at least five
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Examining the social ecology of a bar-crawl:
An exploratory pilot study
John D. Clapp1‡, Danielle R. Madden1☯*, Douglas D. Mooney2☯, Kristin E. Dahlquist1‡
1 Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California,
United States of America, 2 EarlyMoon LLP, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.
‡ These authors also contributed equally to this work.
Many of the problems associated with alcohol occur after a single drinking event (e.g.
drink driving, assault). These acute alcohol problems have a huge global impact and
account for a large percentage of unintentional and intentional injuries in the world. None-
theless, alcohol research and preventive interventions rarely focus on drinking at the
event-level since drinking events are complex, dynamic, and methodologically challeng-
ing to observe. This exploratory study provides an example of how event-level data may
be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. The drinking behavior of twenty undergraduate
students enrolled at a large Midwestern public university was observed during a single bar
crawl event that is organized by students annually. Alcohol use was monitored with trans-
dermal alcohol devices coupled with ecological momentary assessments and geospatial
data. “Small N, Big Data” studies have the potential to advance health behavior theory
and to guide real-time interventions. However, such studies generate large amounts of
within subject data that can be challenging to analyze and present. This study examined
how to visually display event-level data and also explored the relationship between some
basic indicators and alcohol consumption.
A fundamental fact underlying epidemiological indicators of drinking behavior and related
problems is that all patterns and problems reflect either a single drinking event or an aggregate
of drinking events. Acute alcohol problems have a huge global impact [1]; for instance, approx-
imately 25% of all unintentional, and 10% of intentional injuries in the world can be attributed
to drinking events. Drink driving, alcohol-related violence, and alcohol poisoning all occur at
the event level. Despite this, alcohol research and tests of preventive interventions at the event
level comprise a relatively small niche in the literature [2]. As noted by Clapp et al. [3],
approaches to studying drinking events have advanced little over the past thirty years.
Conceptually, the social ecology of drinking events is complex and dynamic [3 4 5]. Systems
dynamics models [4 5] based on field data have illustrated biological factors, (e.g., gender,
PLOS ONE | September 27, 2017 1 / 27
Citation: Clapp JD, Madden DR, Mooney DD,
Dahlquist KE (2017) Examining the social ecology
of a bar-crawl: An exploratory pilot study. PLoS
ONE 12(9): e0185238.
Editor: Etsuro Ito, Waseda University, JAPAN
Received: June 30, 2017
Accepted: September 9, 2017
Published: September 27, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Clapp et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: This work was funded by a seed grant
from the College of Social Work at the Ohio State
University. EarlyMoon LLP provided support in the
form of salaries for authors [DDM], but did not
have any additional role in the study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of
these authors are articulated in the ‘author
contributions’ section.
body weight, etc.), motives, peer influence and the environment interact in complex feedback
systems that influence intoxication (both peak blood alcohol content (BAC) and rate of BAC
change). Although such models are useful to guide theory and pre-test potential interventions
[6 7 8] validation and tuning of computational models with empirical data is critical [9].
Capturing the complexity of drinking events is methodologically challenging [2]. Histori-
cally, research into drinking behavior in situ has relied on retrospective survey methods, obser-
vation, or field interviews [10 11 12 13]. Beyond self-reports, many field studies of drinking
have used breathalyzers to measure breath alcohol content(BrAC) and intoxication [14 15 16
17]. Although breathalyzers provide biological estimates of drinking that are arguably better
than self-reports, the logistics of collecting breath tests in the field are difficult [18]. Further,
with few exceptions [16 17 19 20 21] most studies using breathalyzers collect one sample per
participant, making them cross-sectional.
Although point-estimates of BAC have utility (as do estimates of peak BAC), they are lim-
ited in providing useful data related to blood alcohol curves or how drinking shifts over the
course of an event. Computational simulations of the dynamics of drinking events and the
pharmacokinetics of BAC [4 5] strongly suggest that repeated measures of drinking during an
event are needed to best understand BAC curves and the ecology of drinking events. Under-
standing the overall dynamics of drinking events and how BAC “behaves over time” is critical
to identifying leverage points for intervention [22] and to avoid interventions based on sim-
plistic models grounded in potentially spurious findings [23].
Transdermal alcohol monitors represent an alternative to breathalyzers, observation or self-
reported drinking during drinking events [24]. While breathalyzers provide breath estimates
of BAC (BrAC), transdermal alcohol monitors provide estimates based on alcohol perspired
through the skin (transdermal alcohol content: TAC). One major potential advantage of using
transdermal monitors over other methods is their capacity to take repeated TAC samples from
the same subject over time. This feature has potential for enhancing event-level research, treat-
ment outcome studies and the like. The proliferation of Global Positioning System (GPS) and
Bluetooth equipped smartphones, smart phone applications and newer generations of smaller
(wrist watch size) wearable alcohol or “tattoo” like monitors will likely improve our ability to
study and intervene in alcohol events in real-time.
To date, however, there is only one known feasibility study that has been conducted using
transdermal monitors to measure drinking during drinking events [25]. Otherwise, event-level
studies are still failing to include more continuous objective measures of alcohol consumption.
There are a handful of studies that have explored the use of transdermal sensors in contingency
management interventions but behaviors are followed more aggregately [26 27 28]. The
devices are more typically utilized as an intervention in a criminal justice setting to decrease
the propensity of reoccurring harm such as drink driving [29]. Although recent advances in
data collection technologies [30 31] have the potential to advance our understanding of event-
level drinking behavior, Riley et al. [30] notes that our ability to collect individualized, context-
specific data and to intervene in situ has surpassed our current theories. The authors note that
“health behavior models that have dynamic, regulatory system components to guide rapid
intervention adaptation based on the individual’s current and past behavior and situational
context” are greatly needed.
