Article Summary
Instructions: Please
your responses in the following sections.
I. Thesis
What is the author’s thesis? (i.e., Ultimately, what is the author trying to argue?)
II. Major Points
Provide a summary of the major points the author makes in arguing for his/her thesis.
III. Disagreements, Objections, Worries
Articulate at least one objection, disagreement, or problem you have with the author’s article.
(Note: Don’t let the fact that your disagreement, objection, or worry is not fully developed keep you from raising it. Try to articulate it as best as possible)
IV. Discussion Questions
Provide three questions that have arisen in reaction to the reading.
A Defense of Abortion
Judith Jarvis Thomson
Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 1. (Autumn, 1971), pp. 47-66.
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Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.
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Fri Jan 26 05:11:58 2007