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Assignment | Cultural Identity Analysis Journal
The purpose of this analysis journal assignment is to allow students to identify and critically analyze their own cultural identities and worldview in relation to intercultural interactions as well as explain the influence of bias on perception of self and others.
This assignment is a quarter-long
analysis worth 10% of your grade. In order to succeed on this assignment, students are strongly encouraged to
start the paper no later than the 4th week of the quarter beginning with the section of the assignment outline (below) that we have covered in class. Continue with the assignment outline as we cover topics each week.
Points Attainable: 100
Required File Type: This assignment will be turned in on Canvas. Be sure to upload your journal as a
, x, or file.
In order to achieve the goals for this assignment, you will need to apply the course concepts and content learned this quarter to yourself. Using the outline below, explore all the elements of your cultural identity. Who are you, culturally speaking? For the purposes of this journey, focus on behaviors you actually engage in.
For each element be sure to provide an example from your present day life.
NOTE: This assignment is NOT a simple autobiography or detailed chronological story of your family’s history. This is an analysis paper. In order to succeed on this assignment it is important that you review and understand the difference between analyzing and summarizing. For more information on this distinction, please see
Guide | Analyzing versus Summarizing
. Brief excerpts from your family’s history may pertain to portions of this journal but should not be the primary focus. The goal of this paper is for you to analyze the elements of your cultural identity as they relate to you in order to identify your biases. As such, the primary focus is on you and your cultural practices in the present. i.e. What are your values, beliefs, norms, etc. today? What do you actually practice? Do not get lost in what your parents practice or believe. This paper is about you and the biases you have about other cultures.
For the purposes of this assignment simply
provide headings directly from the assignment outline below followed by your answers to the questions and examples. For example, you will start with the heading WORLDVIEW and then below it provide your answers to the questions posed in the outline along with appropriate examples from your life experience. The next heading would be VALUES followed by PROVERBS and so on. Please do not use up space in your paper restating the actual questions. Simply provide your answers to the questions in that section along and an example from your life experience in the space under each heading. Continue to do this for each topic on the assignment outline. There is no need to provide transitions between each topic.
Following the outline below should be helpful in writing this paper for organizational and
content purposes.
Assignment Outline:
This outline shows the order for your
final draft. Before turning in your journal be sure that it is in the order below (beginning with Worldview/Religion.)
I. Worldview/Religion – This section should not be completed until we cover Worldview in class. (
1. Why do you believe you are on planet Earth? What is your ultimate purpose in life?
This should be an explicit statement like
“I believe I am on planet Earth to…”
“I believe my purpose in life is…”
2. What are your beliefs?
II. Values – This section should not be completed until we cover Values in class. (
1. What do you hold dear? What do you treasure? What are your primary values? What is worth dying for? What is worth protecting?
2. Choose three (3) cultural patterns we covered in the Values Module that best describe your values and behaviors. Describe how your behaviors reflect each of the values you choose. Provide a specific example for each. The first time you use one of the course terms that describes you, be sure to bold or type it in all capital letters. No references are required.
III. Proverbs – This section should not be completed until we cover the Culture Module in class. (
1. What sayings/proverbs do you follow or live by? List at least
two of the most important ones to you and how you follow them. (See
Famous Proverbs From Around the WorldLinks to an external site. Links to an external site.
IV. History – This section should not be completed until we cover History in class. (
1. Analyze
eachof the elements below regarding your culture’s history
and how they affect on your thinking
. This is history from your own perspective. Use first person (I, me, mine) throughout this assignment.
2. How did/does the
geography and climate of the locale you were enculturated in come to affect
yourthinking today?
3. Choose one important story from your culture’s history (may be a past event, a myth, or a legend) that deeply affects
your thinking today.
4. Name two well-known people from your culture’s history that you look up to. (This should be a person who is recognized by the majority of people who share your culture.) Why do you admire them?
5. In what specific way(s) do the form(s) of government of your culture affect your thinking today?
What biases do these affects of your culture’s history create for you regarding other cultures?
V. Language and N
onverbal Norms – This section should not be completed until we cover Language in class. (
1. What language(s) do you speak? Who do you speak it to? How often do you use it?
2. What nonverbal behaviors make your culture unique? For the purposes of the assignment, choose two unique nonverbal ways your culture communicates. This may include anything in the areas of: tone, eye contact, touch, proxemics or gestures that stand out as a bit different in your culture than in other cultures.
