Instructions: Write well developed responses to the following essay questions. Each essay question
should have one page or 500 words essay. Read the questions carefully and be certain that your
responses address each component of the question. Include APA formatted citations within the body of
each essay response and provide properly formatted references at the end of each question. Be certain
t0 thoroughly edit your assignment for grammatical correctness and clarity.
2. Discuss the relationship between the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Individual
Education Plans. Be certain to explain the following elements of IDEA: a.) the key rights and protections
that it affords students and parents (or caregivers) impacted by a disability, b.) who is eligible to receive
special education under IDEA, c.) the process for securing services, and d.) the responsibilities of the
teacher and school charged with educating a child with a disability. Give special attention to your
discussion of the function of an IEP in fulfilling the educational goal of development for diverse groups of
learners with special needs.
3. A group of new teachers get together regularly to analyze recent student assessment data and they
recognize that across their various classes over half of the students performed below the designated
target on a summative (formal) assessment (a test) at the end of unit. During their discussion of the
assessment data, they brainstorm ideas on what their next steps should be. What are some issues that
these teachers need to consider as it relates to how they will use the assessment data to inform
instructional practices, promote student learning, and account for varying levels of development and
diversity among learners? Give at least two specific examples of actions that these teachers should take
in the plans for increasing learner understanding of the essential content.
4. Using examples from your recent clinical internship, explain the differences between formal and
informal assessments. Include at least two examples of each type in your response. Also, include in your
response and explanation of how/why/when assessment methods may need to be adapted (or
modified) to account for learner/learning diversity.
9. Describe a teaching and learning scenario in which you could promote students’ interest in or
knowledge of your chosen content area (discipline) by connecting your content to real world issues,
problems, or events. Clearly articulate your content area, the age and/or grade level of the students in
the scenario, the real word (local or global) issue, problem, or event, and examples of other content
areas that could be connected in this teaching and learning scenario. Be certain to describe why you
believe connecting this real world issue to your content area would spark student interest?
10. Create a sample lesson for your content area which integrates each of the following elements: a.)
alignment to MS College and Career Readiness Standards for your discipline (content area), b.)
assignments/activities that require use of discipline specific tools, methods, or knowledge, and c.)
implementation of materials to problem solving and thinking across multiple disciplines (content areas).
11. Assume that you have just finished week one of a three week unit on a topic that is specific to your
content area. As you reflect on the week, you notice that there were some behavioral problems that
caused disruptions in the learning environment, and there were some noticeable strengths and
weakness among different groups of learners in the class. Given this situation describe some evidence-
based instructional strategies and classroom management strategies that could be used to make
adjustments to the next two weeks of instruction. Respond to this question with specific attention to
best practices in your content area.
12. As you reflect on your recent clinical internship experience, what are the top three areas for growth
that you need to work on in order to be a more effective educator? What type(s) of selfassessment,
peer evaluation, or supervisor evaluation tool(s) did you use to identify these areas for improvement?
Describe some of the options for professional development that are available to you within your school
district, in the State of Mississippi, and through the professional organization(s) for your content area
that would help you improve upon your areas of weakness?
13. Given the time that you have spent in your current clinical internship site, how would you describe
the school and your role in the school building to an outsider? As you understand, what are the most
important historical, cultural, social, political, and community factors impacting the school and its
learners? As a teacher within this learning environment what opportunities (beyond your normal
teaching responsibilities) have you taken to serve in leadership or advocacy roles within the school? If
none, then explain what types of proactive steps a teacher could take to be more engaged in fulfilling
the schools mission to improve student (and overall school) learning outcomes?