This exploratory pilot study sought to examine event-level drinking using transdermal
monitors, coupled with ecological momentary assessments and geospatial data. The goals of
the study included 1) examining how to visually display event-level data that are dynamic, 2)
identifying data mining and analyses methods to handle complex “big data, small N” [32] data,
and 3) to model some basic alcohol indicators for this drinking event (a senior bar crawl).
Examining the social ecology of a bar-crawl
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Competing interests: We have the following
interests: Douglas D. Mooney is employed by
EarlyMoon LLP. There are no patents, products in
development or marketed products to declare. This
does not alter our adherence to all the PLOS ONE
policies on sharing data and materials.
This study was a prospective, repeated measures investigation of within-night drinking during
one bar crawl event that occurs yearly near graduation at a large Midwestern state university
in the U.S. This study included retrospective surveys of past drinking behavior and prospective
examinations of a drinking event including real-time alcohol monitoring coupled with geospa-
tial data.
Twenty undergraduate students (n = 20) enrolled at The Ohio State University were recruited
to participate in this study. Participants were active consumers of alcohol (i.e., self-reported
alcohol use at least once during the preceding week), legally able to drink (i.e., 21 years of age
or older), and owned a smartphone (it was a required instrument for survey administration).
All participants planned to participate in the “senior” bar crawl during spring semester 2016.
This bar crawl occurs yearly near the end of spring semester in a particularly dense bar district
directly across from main academic center of the campus.
This study was approved by The Ohio State University Institutional Review Board
(2016B0092). Students were recruited to participate via flyers and college newsletter announce-
ments. Participants attended an orientation meeting at our research office prior to starting the
bar crawl where verbal informed consent was obtained. Each participant was insured that they
could opt out of the study at any point. During this meeting, participants completed baseline
survey measures on a secure online survey platform that assessed demographics and past alco-
hol use behaviors. Each participant was then fitted with a SCRAM-CAM transdermal device in
order to continuously assess transdermal alcohol content over a 24 hour period. More infor-
mation about this transdermal device is provided below. After the meeting, participants were
told to attend the bar crawl as they originally intended. We did not encourage the participants
to drink more or less than they otherwise would and they were not required to attend any spe-
cific bar or location during the bar crawl.
During the crawl and throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, participants
responded to ecological momentary assessments (EMA) accessed on the web and housed on
the survey platform Qualtrics. EMAs are utilized to repeatedly report on behaviors as the expe-
rience is occurring [33] and are a feasible approach to assess drinking events in situ with mini-
mized recall bias. In this study, EMA surveys were delivered once hourly from 12pm to 5pm
and again at 9pm and 12am. Participants were provided with a link to each survey via text mes-
sage. A reminder to complete the survey was sent 5 minutes passed the hour. Participants pro-
vided information about their current alcohol consumption, drinking location, drinking
companions, and subjective intoxication. Additionally, the respondent’s geographical location
was logged with each survey response.
During the next day, participants returned to our office to remove the transdermal device
and to respond to a short survey about their experiences at the bar crawl. Participants reflected
whether or not they had fun, met new friends, lost track of time, or experienced any alcohol-
related consequences (i.e., physical injury, hangover). Additionally, participants reflected on
their motivations throughout the evening, particularly whether they drank more than they
intended. Participants received $50 as an incentive for their participation.
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Measures and instruments
This study included a wide variety of data and many aspects of the drinking event were fol-
lowed. Only the measurements that were found to be important are included in this descrip-
tion. The full instruments utilized in this study are available from the corresponding author.
Demographics. Participant gender, age, weight, ethnicity, living situation (i.e., on-campus
or off-campus), employment status, major, grade point average, membership in Greek organi-
zations or on athletic teams were assessed. These items have been shown to be predictive of
heavy drinking in past empirical work [34].
Historical alcohol use. Participant alcohol use history was assessed with both the Alcohol
Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) [35] and quantity and frequency measures adapted
from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) [36].
The AUDIT identifies harmful patterns of alcohol consumption with 10 items that are
summed to create an overall score. Scores of 8 or greater point to a possible alcohol-use disor-
der, scores of 8–15 indicate hazardous alcohol use, scores of 16–19 represent harmful use, and
a score of 20 or more is indicative of dependence. In addition to the possibility of an alcohol-
use disorder, overall drinking rates were assessed as well as the consumption of specific types
of beverages (e.g., beer, wine, or liquor) in a Quantity/ Frequency (“QF”) measure. Participants
were asked how often they consumed each type of alcohol or how often they felt drunk in the
past 30 days on a 7-point Likert scale from (1) every day to (7) once a month. Items from
NESARC were altered to reflect the frequency and amount of alcohol each participant con-
sumed over the past 30 days instead of the typical 12 month timeframe. Reflecting on alcohol
use during the past month enlists more accurate recall than a 12 month period [37].
Pre-drinking plans (“Plans”). Before participants attend the bar crawl, they reported
their plans for the evening. Specifically, the amount of money they planned to spend, the
amount they intended to drink (i.e., not enough to get buzzed, enough to feel a slight buzz,
enough to feel a little drunk, or enough to feel very drunk), the number of places they intended
to go, where they intended to drink (i.e, only bars on the crawl list, other bars, friend’s apart-
ments) and the mode of transportation they planned to take (i.e., walk, bike, ride in a car,
drive, take a bus or taxi) was assessed. Participants also commented on whether they planned
to play drinking games or whether they could access illegal drugs if they wanted.