3. What are the typical greeting and departure behaviors that you adhere to that make you part of your culture?
4. What are the typical eating (dining) behaviors that make you fit in to your culture?
5. How does the way you dress affect your cultural belonging?
VI. Identity – This section should not be completed until we cover Identity in class. (
) (
1. Do you belong to a dominant group/culture? If so, which one? Identify one bias that you hold about another culture as a result of being a part of this group.
Please note that there is a difference between bias and opinion.
Your goal for this assignment is to identify
. What’s the difference? A bias is the tendency to think in a certain way based on a person’s learned worldview.
Bias is an unconscious, cognitive process that we are often not aware of.
And, once we identify a bias we hold, we often are not eager to share it freely with others. It is an inclination or slant toward a certain opinion or prejudice. Bias is a judgement often uncorrelated with data. It tends to restrict the acknowledgement or the acceptance of different viewpoints and is not likely to change even if new information is presented.
Opinions are something we are very consciously aware of and often share freely with others. An opinion is a viewpoint that can be neutral or biased. Opinion is one’s interpretation of data or information. There could be alternative opinions about the same event based on different interpretations. Unlike bias, however, opinion might easily change in light of new information.
2. Name two non-dominant groups (co-cultures) you belong to. Identify one bias that you hold as a result of being a part of these groups.
3.Discuss the income portion of your socio-economic standing. Do you consider yourself middle-class, upper-class, or low-class in terms of income. How does your “class” standing affect how you think of others of different class standing? Identify one bias that you hold as a result of being a part of this group.
4. Discuss your age identity. Identify one bias that you hold as a result of being a part of this group. Are you a Baby Boomer, GenX-er, Millennial, or GenZ-er? If you’re not sure, here is a resource that may help: to an external site. Links to an external site.
. Once you identify your generation, identify one bias that you hold about people of other generations as a result of being a part of this group. The purdueglobal resource should also help in this regard.
5. Choose
of the following aspects of your identity to discuss and identify one bias that you hold about another culture as a result of being a part of this group.
1. Race
2. Gender
3. Sexuality
4. Ability
5. Ethnicity
6. National identity
7. Regional identity
VII. Bias(es)/Privilege – This section should not be completed until we cover Biases and Privilege in class. (
1. Using the
Wheel of Power/PrivilegeLinks to an external site. Links to an externalsite.
examine your relationship to oppression, power, and privilege. Identify one privilege you hold. Explain this privilege.
How will you go about acknowledging and being aware of your privilege?
What are two biases (not opinions) you hold about other cultures or co-cultures? Feel free to focus on the biases you identified in section VI (Identity). Identify at least two biases you have about other cultures or co-cultures.
Be specific. Be sure that the culture(s) or co-culture(s) you identify meet the definition of what a culture or non-dominant/co-culture is (see Culture module).
3. How will you go about keeping an open mind and monitoring your ethnocentrism with this culture or non-dominant/co-culture? Be specific.
If you are having difficulty identifying your biases, here is a helpful tool. Try exploring your personal biases and preferences by taking the Implicit Association Test (IAT) sponsored by Harvard University. Go to
Be sure to choose the Project Implicit Social Attitudes option, then select from: the Race IAT, Skin-tone IAT, Arab-Muslim IAT, Sexuality IAT, or Disability IAT. (You may think you have a test figured out and that you can out-smart exposing any of your biases, however, stick with it. You will be surprised how subtle differences can influence what we think.)
VIII. Addendum Poem
Read the poem below and then thoughtfully write your own using the example or the template provided. Carefully consider what you have learned about your cultural identity as you construct your poem. Try to capture your discoveries in your poem. This will be the conclusion of your Cultural Identity Analysis Journal.
Poem Example:
Where I’m From by George Ella Lyon
I am from clothespins,
from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride
I am from the dirt under the back porch.
(Black, glistening, it tasted like beets.)
I am from the forsythia bush
the Dutch elm
whose long-gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.
I’m from fudge and eyeglasses,
from Imogene and Alafair.
I’m from the know-it-alls
and the pass-it-ons,
from Perk up! and Pipe down!
I’m from He restoreth my soul
with a cotton ball lamb
and ten verses I can say myself.
I’m from Artemus and Billie’s Branch,
fried corn and strong coffee.
From the finger my grandfather lost
to the auger,
the eye my father shut to keep his sight.
Under my bed was a dress box
spilling old pictures,
a sift of lost faces
to drift beneath my dreams.
I am from those moments —
snapped before I budded —
leaf-fall from the family tree.
