choose and read one of the articles on a topic, approved by your instructor. Once you have finished
reading the article, you are to write a summary of the main points in the article. This assignment will be
graded on how much I think that you have learned about the topic, from reading the article. I therefore
check to see that the following criteria have been met (point totals for each criterion are listed in
parentheses immediately following each one):
1. Your article must be approved by your Instructor.
2. Your summary must accurately capture the main points and concepts discussed in the article. This
illustrates your ability to read, comprehend, and pull out the important information. (10)
3. Your summary must emphasize concepts rather than descriptions. This means the focus of your
summary should be on explaining how something formed or works as opposed to just describing
something. Descriptive information should appear in your summary only if it illustrates concepts and
processes. (5)
4. The summary is written in your own words. I can’t tell if you have learned anything if you merely
copied phrases from the article (not to mention that this is plagiarism). You have learned a concept
when you are able to state it in your own words. (3)
5. The summary needs to be at least one page. Summaries must be typewritten and doublespaced. I will
not read handwritten submissions. Plan ahead. Do not exceed two pages in length