See attached file
For a brief introduction to this widely used programming language, review
JavaScript Introduction
JavaScript Syntax
JavaScript Statements
JavaScript Variables
, and
JavaScript Data Types
Then go to the
Try It Yourself
tutorial. Change the text in the code window to appropriately change the output to “Hello World.” Hello World is every programmer’s first program, so pat yourself on your back when you complete this task. Click the “Click Me!” button on the right-hand pane and observe what happens.
Now take out any item of the code, for example the ” ” around “Hello World!” or
(you must click the Run button after a change is made). Notice what happens to the output and check to see if the code still works.
Make sure to put back whatever was removed and then change the text in the code to say anything you would like. Enjoy your first programming experience.
Submit screenshots of three different code changes that you tried and the results.