WHERE I’M FROM (Template)
I am from ____________ (specific ordinary item),
from __________ (product name) and __________.
I am from the _____________ (home description. adjective, sensory detail).
I am from the _____________ (plant, flower, natural item),
the ___________ (plant, flower, natural detail)
I am from _____________ (family tradition) and ____________ (family trait),
from ___________ (name of family member) and _____________ (another family name)
and _______________ (family name).
I am from the _______________ (description of family tendency)
and ____________ (another name).
From ______________ (something you were told as child)
and ____________ (another).
I am from (representation of religion, or lack of it. Further description.)
I’m from _____________ (place of birth and family ancestry),
____________ (two food items representing your family).
From the ______________ (specific family story about a specfic person and detail),
the ______________ (another detail),
and the ____________ (another detail about another family member).
I am from _______________ (location of family pictures, mementos, archives and several more lines indicating their worth).
Frequently Asked Questions
How long should my journal be?
The typical length is
12-15 pages, typed in
size 12 font (times new roman or similar), double-spaced with 1″ margins. Relevant content in this paper is important. I will read up to 20 pages.
Do I need to provide page references and citations for this assignment?
Providing page references to the textbook or any other source is
not a requirement for this assignment. Since the journal is all about you, there is no need to use MLA or APA. You will not be defining terms or providing quotes from any sources in this paper. Instead, you will be applying all the terms in the assignment outline (below) to yourself and describing what they look like in your life and in your behaviors. This assignment is much like a journal entry where your writing shows substantive self-reflection and thoughtfulness. Pictures/photos are not necessary as they do not help demonstrate your self-reflection on the topics.
Is it okay to use first person?
Please use first person (e.g. “I believe…”, “….importance to me”, and “my values…”) throughout this analysis assignment since the subject is all about you. This is your chance to talk about your cultural identity, beliefs, values, norms and practices.
Is it okay to re-use what I’ve already posted on discussion assignments?
Feel free to use any original content you’ve posted on the discussion board throughout the quarter that applies to any of the questions asked in this assignment. Several of the discussion questions were designed to get you thinking about your cultural identity and prep you for this assignment.
Do you have an example journal I could look at?
Here are a couple excerpts from exemplary cultural identity analysis journals:
My country’s history has had more implicit than explicit influences on my psyche. As far as
geography is concerned, I am identified as one who lives in the “West,” when compared to the rest of the world. This affiliates my thinking with western ideas and ideology such as capitalism, free trade, and democracy. Our government has made me love and cherish the freedom we as Americans share, one right, that of free speech, I’m exercising right now in the sharing of my personal identity. Some stories I’ve grown fond of from my culture are accounts of valor and self-sacrifice passed down to me from the Marine Corps. One such story is of a
hero Sergeant Major Kasal, who served in the initial push into Fallujah. He heroically, without regard for his own life, in a building with several wounded Marines and four insurgents, attempted to retrieve his men. In the process he and his companion were shot in the legs, and after a grenade was thrown, laid his body on top of his fellow wounded Marine to shield him from the blast. They then waited for backup for an hour and a half, while Kasal held security for he and his men, fading in and out of consciousness in the bathroom with his M-9 Beretta drawn, He received a meritorious promotion to Sergeant Major and a Navy Cross, which is the nation’s second highest award. The
story of this man inspires me to live a life that is willing to sacrifice my own comfort and well being for the good of others.
such as the Civil War, the abolition of slavery, and distribution of equal rights to all races, men and women have all affected my perspective. Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech and the events that took place in removing the racism and oppression of African Americans in the United States has given me eyes to see my own sinfulness in ethnocentrism. I tend to gravitate toward people I know and am comfortable with, yet these events remind me of the fact that we all are one race, created equally in the sight of God and it helps me to be more open to and less intimidated by other cultures…
. 20 pts – Completeness – addresses
every question in the assignment outline and provides an appropriate example from your life experience for
every element discussed in the assignment.
. 20 pts – Demonstrates adequate depth and thoughtfulness of analysis by sharing an honest and open analysis. Demonstrates analysis versus summary (see guide in Modules) throughout the journal.
. 10 pts – Demonstrates a keen self-awareness of your own ethnocentrism.
. 25 pts – Identifies specific biases and how you will go about keeping your ethnocentrism in check.
. 10 pts – Appropriately applies course concepts and terms. Your use of course terminology and concepts should demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.
. 10 pts – Journal is carefully proofread, organized, free of spelling errors, typos and fragments and follow capitalization conventions.