STG-390. WK1 DQ2. 100-150 WORDS
Describe one of the five characteristics of the communication process.
A Justin Quick
One of the characteristics of communication is the two types of dimensions, content, and relationship, which is how you emphasize your communication or interpret someone else’s communication. A simple sentence can change because of the tone of your voice, facial expression, and even how you’re standing/sitting. The content dimension means new information is expressed by the speaker conveying an intentional message. The relationship dimension is less explicit but still offers information based on their emotions and attitudes toward other people. When talking about communication when referring to text messages your tone can be expressed by using all caps on your letters or utilizing emojis. Telling the two dimensions apart is determined by what is said and how the information is communicated. It all goes back to the sharing sense when communicating and how we share our experiences from when we are young to old as we pass them on to the next generation our different expressions (Beebe et al., 2022).
B Michael Wayand
choose to look at principle number three, effectively use and interpret nonverbal messages. A lot of communication is nonverbal which constitutes anything other than what is written or spoken to help create meaning for someone else. I find that these nonverbal communications can often have a greater impact than words by themselves. One obvious example of this is when someone uses hand gestures such as a thumb for hitch hiking or a middle finger when they get cut off on the road while driving. Other’s might be someone frowning, or looking at there phone instead of listening to the conversation. “You may not be aware of your frown when someone asks whether he or she may sit next to you in a vacant seat in a restaurant (Beebe et al., 2021).” Nonverbal responses speak louder than words and often display how we feel towards one another. This often gets murky when moving outside our own cultural expectations as well. Sometimes people say things, but their nonverbal message contradicts the message which has ties to both concept of content and relationship messages.
C Angelina Moya
I believe it is very important to study communication, communication is around every day at every moment. You are either communicating to a stranger in a store, communicating to a coworker, communicating to family at home, or even communicating to yourself. I could even say that I am communicating in this discussion. Communication can build a relationship or even break one. You must always be aware of what you are saying, how you are saying it and how others perceive it. communication can be in many forms, words, body language, devices such as phone and TV, and writing. Communication courses can develop the whole person, it can help improve educational enterprises and even help someone be a responsible citizen in the world. Studying communication can ultimately help one’s career and business.
Communication Models
Write a 750- to 1,000-word paper defining communication. Design a model that incorporates the process of communication presented in the text: source, encoding, message, channel, receiver, decoding, feedback, noise, context, and rules. You are also encouraged to consider other variables not mentioned in the text. To help focus the assignment, you may consider a specific kind of communication, such as interpersonal, small group, public speaking, email, chatroom, mail, telephone, television, etc. Your model may be a two-dimensional painting, collage, drawing, poster, or photograph, or three-dimensional with actual objects. Provide an image of the model as well. Onground students will display this in the classroom. Examples of models of communication are on pages 11, 13, and 14 in the textbook.
The paper should include the following:
• A definition of communication and why it is important to study it.
• Presentation of the model.
• An explanation of how the model reflects the communication process, including whether the model illustrates the concept of communication as an action, interaction, transaction, or something else.
• Acknowledgement of the five characteristics of communication.
• An explanation of why you chose this communication model and not one of the other two.
• An explanation of which of the five fundamental principles of communication are supported by this model.
• A description of how this model illustrates ethical communication
Sym-408 wk2 DQ2. 100-150 words
In NoSQL databases, there are two types of data structures used to store data: single collections and embedded documents. Explain the differences. Provide a scenario where using single collection is more relevant than using embedded documents. Provide a scenario where using embedded documents is more relevant than using single collection.
A Nicole Snipes
When it comes to what a single collection is a group of documents that have the same or similar purpose. What the collection does is acts similar to what a table does in a traditional SQL database. However, a document will be a representation of a single entity of data in a database (InformIT, 2014). Also, an embedded document is a document that is a document contained within another document. This means when a collection has a document, then a document contains another document which contains another sub-document, and so on (GeeksforGeeks, 2021). When dealing with two types of structure that NoSQL has and which one to use over the other, it’s simple. When you are retrieving data that is related together that is when it is best to use embedded documents then single collections. The reason is that when you use the embedded documents style all the data that you want in one query can be accessed at one time by the data being embedded together in a query. A single collection would only be needed when you want to retrieve a single form of data and not as often (MongoDB, 2023). An example would be when you want to retrieve employees’ full profile information without a single collection then you can embed the information together to bring it up all at once. So instead of just getting name, address, and phone, you can then get name, address, phone, email, employee number, and so on when retrieving information.
B Trevor Stoutt
Single collections- this type of data structure refers to a group of independent documents that are stored as a single collection. There is a primary key associated with each document, this type of data structure is often used when the documents have no relation to each other (n.d.,2021).
Embedded documents- this type of data structure is used when there are relationships between multiple documents. This type of data structure is more efficient since it embeds data into a single document from multiple sources, this allows optimal retrieval of data and is less work for the data base to complete since it only has to look in a single place for the information (n.d.,2021)
A situation where using a single collection may make more sense is when there is a databases made up of different part numbers, but you only want to retrieve information about a single part.
A scenario where embedded documents may be better is when looking up information about a part in database, you also want all related information such as vendor name, location, date of manufacturer, etc..
C Joshua Victor Kirabo Kisaku
Single Collections refer to a separate collection for each type of data. (Robinson, 2022)
Embedded document or nested documents are those types of documents which contain a document inside another document. (Saini, 2021)
Differences between the two include:
Single collections store data in distinct collections for each type of data while embedded documents store related data in a single document.
Embedded documents are restricted by the size of a single document, whereas single collections provide for horizontal scaling by distributing data over numerous platforms.
Query Efficiency:
Single collections need many searches to retrieve related data while embedded documents enable for faster and more efficient retrieval of related data in a single query.
Data growth:
Single collections are better equipped to handle enormous volumes of data that are anticipated to continue growing while embedded documents have a restriction on the size of a single document,
When you need to represent a significant quantity of data and expect the data to continue to increase, using standalone collections is more appropriate than using embedded documents. Single collections make it easier to handle bigger data sets by allowing you to grow horizontally by dispersing the data over numerous devices.