How to examine new knowledge
Week seven
Instructions |
For this assignment, you will complete the following detailed instructions included below: · Identify a topic of interest related to the MFT field, and then identify a question you would like to answer about this topic. · Locate specific peer-reviewed references from journal articles pertaining to that topic in the NCU Library. · Present accurate citations for each of these references. · Reflect on the searching process. The resources provided this week will be integral to your completion of this and future assignments. Please note that your professor may provide feedback that encourages adjusting your question and resources for future assignments. Assignment Instructions: Identify your topic and start to develop your question about this topic. Choose a topic that excites you! You will use the scholarly sources you locate during this assignment for several other assignments, so it is important to choose something you find interesting. Aim for a topic that is related to why you chose your professional passion or to study MFT. Conduct your library research. Begin searching for sources that address your question about your topic. Be sure to start at the Given that your research should focus on an issue relevant to the practice of MFT, you might find it helpful to review and search articles in the following journals: · · · · · · · · · · · Once you begin obtaining search results that are relevant to your question about your topic, start identifying sources you plan to keep for future assignments. You are required to locate a total of seven sources, including five peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, and one other scholarly or professional resource (an MFT-related website or another resource). Organize your results in an APA-style reference list. Present the accurate, complete APA-formatted references for all seven resources using what you learned about APA style in Week 3. Remember, library databases do not automatically display reference information in APA format; however, many of the databases include a citation tool. However, beware that the citation may not be incomplete, correct APA format. Even when you use this feature, you should still double-check the reference to ensure that it is in APA style, using the resources you learned about last week. After preparing your reference list, reflect on your library research experience. Conclude your assignment with a brief essay to respond to the following: · Explain the topic you were initially interested in. · Provide the question you want to answer. · Summarize whether your topic or interest changed as you conducted your research, and then explain why or why not. · Illustrate how you demonstrated being an open system when researching. · Identify important journals, key scholars, or new ideas you discovered about your chosen topic from your search. · Explain anything about your researching experience that was confusing or frustrating. · Indicate what you will change when researching in the future. · Provide one key takeaway for conducting future searches. Your completed assignment will consist of the reflection paper and reference page with all seven references listed together. Length: 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages. Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. |
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy [Website]. (2016).
Explore AAMFT clinical updates.V
Research process: Reading a scientific article
Northcentral University Library. (2019).
Research process: Reading a scientific article[Web resource]. Northcentral University.
Research process
Northcentral University Library. (2019).
Research process [Web resource page]. Northcentral University
Primary vs. secondary sources [Video file].
Streit, M. (2017).
Primary vs. secondary sources [Video file]. San Diego, CA: Northcentral University.