Ecological momentary assessments. Surveys administered during the bar crawl assessed
participant activity hourly. Participants recorded the number and type (i.e., beer, wine, liquor)
of drinks they consumed during the past hour as well as the amount of money they spent (in
U.S. dollars). Participants were reminded of the standard U.S. drink size for various types of
beverages with a drawn depiction every time the amount of alcohol one consumed was
requested. Current subjective intoxication was analyzed as well (i.e., whether the participant
felt no buzz, slight buzz, a little drunk, or very drunk). This “Feel Now” single-item measure
has been utilized to measure one’s perceived level of intoxication in a number of field studies
to date [38 39 40 41]. Each EMA response captured geospatial (GPS) data gathered from the
participant’s cellphone so it was possible to determine the approximate location of the partici-
pant when the survey was completed. The total number of drinks the participant self-reported
consuming (based on each individual EMA survey response) was summed for the entire drink-
ing event. The total amount of money spent was also calculated for the entire event.
Next morning (“Post”). Participants completed survey items that reviewed the events
during the preceding day. They specified the number of bars in which they consumed alcohol
during the course of the entire drinking event, whether they perceived time to move more
quickly than usual, and if they consumed more alcohol than they originally intended.
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Participants additionally estimated at what time they consumed their first drink and when
they finished their last drink of alcohol.
Transdermal alcohol sensor (SCRAM-CAM). The Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol
Monitoring sensor (SCRAM-CAM), developed by Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc., can
detect ethanol concentration in vapors formed above the skin. The bracelet is fastened to the
participant’s ankle and cannot be removed until the device is unlocked. Every 30 minutes, the
sensor conducts a reading of transdermal alcohol. Information is stored in the device and can
be uploaded to a computer application after the device is removed. Alcohol that is detected
transdermally corresponds well with blood or breath alcohol concentrations [42 43]. The
SCRAM-CAM is commonly utilized to monitor individuals on house arrest for alcohol-related
offenses. More recently, this device and comparable sensors have been utilized in research and
have become a more common method to test alcohol use [25]. While these devices are not reg-
ularly utilized in studies among college students as of yet, a few recent attempts have illustrated
the inherent benefits of a noninvasive and continual method for estimating blood alcohol con-
tent (BAC) [25 27 31]. Both the research participant and the research team are blind to the
BAC readings during the observation period.
Initially, descriptive data for participant demographics were explored in Python 3.5.2. Next,
the ability to visualize event-level data with multiple collection techniques (i.e., continuous
transdermal data, hourly surveys, and spatial-temporal data) was tested with Python’s Matplo-
tlib 1.5.1 package of visualization and plotting tools. Lastly, exploratory analyses (or data min-
ing) were run in order to identify relationships that might be of interest for further study
including more proper assessment of test validity. Simple Linear Regression, Boxplots and
ANOVA analyses, and mixed-effects regression models were utilized to assess data in the
exploratory analyses. These models were run in R using the nmle package. Relationships with
p-values of 0.05 or smaller are discussed in the results.
For the Exploratory Data Analysis, four dependent variables were examined: 1) peak trans-
dermal alcohol concentration (TAC) value; 2) average rate of TAC change prior to peak; 3)
maximum rate of change of TAC prior to peak; and 4) time to peak TAC value. The peak TAC
value was provided in the output from the manufacturer. The average rate of TAC change
prior to peak was determined by taking the ratio of the peak TAC value to the time required to
reach that value from the adjusted start of drinking (the earlier of when the participant claimed
to start drinking via self-report and the first consistent non-zero TAC value). The maximum
rate of change of TAC prior to the peak TAC value was computed as the maximum derivative
of the TAC curve over this period as given by the Savitzky-Golay [44] filter (described below).
The time to peak TAC was determined based on both self-reported time spent drinking and
the TAC measurements. In a few cases, a consistent non-zero TAC level began to be recorded
before the participant self-reported drinking. For the purpose of this metric the time to peak
TAC represented the time from the earlier of self-reported drinking time and the beginning of
consistently non-zero TAC measurements.
Assessing transdermal data. According to the manufacturer there is an approximate
45-minute lag between alcohol entering the blood stream and the SCRAM device reporting
that it observes that alcohol through sweat. Due to this lag, all TAC readings were shifted 45
minutes forward in time. This enables the comparison of reported drinking activity with
changes in TAC. Though discrepancies may exist based on individual differences in skin thick-
ness for instance, we believe 45 minutes is enough to account for the lag in metabolizing.
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The TAC data series were noisy, which is to be expected with sensor readings. A smoothed
signal was obtained using the Savitzky-Golay filter [44], a standard filter for removing noise
from time series. The Savitzky-Golay filter has two parameters that need to be set. One is a
data window size and the smoothed estimate is computed from the points within the window.
The other is a smoothing parameter which can range from zero to N-1 where N is the number
of data points in the window. When the smoothing parameter is set to zero, the Savitzky-
Golay filter is simply a moving average filter that estimates the signal value at a point by aver-
aging all the data values in the window about the point. If the parameter is set to one, then the
Savitzky-Golay fits a line to the points in the window and estimates the signal using this line.
Each point has a different set of points in the window and hence each point is estimated with a
different line. Higher parameter values enable the filter to fit quadratics, cubic, etc. based on
the points in the window. At the extreme value of N-1, the fit polynomial is an interpolation
function that passes through each of data points. In this case, the estimated value is just the
original value with no smoothing. Thus the Savitzky-Golay filter’s smoothing parameter pro-
vides a range of smoothing from a Moving Average to none at all. Also, the window size
impacts the degree of smoothing with larger windows smoothing more and in the process
damping peaks. Thus, the filter needs to be tuned to the data. By examining a range of parame-
ters for the TAC data and examining residuals, a window of size 15 and a smoothing parameter
of 5 were determined to eliminate the high frequency movements of the signal, while preserv-
ing the slower changing TAC signal.
