The following are topics to be considered for your 5 page APA research term paper.
Choose a topic, research it and state your position but… support your position with research and data. You should have 5 pages in total. Do not include an abstract. Please make sure your citations are correct. Anything with more than a 20% similarity index is a failing paper. I will remove the reference page on my end if all of your similarity is in the reference page. The paper will be due in week 12.
Page 1- Cover page (Do not put any pictures follow APA format)
Page 2- Content
Page 3- Content
Page 4- Content
Page 5- Reference Page
There will be a draft drop box in week 12 that will allow you to check the similarity before a final submission. After checking the draft YOU must submit a final paper in the final submission drop box.
Should marijuana be legal in every state?