CIMA 706: Assignment 3 The Interview- 750 words minimum
Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Due End of Week 6
Purpose of the Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to discover what a Leader of Change experiences and
perceives during an actual change initiative that he/she has lead in an educational institution.
Through conversation with a change leader, you will identify the key elements required of
change and the experiences and perceptions of the success of such an initiative in order for you
to apply your learning about change management and what is required to be successful.
1. Identify an exemplary change agent working in education that you know or know of by
o This person can be a current employee/employer
o Former employee/employer
o Current/former colleague
2. Schedule an interview with this person.
o Please be respectful of busy schedules.
o Explain that this assignment requires that the interview itself should last no less than
45 and no more than 60 minutes.
o Schedule via video conferencing or phone but the interview must be live, not via
3. Create no less than 10 and no more than15 original questions to ask this interviewee
regarding their direct experience and perceptions of change management in a particular
o Design your questions to identify key elements of change leadership and to elicit in-
depth information based on your readings to date.
o It is important to plan your questions in advance, however, you may wish to revise the
order, or some of the questions during the actual interview based on the dialog that
ensures. Offer to send the questions to the interviewee in advance so they can prepare
their answers thoughtfully.
o If the interviewee gives permission, it is useful to record the interview.
o Keep copies of all electronic communication to submit with your final product.
4. Conduct the Interview in a timely and professional manner
5. Reflect on both the interview experience and the information you received in order to
respond thoughtfully to the guiding questions
CIMA 706: Assignment 3 The Interview- 750 words minimum
Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Due End of Week 6
6. Write and Submit a synopsis of the interview including the subsections below and
responding thoughtfully and with citations from your text and other readings to the guiding
✓ Introduction:
o Who did you interview (use only titles with no identifying information)
o Why did you select this interviewee? (credentials, accomplishments,
o Describe the location and circumstances of the interview
o How did you feel about this interview?
✓ Summary:
o What did you learn?
o Include key quotes from the interviewee
o Were the responses congruent with what you anticipated?
o How did this interview influence your perceptions of change leadership?
o Based on the interviewee’s responses, what is this individual’s philosophy of
change management, with reference to the essential topics that serve as weekly
topics for our course.
o What did you discover that surprised you?
o What did you discover that confirmed your understanding of change
o What did you discover that changed/impacted your viewpoint of leadership
during times of change?
o Was there anything the interviewee said that concerned you? If so, please
✓ Comparative Analysis:
o How did the interviewee’s beliefs and comments confirm/align with
materials presented in course readings?
▪ Be specific and cite the comparison with information in your text or
supplemental material
o How did the interviewee’s beliefs/comments differ with the materials
presented in the course readings?
▪ Be specific and clear with citations.
✓ Conclusion:
o Summarize what you learned from the interview
o Summarize what you learned from the interview process.
o Conclude your overall perception of Change Management and Leadership
✓ Reference Page
✓ Appendix :
o Include the List of questions used
o Include any correspondence between you and the Interviewee
CIMA 706: Assignment 3 Scoring Rubric [The Interview]
Section 1: Introduction [
10 Total Points ]
A. Identified Interviewee and Rational for Why the Subject was Selected for Study in Relation to Educational Change
a. Protected the individual’s/interviewee’s identity
1. Used professional title/job role in lieu of first and last name.
b. Provided background details about the interviewee and their connections to educational change.
1. Included interviewee’s credentials, accomplishments, number of years in job-role, and details about their reputation.
c. Described Interview Format/Structure
1. Disclosed format style (e.g., face-to-face, telephone, video conference)
2. Provided details about: date, time, place, timeline/duration of meeting
Section 2: Summary of the Interview [
35 Points ]
A. Provided 10 to 15 Interview questions and brief summary of interviewee’s responses to the interview questions.
a. Discussed the interviewee’s philosophies of change management.
1. Connected interviewee’s philosophies to Module topics and Essential/Guiding questions demonstrated in Modules 1-6.
2. Provided direct quotes from the interview conversation to support this section of the paper.
b. Included direct quotes obtained from the interviewee that supported the writer’s findings on the interviewee’s philosophies of change management.
B. Provided discussion about whether or not responses to the interview questions were similar to or differed from personal perceptions and understandings of educational change and change management processes.
a. Provided insight into whether or not the interviewee influenced the writer’s perceptions of educational change and change management processes.
1. Included specific statements from responses to the interview questions to support the writer’s position.
2. Connected information in Section 2, Subsection B to course readings: Senge et. al., (2012), Module 1-6 Readings that justified position.
3. Provided direct quotes from the interview conversation to support positions described in Section 2, Subsection Section B.
C. Lessons Learned
a. Discussed and connected lessons learned from the interview activity (and individual interviewed) to Module topics.
1. Mapped lessons learned to Senge et. al., (2012), and Modules 1-6 Reading Activities/Materials by providing in-text citations that supported the writer’s position.
b. Discussed the writer’s understandings of educational change and whether or not the interview had effects (e.g., changed) on understandings described; and whether or not the information obtained supported or refuted the writer’s perceptions of educational change.
1. Supported position by providing a minimum of three supporting details, such as, quotes, statements obtained from the interview that were similar to or different from course readings.
c. Provided details about new lessons learned about educational change based on details obtained from the interview conversation.
1. Discussed unforeseen/unanticipated/unexpected/surprising
and/or concerning details about educational change that emerged from interviewee’s responses to the interview questions.
2. Provided and connected direct quotes from the interview to in-text citation from course reading material to support information described in Section 2, Subsection 3.
Section 3: Comparative Analysis [20 Points ]
A. Discussed similarities and differences between the interviewee’s philosophies and approaches to educational change and information provided in Senge et. al., (2012), and Modules 1-6 Readings Materials.
a. Supported/Justified position by citing course reading material Demonstrated in-text citations from course reading materials that map to Reference List.
b. Applied direct quotes and/or statements obtained from the interview to Section 3, Subset A.
Section 4:
Conclusions |15 Points |
A. Provided Brief Summary of Lessons Learned from the Interview
a. Recounted summary details described in Section 2 of the paper; key points were included.
1. Provided summary of new discoveries about Educational Change and Change Management Processes, based on insights learned from the interview
b. Discussed personal perceptions of Leadership and Educational Change
Section 5: References [Minimum of 6] & Appendix [10 points]
A. Reference List included Senge et. al. (2012) and 5-other data sources derived from course reading materials that were retrieved from Modules 1-6.
a. Provided in-text citations across Sections 1-5 that map to the Reference List.
B. Provided Appendix
a. Interview Questions [10 to 15 Questions]
b. Provided record of communication correspondence(s) between the interviewer (e.g., writer) and the interviewee (e.g., individual interviewed).
c. Removed identifiable information to protect the interviewee’s anonymity.
APA: Citations & Mechanics-Style
[10 Points]
1-error = 1-Point b. [N = < 10] More than 10 Errors = -10 Points and/or no points added to the sum total of points on Sections 1-5