You have been provided with a significant amount of material from Ernst & Young’s Academic Resource Center on two relatively recent converged accounting standards that cover revenue recognition and lease accounting. These are major, new converged accounting standards, which were subject to intense scrutiny not only by boards but also by publicly listed companies around the world.
By now, many U.S.-based publicly listed firms have implemented either or both of these accounting standards, and you can see the impact of their implementation disclosed, in detail, in their annual reports on Form 10K and in the footnotes to those financial statements.
In the MPAcc Program at CSU Global, we believe “seeing is believing.” To that, find a publicly listed company of your choice and locate in its most recent annual report both the disclosures and impacts of implementing either of these two new accounting standards on the financial statements.
Summarize any such related disclosures that you find as part of your initial response and provide a link to the related annual report.
Answer the following points and questions in your initial response:
Include the following questions in your annotation:Problem: What is/was the major application of the standard which your chosen company was required to implement as a result of the new accounting standard? What was different from before, in other words, as a result of your chosen company adopting the new accounting standard?Results: What was the result or conclusion of the financial statement impact of implementing the new standard on the results of operations and/or the financial condition of your chosen company?Application: How might practitioners or your classmates potentially apply what was covered or is being covered related to implementing that new standard in the annual report in the real world? Be specific.