The Savitzky-Golay filter can also be used to provide the derivative of the signal. In the case
of TAC data, it represents the rate of change in TAC at any point in time. The data from the
SCRAM devices were not necessarily collected at the same time point that as survey was com-
pleted. Cubic-spline interpolation of the Savitzky-Golay filtered TAC data was used to estimate
both TAC and rate of TAC levels at points in time where no TAC was taken.
Device malfunctions. The company that manufactures SCRAM reviewed the TAC data
for each subject. The ankle of one of these subjects was too large for the SCRAM device to
work properly (skin contact was not adequately maintained) and these data were removed
from the study. Another participant’s data did not pass a test of tampering with the device, per-
haps due to alcohol spilled on the sensor or the presence of a foreign object that blocked read-
ings and this subject’s TAC data were also removed. The resulting data set resulted in a sample
of eighteen (n = 18) participants with TAC data series through their peak TAC value and for
some period afterward. However, it should be noted that half of the remaining sample had
some erratic TAC readings that required smoothing. A total of nine subjects had one or more
data points that were either zero or very low between two substantial TAC measurements. Spe-
cifically, two participants showed evidence of alcohol spillage or otherwise unreliable data
from some point after their peak TAC measurement was observed. These data were truncated
and the first part of the data series were retained and used. Two other subjects had erratic data
and although the company cautioned about the use of this data, their data were retained after
examination. The use of smoothing algorithm, explained below, helped to mitigate the noise.
Data points at or near zero were judged as non-physical measurements as they were inconsis-
tent with the rate that the body processes alcohol and hence almost surely due to a sensor read-
ing malfunction. These data were modified to remove the TAC measurement at or near zero
between two substantial nonzero values.
Missing data. Two participants had missing GPS data. These two were retained for all
analysis except the spatial analysis. The spatial analysis also used TAC readings. For this analy-
sis the two participants who were removed from the TAC analysis were also removed from the
GPSdata set for n = 16.
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Of the 20 participants, 10 were male and 10 were female. There was little variation in age with
all participants having ages in the range of 21 to 23 years old. Seventy percent (14) identified
themselves as White while the remaining 30 percent identified themselves as Asian. There
were three Social Work majors, three Neuroscience majors, and two Nursing majors. The
remainder of the students had different majors. Five were in the Greek system and two were
athletes. One person lived on campus, the remainder lived near campus in either apartments
(12) or houses (7). The participants’ GPAs ranged from 2.65 to 3.81 with half of the partici-
pants earning a 3.50 or better. Weights ranged from 115 pounds to 320 pounds with median
and mean weight of 157.5 and 167.7 pounds respectively.
Data visualization
Baseball card plots. This study had multiple data sources. TAC sensor data was collected
every half hour, survey data was collected at varying intervals during the bar crawl event, and
pre- and post-event surveys were also completed. For this project, we used what we term “base-
ball card plots”, which layout basic demographics and metrics for a participant on a single
sheet of paper, not unlike the information about a ball player on a baseball card. Examples are
seen in Figs 1 and 2.
The top plot of these visualizations contains time independent data such as demographics
and event level statistics including the peak TAC reached, the number of bars visited, the total
number of reported drinks, and the reported total amount of money spent on alcohol. Time
series data are reported down the page with all graphs having a common time axis on the bot-
tom. The bottom plot records the self-reported number of drinks at each survey time. The plot
bar markers have their right edge on the survey time as they reflect behavior over the period
since the previous survey. A black X indicates that a survey was scheduled for that time but not
completed (i.e., missing).
The next plot up gives the TAC readings as a function of time. These curves represent the
data after being shifted to the left by 45 minutes due to the lag between alcohol entering the
blood and its measurement in sweat by the TAC device. This plot shows the raw data, the
Savitzky-Golay smoothed data, and the Savitzky-Golay derivative which gives the rate of
change of TAC. The vertical black lines indicate the reported beginning and end of drinking
and the green vertical line is located at the peak TAC value. Above the TAC plot is the self-
reported amount of money spent on alcohol since the previous survey.
The next four plots represent the type of alcohol consumed since the previous survey. These
are yes or no responses. Participants can report multiple types of alcohol in a survey period,
but we did not capture the number of drinks of each type. The top plot is a self-reported rating
of how intoxicated the participant feels (referred to as the “Feel Now” variable). The responses
of 1 to 4 correspond respectively to (1) not buzzed, (2) slight buzz, (3) a little drunk, and (4)
very drunk. This plot enables us to compare self-reported drinking types, amounts, and times
with TAC and self-perceived intoxication.
These two participants had similar peak TAC values, but different patterns of consumption.
Participant 1 began consuming at 11:30 am and drank until after midnight. She visited 19 bars
and reported having 16 drinks. She missed the 9:00 pm survey so there is uncertainty about
whether she actually consumed a total of 16 drinks. Her pattern was to drink the most heavily
in the midafternoon with 4 drinks in the one hour between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm. She reached
her peak TAC at about 5:00 pm. Participant 1 drank a mixture of beer, shots, and mixed
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drinks. We observe a second peak in TAC value at about 3:00 am, corresponding to a couple
drinks at midnight. By contrast Participant 14 did not begin drinking until roughly 6:00 pm
and stopped drinking at 1:00 am. He visited 5 bars and drank 8 drinks, which consisted of
mixed drinks and beer. He consumed most of his alcohol between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm with
only two drinks after 9:00 pm. We note that both participants’ self-reported “Feel Now” (i.e.,
their subjective intoxication) score tracked well with their actual TAC levels.
