Can someone help with my discussion post?
Your discussion post for Unit 2 addresses the following question:
How did the different colonization strategies used by England, Spain, and France impact the local economy, labor structure, and relations with Native Americans?
Your discussion post should be written and formatted as follows:
· Your post should contain
four (4) separate paragraphs
· one (1) about the Spanish Southwest
· one (1) for New France
· one each (2) describing
British colonialism in
New England and the
Chesapeake region.
· In each paragraph, be sure to address the following:
· The main objective of the colony (profit, religious conversion of the Natives, territorial defense, religious freedom, etc.)
· Explain who the settlers were (men or women, families, priests, colonial officials, etc.)
· Describe how the local economy worked (products it was based around, who performed the labor, connections to global economy)
· How the previous three elements impacted how colonists interacted with the local Native peoples
For the Unit 2 Discussion, ensure you read
Colliding Cultures (Chapter 2)
British North America (Chapter 3)
in the American Yawp and the Primary Sources for the unit:
English Colonies (New England)
Richard Hakluyt Makes the Case for English Colonization, 1584
John Winthrop Dreams of a City on a Hill, 1630
The Legend of Moshup, 1830
Accusations of witchcraft, 1692 and 1706
Sketch of an Algonquin Village
Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address
English Colonies (Chesapeake and to the South)
John Lawson Encounters Native Americans, 1709
Recruiting Settlers to Carolina, 1666
Letter from Carolina, 1682
Francis Daniel Pastorius Describes his Ocean Voyage, 1684
Song about Life in Virginia
French Colonies
A Gaspesian Man Defends His Way of Life, 1641
Painting of New Orleans
Spanish Southwest
Manuel Trujillo Accuses Asencio Povia and Antonio Yuba of Sodomy, 1731
Other supporting documents
Olaudah Equiano Describes the Middle Passage, 1789
Rose Davis is sentenced to a life of slavery, 1715
Print of the Slave Ship Brookes
Map of British North America
Responses to classmates:
Provide a substantive response to the posts of two classmates. In other words, your comment should be more than simply repeating points the original poster or other commenters made and stating whether you agree or disagree with their assessment. Instead, reply with your own unique assessment of the evidence or analytical insight. Each response should be a minimum of 100 words.
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND regarding what your instructor is looking for:
· Your support for your discussion post should come from Chapter 2 and 3 in The American Yawp. DO NOT USE OTHER SOURCES.
· While direct citations are not required, please be sure you clearly refer back to the text to reference content you include in your post. It should be evident that you have read and understood the readings.
· You will impress your instructor if you include content from one or more of the primary sources to serve as evidence for any assertions you make in your post. You can find them neatly sorted below: