Dark Triad
Psychology Today: LIBS1085 – Assignment # 1
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*you can find your section at the top of the screen in eConestoga when you are logged into LIBS 1085. This example shows SEC1 or section 1.
Provide an image of this individual below. Copy and paste an image below.
Why did you choose this person? In other words, describe why you think they fit this personality type. Be sure to include information related to their accomplishments, any controversies surrounding this person, and even their relationships (e.g., break ups, family relationships) that support your opinion. Refer to specific information found to highlight why they fit the dark triad. E.g., what they have done to those around them, actions that reflect certain traits etc. (1-2 paragraphs). Feel free to write directly in the text box provided. If necessary, you can expand the box by selecting the bottom middle of the box with your cursor and dragging it down.
Do you think that this person may be higher on one trait more so than the other(s)? E.g., Are they more narcissistic than psychopathic? Why or why not? Be sure to mention specific traits that align to support your response. E.g., I feel this way because they exhibit this… which is a trait that is most associated with …They are less likely to exhibit the following behaviours or attitudes, which indicates that they might be lower on … (1-2 paragraphs)
Theorize what it would be like to interact with your chosen individual in a variety of relationships (as a co-worker, as a supervisor, as a friend, as a romantic partner, as a family member). Next, give examples of how your chosen individual might act, speak, think, and the effect each of these might have on you as a person. (2-3 paragraphs).
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LIBS1085-23W-Sec3-Psychology Today: The Human Conn PM
Assignments Assignment # 1 The “Dark Triad” Dropbox
Assignment 1 Rubric
Course: LIBS1085-23W-Sec3-Psychology Today: The Human Conn
Grammar and
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score
Clarity of
/ 5
5 points
The paper is
very easy to
read with
spelling and
There are no
language is
not used.
Thoughts are
expressed in a
coherent and
logical manner.
There are no
grammar, or
syntax errors.
3 points
The paper is
mostly easy to
read with
spelling and
There are no
more than 2
al language is
not used.
Thoughts are
expressed in a
coherent and
logical manner.
There are no
more than two
grammar, or
syntax errors.
2 points
The paper is
somewhat easy
to read with
spelling and
There are no
more than 4
errors. Colloqui
al language is
used. There are
more than two
grammar, or
syntax errors.
1 point
The paper is
difficult to
follow, and
spelling and
language is
used. There are
grammar, or
syntax errors
throughout the
Assignment Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score
Submit Cancel
3/7/23, 7:27 PM Assignment # 1 The “Dark Triad” Dropbox – LIBS1085-23W-Sec3-Psychology Today: The Human Conn – eConestoga
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Assignment Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score
Why did you
choose this
/ 6
6 points
Name of
chosen is listed
and a strong
and clear
rationale for
how and why
this person fits
this personality
type is
support or
research is
given to
strengthen the
E.g., This
individual fits
the dark triad
because they
have engaged
in the
which show a
tendency for…
research has
shown that
people with
this type
follow these
types of
patterns, thus
supporting my
4 points
Name of
chosen is listed
and a clear
rationale for
how and why
this person fits
this personality
type is
provided in
basic form. The
response could
benefit from
more in depth
analysis and
explanation to
support the
E.g., This
person is high
in …. I feel that
this is the case
because they…
2 points
Name of
chosen is listed
but the
rationale for
choosing them
lacking and
requires much
more support
or detail.
E.g., I chose
this person
because they
are popular in
the news.
0 points
Responses are
missing or are
not listed at all.
3/7/23, 7:27 PM Assignment # 1 The “Dark Triad” Dropbox – LIBS1085-23W-Sec3-Psychology Today: The Human Conn – eConestoga
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Assignment Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score
Do you think
that this
person may
be higher on
one trait
more so than
the other(s)?
/ 5
Would you
want to have
with this
/ 6
5 points
rationale is
clear, well
supported and
requires no
3 points
For the most
part, the
rationale is
clear and easy
to follow, but
some parts
require minor
The response
could benefit
from specific
mention of
reasons why
you feel this
1 point
The rationale
for your
opinion is a bit
unclear, is
lacking and
requires much
more support
or detail.
0 points
Responses are
missing or are
not listed at all.
6 points
The rationale is
clear, well
supported and
requires no
Specific details
4 points
For the most
part, the
rationale is
clear and easy
to follow, but
some parts
require minor
The response
could benefit
from specific
mention of
reasons why
you feel this
way. Specific
details are
2 points
The rationale
for your
opinion is a bit
unclear, is
lacking and
requires much
more support
or detail.
Specific details
are not
0 points
Responses are
missing or are
not listed at all.