Spatial-temporal movement. The use of GPS devices allows us to understand how partic-
ipants move throughout the bar crawl event. Fig 3 shows the movement of Participant 1. The
campus area is shaded in pink with its buildings in green. The red triangles indicate the local
bars participating in the bar crawl. The orange star shows that Participant 1 began the event
off-campus, moved to the northernmost participating bar and then traversed the strip. She did
not continue to the southernmost bars. The blue circles indicate survey periods and the shade
Fig 1. Baseball card plot for Participant 1.
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of blue indicates the TAC value at the time of the survey. Here we observe that she had a higher
blood alcohol level during the middle of the event and had a lower level by the time she was
attending the last bars. This pattern is supported by her baseball card plot (Fig 1). Fig 4 shows
the spatial plot for Participant 14. He started from an on-campus building and then went off-
campus, possibly home. Then he went to an on-campus bar in the student union and went
north and ended the evening at bars north of campus. Fig 5 shows the spatial trajectories of all
16 participants for which we have both GPS and TAC data. We observe a variety of patterns of
bar visitation ranging from covering the length of the bar strip to concentration on a portion
of the strip.
Exploratory findings
Relationship between four main TAC dependent variables. The four dependent vari-
ables that were examined were peak TAC, average rate of TAC change prior to peak,
Fig 2. Baseball card plot for Participant 14.
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maximum rate of change of TAC prior to peak, and time to peak TAC. These variables mea-
sure different aspects of blood alcohol concentration so it makes sense to begin by understand-
ing their relationships with each other. These pair-wise relationships are shown in Figs 6
through 11. It would be expected that more rapid consumption of alcohol leads to higher peak
blood alcohol levels and this is supported in these data. Figs 6 and 7 show the relationship
between the peak TAC value and the average and maximum rate of TAC increase, respectively.
The simple linear regression models for both were significant (p = 0.0087 and p = 0.00078)
and explained 35.8 and 51.6 percent of the variance in the peak TAC value, respectively. Fig 8
addresses the relationship between maximum rate of TAC increase and average rate of TAC.
As both are ways of measuring rate of consumption, it is expected that these variables are
highly correlated. A simple regression model of the relationship was highly significant
(p = 6.32e-07) with an R-square of 0.797.
Figs 9 through 11, examine the relationships between time to peak TAC and the other three
dependent variables (peak TAC, average and maximum rate of TAC increase). While the fig-
ures suggest potential trends, none of the simple linear model fits were significant at the
alpha = 0.05 level. The strongest relationship was found between the average rate of TAC
increase and time to peak TAC (p = 0.073) with an R-square of 0.187 (r = 0.43). Fig 12 shows
Fig 3. Spatial plot for Participant 1.
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the inter-relationship of peak TAC, maximum TAC rate, and time to peak TAC. We observe
that lowest peak TAC value correspndes to the lowest maximum rate of consumption, but has
one of the longer time to peaks. We also observe that the person with the longest time to peak,
has the second highest peak TAC value, but a more or less middle rate of consumption. The
point here being that the time to peak is related to multiple factors including drinking pattern
and length of drinking episode.
Through the rest of this paper these four dependent variables are considered. These analyses
show that the different measurements of rates, measure similar concepts; the rate of alcohol
consumption significantly affects the peak blood alcohol concentration (both statistically and
in terms of the amount of variance explained); and time to peak is not particularly related to
maximum blood alcohol concentration, nor rate of drinking.
Categorical findings. Boxplots and ANOVA analyses were run on categorical variables
versus the dependent variables: 1) peak TAC value, 2) average rate of TAC change prior to
peak, 3) maximum rate of change of TAC prior to peak, and 4) time to peak TAC value. As an
exploratory data activity, issues of multiple comparisons were not considered. The relation-
ships with the p-values of 0.05 or smaller as assigned by ANOVA tests are shown in Table 1.
The response on the next morning post survey of having drunk more than planned was
very highly associated with peak TAC level, average rate of TAC increase, and maximum rate
of TAC increase. Higher drinking rates and drinking volumes were associated with several
Fig 4. Spatial plot for Participant 14.
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Fig 5. Spatial plots of pilot participants.
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components of the AUDIT Scale. Patterns of drinking beer and wine specifically were signifi-
cantly associated with the rate of consumption, though not with the peak TAC level. The time
to reach the peak TAC level was associated with several different metrics. Participants who
planned to travel by Uber or a Taxi reached their peak TAC level significantly faster than those
who did not plan to do so. Participants with a shorter time to peak TAC significantly reported
“Yes” to “Did time pass much more quickly than expected (did you lose track of time)?”
Top simple regression findings. Comparisons of pairwise continuous variables using
simple linear regression with significance better than 0.05 are shown in Table 2. Again, it
should be noted that this was a data mining activity. Total number of drinks consumed
throughout the crawl was significantly related to both the total amount of money spent on
alcohol and one’s AUDIT score. The total amount spent on alcohol was significantly associated
to grade point average as well as the AUDIT score. Individuals with higher AUDIT scores
reported drinking for a longer time (more time elapsed during the event). Lastly, number of
missing surveys was significantly associated with time to peak TAC.
