Western Art History Approaches: “
The Female Figure in Western Art”
2 full pages
· Examine how the female figure has been represented in western art history, beginning in prehistoric art and through the fourteenth century.
· Though this essay is required for any student with a grade of B or lower, this assignment cannot hurt a student’s grade. This assignment can only add a potential 200 points.
· Students who have a grade of 90/A or higher are not required to complete this assignment. (A grade of 89.# will NOT be rounded up)
**Recommended to have 3 examples of the female figure from prehistoric to 14th century
· Build your discussion on specific works of art, using visual and historical analysis.
· Please refer to “Guide: Writing a Formal Analysis”.
· Use MLA to cite your sources, you will need at least five. They can be web based but please do not use Wikipedia.
· Include a cited image of your selected three works
4. 1.5 spaced, size 12 Times New Roman
4. The minimum is 2 pages the maximum is 3 pages (not including image or source page).
4. Must include a bibliography/source page
4. Students must use their own words, any plagiarism will result in the student receiving a “0” for the assignment, a report to my department chair and possible further academic penalties
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4. Worth bonus 200 points