· Estes & Mintz (2016).
Instruction: A Models Approach: pp. 137-253 (chapters 8-12) – 116 pages
The five models from Estes and Mintz
· The Integrative Model.
· The Socratic Seminar Model
· Cooperative Learning Models
· Inquiry Models.
· The Synectics Model.
Online and Video Resources:
· Hammond, A. (2019).
Culture Before Curriculum
. TEDxTalks. (Video; 13:44)
· Eberly Center, Carnegie Mellon University. (2016).
Assessing Prior knowledge
Classroom Assessment Techniques
· Darling-Hammond, L. (2015, June 29).
Testing, Testing .
TEDxStandford. (video; 15:14)
· Richards, R. (2013, June 11).
About Assessment.
TEDxNYED. (video; 10:10)
Assignment 1 –
1 ½ pages
APA citation
Double line spacing
12 pt font
No outside references
In this module, we reviewed different forms of both formative and summative assessment. For this discussion be sure to complete all readings (located in the
Course Schedule
) including Carnegie Mellon University’s (2016) Eberly Center resources on
Assessing Prior Knowledge
Classroom Assessment Techniques (pdf)
and explore the three Ted Talks on this page.
In this professional dialog, please
detail two different ways that you plan to assess the children based on your topic.
TOPIC: Transportation
Age Pre K
In this space, you are beginning to explore the assessments you’ll need to create. Be sure to respond to the following guiding questions in your post;
· What are the types of assessment to be conducted during your unit plan? (summative, formative and why will they help)
· How have the course readings and multimedia affected your thinking about assessment? (this question requires you to specifically cite the videos and readings)
· In what ways will the characteristics of learners influence your choice of assessment?
Assignment 2 –
2 ½ pages
APA citation
Double line spacing
12 pt font
No outside references
Instructional Models – Examine and define all 5 models in your own words, as presented in chapters 8-12, from Estes & Mintz (2016).
1. You are
not to use an outside text. Your work must reflect the work of Estes & Mintz or it will not receive credit.
Two Relevant Instructional Models – Discusses which two models discussed above, appeal to you the most (from Estes & Mintz ch. 8-12), and why you feel they are a good fit for your unit topic and your grade level.
1. Remember, all instructional models can be used for any grade level.
Unit Design Impact – Evaluates how understanding the advanced instructional models impacts how you will design your unit
Effective Assessment – Analyze the Eberly Center articles,
Assessing Prior Knowledge
Classroom Assessment Techniques (pdf)
, and the videosto explore how you can use the information in these resources to better inform the creation of your unit plan as well as day to day use in the classroom:
Testing, Testing
(15:14; TEDxStandford, 2015),
About Assessment
(10:10, TEDxNYED, 2013), and
Culture Before Curriculum
(13:44, TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells, 2019).