The research paper will be
6-8 double-spaced pages in text length, not including cover page, Table of Contents, References, or Appendices Paper must be written according to APA style and be carefully referenced.
The purpose of this paper is to take a narrow leadership topic and do an in-depth review of the current literature on this topic. This is a library research paper and
you must use at least 10 different scholarly sources, in addition to the textbooks. Be sure to use published journal articles as your sources, not less-reliable Internet web sites. Reference your paper very carefully and tightly.
Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count. This must be a professional looking paper to receive full credit. Paper should have an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference section. Paper should also have a Table of Contents and appropriate headings and sub-headings in the body of the paper. Be sure to use the required title page. Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why. Note that this is a
research paper. Avoid all first person pronouns and personal opinion.
You may choose from the list of topics below or suggest one of your own to the instructor. If you choose a different other than the topics presented below, be sure to e-mail your topic to the instructor and get approval before you start working.
This assignment is worth 35% (35 points) of your grade.
*** Suggested Topics for Research Papers (Be sure to relate topic specifically to Leadership Research)
1. Charismatic leadership
2. Leading through mentoring
3. Executive leadership development
4. Gender and leadership research
5. Traits of effective leaders
6. Transformational leadership
7. Can leadership be learned?
8. What do leaders value?
9. The ethics of effective leaders
10. New trends in leadership research
11. Status of the glass ceiling with female and minority leaders
12. How do leaders influence followers?
13. Followership theory—Looking at leadership from the bottom up