Analysis by period. For the analysis by period the smoothed TAC value at the period’s
survey time and the instantaneous rate of TAC change (Savitzky-Golay derivative) at the sur-
vey time were taken to be the dependent variables. These were regressed against key continu-
ous variables collected each survey period. Relationships that are significant at better than 0.05
follow in Table 3. Of particular interest is the relationship between TAC and subjective intoxi-
cation. The plot of TAC versus Feel Now is shown in Fig 13. We note the wide variance in the
Fig 6. Average rate of TAC vs peak TAC.
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Feel Now values and further note that we have repeated measures for each individual which
we need to account for in the analysis.
Fig 14 is a lattice plot of the Feel Now data for each participant. We observe that the data
are consistent with the slope for each participant being the same statistically, but the data sup-
port fitting different intercepts. The interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) is 0.163 indicating
that Participant explains roughly 16% of the variation in TAC. Several mixed-effect models
were fit with Participant as a random effect. Feel Now was highly significant (p< 0.00001)
when added as a single fixed-effect. Theory suggested that the participant’s AUDIT score
might also influence TAC level, but the AUDIT score was not significant either when entered
alone or with Feel Now. The mixed-effects model with Feel Now and AUDIT score had worse
AIC and BIC scores than a Feel Now linear fixed effect. In all these models, Participant was an
intercept random effect only. Attempts to fit Participant as both intercept and slope random
effects failed to converge, indicating problems with this model. This is also consistent with the
observations previously made about intercepts and slopes in Fig 14.
Finally, as TAC varies over time, time should be controlled for when measuring the rela-
tionship between TAC and Feel Now. Further, in the study period the relationship between
TAC and time was not linear, rather it rose at the beginning of the event and fell later. While
complex models could be fit to this, for the framework of a mixed-effect model, we used a qua-
dratic model for time. The model used is
TACi ¼ b0 þ b1 � Feel Nowi þ b2 � Ti þ b3 � Ti
2 þ g � Participant Numi þ �i
Fig 7. Maximum rate of TAC vs peak TAC.
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where i is the observation number, TACi is the TAC value processed as described above, Feel
Nowi is the associated value from the Feel Now survey item, Ti is the time at which the TAC
value and associated Feel Now survey are taken, Participant_Numi is the identification number
of each participant entered as a random effect, and �i is the residual error. The β portion of this
model represents the fixed effects.
The AIC, BIC, and log Likelihood fit statistics (-425.20, -407.73, and 218.60, respectively)
are all better than those for a mixed-effect model without Time (-398.74, -387.09, 203.37). Of
the models explored this model has the smallest residual of 0.0434. (The residual is 0.0496 for
the mixed-effect model without Time.) Both Time and Feel Now variables are very highly sig-
nificant. The summary table from this analysis is shown in Table 4.
Plans versus actual. The relationship between how much people intended to drink (mea-
sured prior to the crawl), whether they drank more than intended (measured post-crawl), and
their actual peak TAC values was explored. These data are plotted in Fig 15 where we observe
that those who drank more than intended were, with one exception, the participants with the
highest TAC value within their “planned drinking” group. Further, again with one exception
there was separation between the “More than intended” and the rest in each planned drinking
This analysis was repeated on the rate of TAC change which was a proxy for the rate of con-
sumption. Figs 16 and 17 show similar plots for the average and maximum instantaneous rates
Fig 8. Maximum TAC rate vs average TAC rate.
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of change. The story is similar in that the high consumption rate values corresponded with
drinking more than intended (again with one exception of some who drank rapidly and not
more than intended). There was less separation between those that drank more than intended
among those who planned to get “Very Drunk” and those that did not.
Data visualization
There is a great need for more event-level studies and in situ explorations of drinking behavior
[2 30]. As illustrated here, event-level data can be quite complex. Further, the dynamical nature
of drinking events is often difficult to analytically and graphically represent. The present study
explores potential approaches to examining drinking events using a multi-method, “big data,
small n” framework.
From a data management perspective, data such as these can be hard to reconcile as co-
occurring data may reside in separate data sets, formats may not be conducive to comparison
(e.g., time information contained in a time variable in some cases, and coded in variable
names in others), and time scales may need alignment, calibration, or correction. Data visuali-
zation can greatly assist in integrating data sets and understanding the temporal story captured
by data collected over the course of an event. We believe the “baseball card” style presentation
provides a nice descriptive visualization that allows researchers to view multiple types of data
Fig 9. Time to TAC peak vs peak TAC.
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at one time. Similarly, viewing geospatial data for multiple participants during an event givens
researchers a sense of mobility during drinking events. When paired with TAC data, EMA
data and the like, these data may eventually be useful to identify leverage points [22] for real-
time interventions could feasibly be implemented.
Beyond, pilot testing methodological and visualization approaches, this paper also sought
to examine some exploratory aspects related to drinking events using data that are seldom
available in drinking event studies.
Exploratory findings
Main TAC findings. In this study, peak TAC was significantly related to both the average
and maximum rate of TAC increase and the maximum rate of TAC increase was significantly
related to average rate of TAC. It is clear in Figs 6 to 8 that the maximum rate of TAC was
much more highly correlated with peak TAC than the average. Though a high correlation was
expected, we can be confident that these measures were not equivalent. For example, individu-
als who consume alcohol at a fairly steady rate, will have a maximum rate that is very close to
the average rate. Nonetheless, some individuals have a noticeable difference between the two.
This can be an indication of either a period of drinking more slowly followed by drinking
more rapidly, a period of drinking more rapidly followed by drinking more slowly, or some-
thing more complicated. Though no significant relationships were found between time to
peak TAC and the other dependent variables in this case, the strongest (yet not significant)
Fig 10. Time to TAC peak vs average TAC rate.
