Case study
Instruction are attached. The book- Gerontology for the Health Care Professional – Regula H. Robnett, Nancy Brossoie, Walter C. Chop – Google Books.Chapter 7, 8, and 9. Thanks advance
11/13/23, 7:03 PM
Module 9 Video Case Study
Module 9 Video Case Study
Start Assignment
Due Nov 27 by 11:59pm
Points 10
Submitting a text entry box
Available Oct 16 at 12am – Nov 27 at 11:59pm
Read the case study below, then submit your recorded video responses and reflections to the following
questions. This assignment is to be completed using a video recording of your responses. The video
containing your responses answering all questions should last for at least two minutes, but no longer than
four minutes. These answers are to be completed as a dialogue and not read as a script. You should not be
reading a prepared written or electronic document. If it appears you are reading a prepared document, you
may be asked to resubmit your video. Please review the rubric for more specific grading details.
Instructions for submitting your video responses can be found below the case study.
Dwayne is a 77-year-old widowed male who lives with his daughter and her family in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dwayne enjoys staying active despite his advanced age. Prior to retirement 10 years ago, Dwayne was
an auto parts store manager. He describes himself as being social and enjoys reading and assembling
model antique cars. He has managed to stay active, swimming daily and bowling on the weekends with
his former coworkers. He enjoys getting together with his bowling buddies, even though they sometimes
tease him about losing his hearing. He denies that he has a problem, even though he often has to piece
together what his friends are talking about based on the words and phrases he can make out. The only
thing he does not like about these weekend meet-ups is dinner at the bowling alley’s sports bar. Dwayne
enjoyed the food there for decades, but in recent years none of his favorite food items there taste like
they used to. He has the same problem with the food his daughter prepares. “Jeez,” he jokes with his
friends, “Nobody knows how to cook anymore!”
Answer the following questions:
1. Discuss at least three ways regular exercise is benefiting Dwayne.
2. List at least three ways Dwayne’s friends can help accommodate for his hearing loss.
3. List at least three possible reasons why Dwayne is likely complaining about the taste of food.
To record your video, please watch this video below for instructions.
For Mac users, it is suggested you use the Capture Beta version in Panopto
If Panopto still won’t work for you, you can always record your video in Zoom, Webex or on your
phone and then upload your video’s MP4 file into the assignment text box using the media upload
tab. See below. Please note: Your file has to be a MP4 file, not a MOV file. If you file is a MOV
file, you need to convert it to a MP4 file.
11/13/23, 7:03 PM
Module 9 Video Case Study
*** As future healthcare providers, your professional appearance matters when presenting to patients and
colleagues. Please make sure to have an appropriate background and clothing when recording your video.
For example: please do not wear a bathrobe or have inappropriate pictures/items in your video’s
background. When recording your video, think about how you would want to appear on video for your future
Final Student Submit Video Assignment
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Case Study Rubric
11/13/23, 7:03 PM
Module 9 Video Case Study
6 to >0.0 pts
0 pts
Student covers stated questions completely
in his/her response.
Student does not cover the stated
questions in his/her response.
6 pts
2 to >0.0 pts
0 pts
Student provides an in-depth reflection with an
insightful analysis of the questions.
Student does not provide any reflective
component in his/her response.
2 to >0.0 pts
0 pts
Student presents by video on questions for at
least 2 minutes, but less than 4 minutes.
Student presents by video on questions
for less than 2 minutes or over 4 minutes.
2 pts
2 pts
Total Points: 10