Break the class into groups of three or four.
7-7. Each person should recall an instance in which he or she was (a) treated especially fairly and
(b) treated especially unfairly. Work-related instances are preferable, but nonwork examples are fine too. What do the stories have in common?
7-8. Spend several minutes discussing whether the instance was more distributive, procedural,
informational, or interpersonal in nature. What was the source of the fair/unfair treatment? How
did you feel, and how did you respond?
7-9. Each group should develop a set of recommendations for handling unfair situations in a fairer
manner. Select a leader for your group who will briefly summarize the unfair instances, along with
the group’s recommendations for handling them better. The discussion should reflect the four types
of justice discussed in this chapter (distributive, procedural, informational, and interpersonal).