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relationship between average rate of TAC increase and time to peak TAC should be further
explored. A relationship was expected to emerge as time to peak TAC was used to derive the
average rate of TAC, but there were other sources of variance involved in this metric. In partic-
ular, the length of time one drinks does not immediately imply neither rapid or slow consump-
tion of alcohol nor the quantities of alcohol that were consumed at any given time.
Categorical findings. In the categorical explorations, findings (i.e., relationships between
typical drinking behavior and AUDIT scores) were consistent with past research [45] and
likely some other known associations would show up as significant if these tests had more
power and the test assumptions were better met. Interestingly, regularly consuming beer or
wine in the weeks prior to the bar crawl was significantly associated with the rate of consump-
tion during the drinking event. It is not clear why this association would exist. It is also intrigu-
ing that participants who had a safe transport home (Uber or Taxi) at the end of the event
reached their peak level of intoxication earlier in the night. These individuals may have felt
more comfortable consuming drinks quickly since they were not concerned with the risks
associated with driving drunk later in the evening. Not surprisingly, participants who reached
their peak intoxication earlier in the crawl felt that time passed much more quickly throughout
the evening. It would be beneficial to continue to explore these possible event-level
Regression findings. In the pairwise regression results, several variables were related to
the known AUDIT score and several others that were expected to be related did correlate (i.e.,
Fig 11. Time to TAC peak vs maximum TAC rate.
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Fig 12. Relationship of time to peak, peak TAC, and maximum rate of TAC.
Table 1. Association of dependent variables with ordinal or categorical variables.
Dependent Variable Independent Variable Effect Size (eta squared) P-value
Peak TAC Value Post: Drank More than Intended 0.43 0.0032
AUDIT: How Often 5 or more drinks at one occasion 0.42 0.049
AUDIT: How Many Drinks per Typical Day 0.42 0.049
Average Rate of TAC Increase QF: How Often Drink Any 0.82 0.00038
Post: Drank More than Intended 0.49 0.0012
QF: How Often Drink Beer 0.81 0.0018
AUDIT: How Often Have Drink 0.57 0.0067
QF: How Often Drink Wine 0.68 0.0092
Maximum Rate of Change of TAC Post: Drank More than Intended 0.50 0.00096
AUDIT: How Often Have Drink 0.51 0.017
QF: How Often Drink Beer 0.66 0.031
QF: How Often Drink Wine 0.59 0.035
QF: How Often Drink Any 0.59 0.037
Time to TAC Peak QF: How Often Drunk 0.59 0.014
Post: Time Moving Quickly 0.29 0.021
Plans: Other Places 0.37 0.030
Plans: Travel Taxi 0.24 0.040
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amount of money spent was correlated to the total number of drinks purchased). It is expected
that individuals with higher AUDIT scores would likely consume more drinks during a drink-
ing event than those with lower scores [46]. Nothing particular novel or interesting was
observed by this analysis. More interesting findings were found for the four dependent vari-
ables of interest (discussed previously).
Analysis by period. At each survey period, rate of TAC change was significantly related to
the number of drinks consumed and the TAC value was significantly associated with subjective
intoxication (Feel Now), number of drinks purchased, number of drinks consumed, and the
amount of money spent on alcohol. Most of these relationships were expected or were already
observed in the participant level analysis. The one finding of interest is the correlation between
TAC value and the self-reported Feel Now scale. This single item has been utilized in past
research [15 16 39 40] but it is not yet clear how well people are able to subjectively sense their
level of intoxication. In a recent field study, people were more able to assess their intoxication
at lower blood alcohol content but there was a point at which the addition of extra drinks was
no longer detectable [47]. In this study, the relationship between Feel Now and TAC varies by
time and this suggests that ability to assess TAC level may start out well but deterorate as the
night progresses. The relationship between TAC values and subjective intoxication in real time
should be further explored especially given the importance between self-assessing intoxication
and decisions to drive after drinking.
Plans versus actual. Another relationship to further explore is the association between
how much people intended to drink as measured on the pre-event survey, whether they drank
more than intended as measured by the post event survey, and their actual peak TAC values as
measured by the SCRAM device. While the numbers of observations were small in this study
and methods were exploratory, these relationships should be followed up in subsequent studies
to see to what extent those who drank more than intended also have the highest TAC value
within their planned drinking group and to what degree the distribution of TAC for each
planned drinking group is bi-modal. If either of these observations hold in confirmatory stud-
ies, they could be used to develop thresholds for intervention strategies such as communicating
to the participant when they are at risk of drinking more than intended.
Given the complex nature of this data and the varying data collection methods, it is not sur-
prising that many complications were experienced. Missing surveys resulted in a number of
issues. All individuals completed surveys, but some failed to complete the surveys at one or
more points in time. This leads to noise in a number of metrics such as how many drinks par-
ticipants had or what types of drinks they consumed. Analysis of missing data (explored in a
manuscript that is in progress) suggested that it may be possible to predict participants who
are likely to be poor respondents and strategies could be implemented to reduce this problem.
Table 2. Regression results of pairwise continuous variables.
Variable 1 Variable 2 R-square P-value
Total Spent on Alcohol Total Number of Drinks 0.52 0.00073
AUDIT score Total Number of Drinks 0.43 0.0030
GPA Total Spent on Alcohol 0.29 0.022
Number of Missing Surveys Time to Peak TAC 0.25 0.035
AUDIT score Elapsed Time of Event 0.23 0.042
AUDIT score Total Spent on Alcohol 0.23 0.043
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Even when surveys were completed, some of the items were limited in their wording. For
instance, the questions concerning how many drinks were purchased at each survey point and
how much money was spent were ambiguous. Purchases could have been for others at the bar
and not the participant. It would be better to ask how much was spent or how many drinks
were purchase for yourself.