Picture Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score
3/7/23, 7:27 PM Assignment # 1 The “Dark Triad” Dropbox – LIBS1085-23W-Sec3-Psychology Today: The Human Conn – eConestoga
https://conestoga.desire2learn.com/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/folder_submit_files.d2l?db=686286&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=692960 4/4
Total / 25
Overall Score
Picture Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score
/ 11 point
An image is included
0 points
No image was
URL & Citation Level 2 Level 1 New Level Criterion Score
URL & Citation
/ 22 points
The URL for the
website used is
provided. Other
references used
are cited.
1 point
The URL for the
website used is
shown but other
references used
are not cited or
vice versa.
0 points
No URL or
references are
Level 4
16 points minimum
Level 3
8 points minimum
Level 2
2 points minimum
Level 1
0 points minimum
3/8/23, 6:07 PM Assignment #1: The “Dark Triad”
file:///C:/Users/pmuko/AppData/Local/Temp/Temp1_10a_assignment_1.html.zip/Course_Files/psych_today/module_00/10a_assignment_1.html 1/2
Assignment #1: The “Dark Triad”
Due: By Friday (11:59 p.m.) of Week 9.
Submit to: The Assignment 1 submission folder. Submission folders can be accessed by clicking Course Tools
and then Assignments on the course navigation bar.
Grading – 25% of your final grade in the course.
In the course content, we addressed what is called the “dark triad”. This is a combination of narcissism,
psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.
Here is an excerpt of text from the course content that describes these personalities.
Narcissists are “grandiose self-promoters who continually crave attention.” Machiavellians are “master
manipulators” and generally score higher on tests of manipulativeness than do narcissists, Psychopaths are
generally highly intelligent and can easily fool people around them, thus encouraging people to trust them so
achieve their own outcomes. They often do harm to others as they go about seeking thrills with little concern for
who gets hurt along the way.
People high on dark triad traits are not typically nice to be around and can be very emotionally damaging in
romantic relationships.
The scary part is that people who are high on these dark triad traits are often socially talented and make very good
first impressions. Because of this, they do better on job interviews. They possess a reduced concern for how
others see them and have a greater willingness to show off their strengths while seeming composed and
comfortable. In a longitudinal study of personality traits and career success, those high in the dark triad traits were
more likely to move up the corporate ladder, thus earning higher salaries. They even did better than more
conscientious counterparts.
For example, Donald Trump is often said to reflect all three traits. Find an analysis of Trump and the Dark Triad
traits on this website below. You may not use Trump for this assignment!
Geher, G. (2016). Donald Trump as high in the dark triad: Trump as narcissistic, Machiavellian, and high in
psychopathy. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/darwins-subterranean-
world/201608/donald-trump-high-in-the-dark-triad (https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/darwins-
For assignment # 1, I would like you to find a celebrity or a historical figure (this can
be an actor, politician, or any other famous person) that you feel fits the “dark triad”
description. Remember, you may not use Trump, as he was the example! In your
eyes, they must possess all three personality traits of Narcissism, Psychopathy and
Machiavellianism. You can locate this individual online, via newspaper articles or
through any other source you find appropriate.
Once you have chosen your “dark triad” individual, I would like you to comment on the
following (please respond in full sentences):
3/8/23, 6:07 PM Assignment #1: The “Dark Triad”
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1. Provide an image of this individual.
2. Why did you choose this person? In other words, describe why you think they fit
this personality type. Be sure to include information related to their
accomplishments, any controversies surrounding this person, and even their
relationships (e.g., break ups, family relationships) that support your opinion.
Refer to specific information found to highlight why they fit the dark triad. E.g.,
what they have done to those around them, actions that reflect certain traits etc.
(1-2 paragraphs).
3. Do you think that this person may be higher on one trait more so than the
other(s)? E.g., Are they more narcissistic than psychopathic? Why or why not?
Be sure to mention specific traits that align to support your response. E.g., I feel
this way because they exhibit this… which is a trait that is most associated with
…They are less likely to exhibit the following behaviours or attitudes, which
indicates that they might be lower on … (1-2 paragraphs).
4. Theorize what it would be like to interact with your chosen individual in a variety
of relationships (as a co-worker, as a supervisor, as a friend, as a romantic
partner, as a family member). Next, give examples of how your chosen individual
might act, speak, think, and the effect each of these might have on you as a
person. (2-3 paragraphs).
This assignment will evaluate the following course learning outcomes:
Define the narcissistic personality (subclinical).
Using trait perspectives on personality development, compare and contrast narcissism, psychopathy and
Please download and use this template for your assignment.
Please write in Times New Roman or Calibri and double space your work. Please write your responses
directly below each question listed in this document.
Please submit your final assignment # 1 to the dropbox in eConestoga. Please use the following naming format
for your assignment submission – First initial, Last Name, Course Code and Section, and Assignment.
E.g., JSMITH_LIBS1085_2_Assignment1.
How Your Assignment Will be Graded
A rubric has been created and can be found attached to the submission folder. Submission folders can be
accessed by clicking Course Tools and then Assignments on the course navigation bar.