Assignment 8 Artifact/Evidence Chart
Provide detailed artifacts as evidence of work related to the specified PBL (minimum of 5 different artifact types – see list below and you can discuss this with your mentor). Examples can include, but are not limited to, the following:
Meeting notes with the mentor on defining the problem
Works cited from research (annotated bibliography)
Data gathering (e.g., forms of data collected that demonstrate the existence of the problem) CAEP A.1.1
Data analysis process and results (charts, notes, etc.) CAEP A.1.1
Graphic organizers used for brainstorming
Meeting minutes or all other types of communications (emails, notes, presentations) CAEP A.1.1
Evidence of working on a team
Surveys (questions and results)
Forms of feedback received from stakeholders
Presentations (media, notes) CAEP A.1.1
Evidence of community involvement