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In this course, you will study key aspects of personal branding that can be applied to your personal and professional endeavors. In the Module One discussion you compared personal brands to corporate brands. In this assignment, you will continue to explore personal branding by analyzing personal brands online and then reflecting on how what you find could inform the development of your own personal brand.
Explore: Explore personal brands that you find interesting on the web, then select two personal brands that appeal to you and two personal brands that do not appeal to you. Avoid selecting the same personal brands addressed in the module Resources section. Instead, select the brands of individuals who have personal meaning to you. When making your selections, think about your favorite modern-day athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs.
Analyze: Write a concise analysis of your selected brands and include screenshots of supporting evidence (from visuals, videos, branding elements, quotes, etc.). Specifically, you must address the following in your analysis:
Personal Brand Identification: Identify the personal brands you are analyzing and provide a statement regarding the overall appeal of each personal brand.
Personal Brand Statement: Do the personal brands you’re analyzing include a personal brand statement that is clear, unique, and expressive of who they are or want to be? Why or why not?
Personal Brand Elements: Do the personal brands you’re analyzing include other brand elements that are clearly presented, such as their mission, vision, goals, and values? Why or why not?
Personal Brand Visuals: Do the personal brands you’re analyzing use visuals (e.g., logos, images, or videos) and other aesthetics (e.g., color, typography, or design elements) to convey their brand? Do these visuals enhance or detract from their personal branding? Why or why not?
Reflect: After completing an analysis of your selected brands, reflect on the following:
Lessons Learned: What are some key takeaways about personal branding that you learned from analyzing authentic examples?
Building Your Brand: What can you use from your analysis to inform or inspire the development of your own personal brand?
Guidelines for Submission
This assignment must be submitted as a 500- to 750-word Microsoft Word document. Include screenshots to support your analysis and make sure to use APA-style in-text captions.