In this study, geospatial data were also problematic. GPS data were only collected when an
EMA survey was completed, therefore, there could have been a substantial amount of time
that elapsed between data points. In addition, since GPS data were only collected at survey
times, the data are too coarse to do much analysis. Movement to individual bars or the length
of stay in particular bars was not available. From the surveys, we know which bars were actu-
ally visited, but not the order, route, or timing. Observe on the baseball card plot for Partici-
pant 1 (Fig 1) that the 21:00 survey is missing. Hence we have a six-hour period of missing
movement (as evidenced in Fig 3), which is a substantial amount of time. After the first portion
of the bar crawl, surveys were only collected in three hour windows. This inconsistent length
of time between surveys resulted in a large amount of unknown data. For example, participant
Table 3. Regression results for analyzes by period.
Dependent Variable Independent Variable R-square p-value
Rate of TAC Number of Drinks 0.044 0.0058
TAC Value Feel Now 0.43 6.99E-19
TAC Value Number of Drinks Purchased 0.12 2.50E-05
TAC Value Number of Drinks 0.069 0.00053
TAC Value Money Spent on Alcohol 0.066 0.0024
Fig 13. Relationship between TAC value and Feels Now.
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14 claims to have gone to 5 bars, but we are missing those visits because the GPS data were col-
lected 3 hours apart in the evening (i.e. only at survey completion times). The three hour win-
dows were probably too long and a lot of activity happened within that period that is hard to
resolve. If one of these surveys is missed, it represents a significant loss of data. Consistent time
windows also facilitate comparisons of one period to another. It is also possible that partici-
pant’s memory over three hours is less accurate than over one. Future studies might examine
using real-time GPS tracking to mitigate some of these issues.
Fig 14. TAC versus Feel Now with participant as a random effect. Participant number is in the header of each subplot.
Table 4. Summary of mixed-effect modeling of TAC versus Feel Now and time with participant as a random effect.
Random Effects: Formula: ~1 | Participant_num
Intercept Residual
Std Dev 0.0328 0.0434
Fixed Effects: SMTACSG ~ Feel Now + Time + Time^2
Value Std. Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) -0.037 0.013 115 -2.954 0.004
Feel Now 0.027 0.006 115 4.436 0.000
Time 0.020 0.004 115 4.630 0.000
Time^2 -0.001 0.000 115 -2.827 0.006
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This pilot study had a small sample size of n = 20, which dropped to 18 and 16 for some of
the analyses. Individual subsets of the data were even smaller. Therefore, there was limited
power to observe patterns that may exist and in some cases groups were too small for meaning-
ful statistical estimation. Also it is important to note, given the pilot nature of the study, we
used exploratory data mining methods without regard for multiple comparisons. Thus all
Fig 15. Plans to drink versus actual in terms of Peak TAC. Data are jittered for visibility.
Fig 16. Plans to drink versus actual in terms of average TAC rate. Data are jittered for visibility.
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relationships found and reported here are intended to develop hypotheses that can be exam-
ined in confirmatory studies.
While the use of transdermal data is a substantial improvement over other objective biolog-
ical measures of intoxication, there were still caveats. The transdermal data provides a dynam-
ical look at TAC but we are still not able to tell how rapidly drinks may have been consumed
during an event. This specific behavior may only be quantifiable when the participant is actu-
ally observed drinking in real time. Furthermore, the lag between initial alcohol consumption
and TAC detection is estimated at 45 minutes; there is undoubtedly subject-to-subject vari-
ance. A recent study found that the time-lag of alcohol appearing transdermally may be
increased at higher doses of alcohol [48]. These sources of variance were not feasible to study
during this project and it would be useful for future studies to quantify them.
Conclusions and future directions
In conclusion, this study examined potential methods to measure and analyze drinking event
data. Further, we add to the extant body of literature related to dinking events by identifying
some potentially interesting areas for future research. As smart technology becomes a viable
option for real-time interventions, studies capturing the complexity and dynamical nature of
in situ drinking behavior will become increasingly valuable. Such studies can be used to tune
dynamical models and simulations, test real-time interventions, and better understand how
alcohol consumption in various contexts results in problematic outcomes. Future studies are
needed to refine the methods used here.
Supporting information
S1 Dataset. Bar crawl 2016 dataset.
Fig 17. Plans to drink versus actual in terms of maximum TAC rate. Data are jittered for visibility.
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We would like to thank, the Ohio State University for providing financial support and Brent
Leonard and the Ohio AMS Company for their generous assistance with the transdermal alco-
hol devices utilized in this study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: John D. Clapp, Danielle R. Madden.
Data curation: Douglas D. Mooney.
Formal analysis: Douglas D. Mooney.
Investigation: Danielle R. Madden, Kristin
E. Dahlquist.
Methodology: John D. Clapp, Danielle R. Madden.
Project administration: John D. Clapp, Danielle R. Madden, Kristin E. Dahlquist.
Resources: John D. Clapp, Danielle R. Madden, Kristin E. Dahlquist.
Software: Douglas D. Mooney, Kristin E. Dahlquist.
Supervision: John D. Clapp.
Visualization: Douglas D. Mooney.
Writing – original draft: John D. Clapp, Danielle R. Madden, Douglas D. Mooney.
Writing – review & editing: John D. Clapp, Danielle R. Madden, Douglas D. Mooney, Kristin
E. Dahlquist.
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Examining the social ecology of a bar-crawl
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