive Construction of Banks and the Effects
on Capital Markets: Comparative Study of China and US (pp. 69-86). Singapore: Springer
Nature Singapore.