CRJU 30383 Film Response Paper
Spring 2023
After viewing the approximately 50-minute episode of Frontline’s Solitary Nation exploring solitary confinement in a Maine prison, please write your paper by addressing the following:
TAKE A STANCE: Should we continue to use solitary confinement? Argue why it is necessary or why it should be banned.
2. What are the purposes/justifications for using solitary confinement?
3. Is there a way in which we could structure solitary confinement where it is less detrimental to one’s mental health? If not, why not? If so, how would this be accomplished? Consider conditions, materials, etc. the incarcerated individual would be exposed to/provided to them.
4. Aside from what you discussed to address Question #3, are there other ways to change the conditions/circumstances of solitary confinement? How would this be accomplished? (
Note: this does not have to focus on the mental health of individuals being held in solitary confinement).
5. While this may be included while answering another question, please briefly discuss the financial costs associated with the use of solitary confinement.
6. You can also include additional information that you believe is relevant.
As you address these questions, be sure to incorporate the video into your paper to demonstrate that you watched it. Be sure to cite the video in your paper when discussing it.
Note: This episode originally aired in 2014. I just wanted to make note of that because any statistics provided in the video may have changed.
Accessing Video:
1. You can access the video via this link:
a. Note: When I accessed the video, it asked me to confirm my local PBS station, and then it allowed me to watch the video.
Paper format/requirements:
1. Your paper should be a
MINIMUM of 4 full pages—but NO MORE THAN 5 pages of content (not including a reference list or title page).
2. 12-point Times New Roman Font, 1-inch margins, Double-spaced
3. Include both a Title Page and References List
4. Include a clear
Introduction and
Conclusion in your paper to properly introduce the focus of your assignment, and then to wrap things up as opposed to ending your paper abruptly.
5. Please avoid relying too much on quotes in your paper. Instead, try to paraphrase the information and cite the source of this information.
6. The paper needs to be written in complete sentences, and in paragraph form. Please also use headings/subheadings when appropriate to help the flow of the paper. This may also make the paper easier to read/follow. In addition, pay attention to spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc. Please proofread what you have written before posting it.
7. Use
at least five outside academic sources other than your text.
At least three of your outside sources need to be academic sources (e.g., journal article, book).
8. You will need to use the APA 7th edition for in-text citations and the references list. No abstract is needed.
1. Please see
if you need guidance regarding APA citations.
9. Please review these guidelines before/as you write your paper to be sure that the citations included in your paper are in APA format. Please also make sure that your references list is in APA format.
Note: Please remember the importance of including citations when necessary. You need to provide credit where it is due, while also providing support for the statements being made in your paper. Support needs to be provided for statements that are being made unless I’m specifically asking for an opinion. Even in those instances, however, you may need to provide citations to support why you see something a certain way. Failing to include citations when needed can lead to concerns about plagiarism and/or a loss of points. You also need to cite the video itself when you refer to it in your paper. See APA guidelines for the proper way to cite the video in your paper.
11. Please make sure that the sources included on your References List match what is included in your paper. In other words, make sure everything cited in your paper is included on your References List, while also making sure that everything on your References List is indeed cited in your paper.