As has been emphasized in this module’s readings, data analytics is an important part of the future for nearly every facet of professional accounting.
Conduct research using the CSU Global Library on a segment of professional accounting (e.g., audit, tax, not-for-profit) that is of interest to you.
Find an article on data analytics of no more than three years in age (this is important as data analytics is changing rapidly). As part of your initial posting, include the subject or the topic on which you have decided to focus and include a hyperlink to the article.
Answer the following questions in your initial response:
Prepare an annotation of the article. (An annotation is a summary of the main points of the article you have chosen to summarize for the class, organized to include a correctly formatted APA reference.)
Include the following points in your annotation:
Application: How might practitioners or your classmates potentially apply the article’s recommendations or strategies in the real world? Be specific.