the reading source he is mentioning in the comments are
Bachman, R., & Schutt, R. K. (2017). Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781506359571.
Mosher, C. J., Miethe, T. D., & Hart, T. C. (2011). The mismeasure of crime (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781412981811.
Mental Health Collaboration Program
Treylesia Alston
Liberty University
CJUS 601
Dr. Sadulski
February 19,2023
Mental Health Collaboration Program
Mental illnesses, often known as mental health disorders, relate to many ailments that
affect a person’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior. A few examples of mental illnesses include
schizophrenia, depression, eating disorders, and anxiety. Most of the time, medication and talk
therapy (psychotherapy) work together to control symptoms (Lowder,2018). Mental illness has
since emerged as a dominant contributor to deviance in America. Since mentally sick individuals
suffer from impaired thinking, they cannot obey the established standards and rules. This leaves
them in the grips of the criminal justice system. This results in correctional facilities acting as
asylums for mentally sick people.
In the modern world, mental health has emerged as a major problem. The structure of
social institutions reflects the current state of society. Having a large population of mentally ill
individuals in correctional institutions demonstrates how serious the issue of mental illness is
across society. People with mental illnesses have less capacity for rational thought and behavior.
Therefore, mentally ill persons frequently join in doing things erroneously. As the number of
people across society rises, inmates with this ailment will increase. In this sense, solving this
issue is necessary to stop the cycle of crime. Offering efficient mental health therapy is the best
approach to combat mental illness. Although the penitentiary systems have offered mental health
therapy, there has not been enough of it (Lowder,2018). Either they have been employing the
incorrect strategies, or there have not been enough resources available to do this. If mental health
care had been successful, there would be lesser rates of recidivism and crime in general. The
high rate of recidivism is evidence that many mentally ill offenders re-enter society while still
suffering from mental disorders. One of the reasons for crime is mental illness; those who have it
tend to commit crimes again. A program that can guarantee offenders receive the best possible
mental health care can assist in addressing mental illness within the criminal justice system.
Criminal justice now faces difficult issues related to mental illness. In American
correctional facilities, convicts with mental health issues are disproportionately represented.
Over half of all convicts in American correctional facilities have mental health problems,
according to BJS data (Burkhardt, 2017). These problems differ from prison to prison and from
inmate to inmate. Inmates with mental illnesses vary from state to state as well. Abuse of drugs
or other substances can lead to some mental health problems. The majority of prisoners who
were found guilty of drug-related offenses have this situation. In other instances, stress is the root
of mental health problems. The detainees convicted of capital offenses and those serving longer
terms are more likely to experience this situation. Because the prisoners have not come to terms
with what they committed, it occurs. Some people harbor regrets and live with them (Wrenn,
2018). They get psychologically unwell due to this stress. They reflect on the fact that they have
been removed from both their work and their loved ones. Others reflect on the victim’s family’s
permanent harm that they inflicted. They become sicker due to their overactive minds.
Unfortunately, mental illness has not received enough care in American correctional facilities.
The requirements of those it serves in terms of mental health have been separated by criminal
justice. This is a serious issue since it feeds the crime cycle (Burkhardt, 2017). The reoffending
rate has been rising at an astounding level due to a discrepancy in the mental health treatment
system. The mental health of prisoners deteriorates due to a lack of efficient therapy.
Correctional facilities are a reflection of society; therefore, when society’s mental health declines,
so do the institutions. Various stages of the criminal justice system require mental health care.
Jarrod Sadulski
Good start in your Introduction. To strengthen your introduction, please provide more of an overview of the main sections of your paper. For example, you could provide more of an assessment of three proposed solutions to this problem.
Currently, there are more mentally ill individuals in the court system than not. This
suggests that there are three times as many mentally ill people in American incarceration
facilities as in the general population making it a significant issue. This prevalence of mental
illness makes it impossible to advance the main objectives of criminal justice. It is undoubtedly
impossible to alter a mentally sick person’s behavior this is because their way of thinking is
already faulty. To solve the problem, mental health care must be provided to the patient
(Robertson, 2018). In essence, the legal system considers both the victim’s and the defendant’s
situation. The legal system must strike a balance between the demands and interests of each party
if justice is to triumph. When the prisoners are ill, justice cannot be served since they first need
to be treated. The justice system is greatly hampered by mental illness. This is because mentally
ill prisoners put their safety and criminal justice personnel’s security at risk. These prisoners fight
amongst themselves, a situation that has resulted in numerous injuries. This has essentially made
correctional facilities high-risk areas for staff and the public. The effects of this dire situation are
that staff will likely neglect inmates if they are afraid of them. Rehabilitation is, therefore,
ineffective. Therefore, receiving proper medical care is important to ensure improved prison
circumstances. More crucially, as the prevalence of mental disease in jails declines, so will
mental illness the result is there will be a decrease in crime.
Mental health services integration in correctional facilities is necessary to improve mental
health treatment in criminal justice systems. In this sense, a mental health collaborative program
might answer the issue plaguing the court system (Frailing & Slate, 2018). The involvement of
criminal justice and mental health professionals is required for this initiative, whose main
Jarrod Sadulski
Good work on your Problem and Significance sections.
purpose is to increase mentally ill prisoners’ access to mental health care. The lack of resources
represents one of the explanations why the court system has not been able to offer appropriate
mental health care due to the high cost of mental health therapy. This explains why there are not
as many psych facilities as other general hospitals despite the need for specialized attention for
patients with mental health issues. Only trained professionals with sufficient resources can
provide this form of care hence the need for the criminal justice to collaborate with numerous
social service providers regarding mental health (Robertson, 2018). A crisis intervention team
could be used to describe this form of program. The team’s participants are the department and
the mental health professional. To achieve its intended goal, the criminal justice division will list
all prisoners suffering from mental illnesses and will then direct them to licensed mental health
professionals. This suggests moving the prisoner to a mental health center instead of keeping
them in prison. The prisoner returns to jail to complete their term once their mental health has
improved or stabilized. Upon completing the rehabilitation program, the prison environment will
unquestionably be secure since prisoners will not hurt one another and will not represent a risk to
the correctional staff. As a result, rehabilitation will proceed successfully (Iglehart,2016). The
prisoners will be in good mental health when they are finally released and will have modified
their behavior. The effects of this approach will be assessed at three different levels: “do nothing,
incremental approach, and full implementation,” resulting in a decrease in the crime rate.
Do Nothing
Impact on Department
If the criminal justice system keeps things as they are, there will continue to be an excess
of mentally ill prisoners. As a result, there will be a higher proportion of patients with mental
illness throughout the department. As a result, the department is less successful in carrying out
its main goal. In essence, each criminal justice department works to further the fundamental aims
of criminal justice (Kelly, Pitman & Streusand, 2018). Trying to rehabilitate mentally ill
prisoners will not be any easier because they are challenging to manage. The criminal justice
system will not deter them; therefore, it will return them to society in their original state of mind.
This disparity will cause the crime rate to stay high, which means more arrests and an increased
likelihood of recidivism (Iglehart, 2016). As a result, the department will see many repeat
offenders, resulting in prison overcrowding. The prisons house more people than they should due
to overcrowding, leading to the deterioration of prison conditions. As a result, if the department
does not address the issue, it will eventually come back to bite it. It will be challenging to control
the high pressure that it will endure.
Impact on Budget
Mental illness is as severe as any other disease and will worsen the inmate’s health if no
mental health care is provided. The result will be many health issues for the prisoners. In
essence, there is a connection between physical and mental wellness (Bandara, 2018). This
primarily occurs due to mental illness patients’ disregard for good hygiene and health habits,
which means other health requirements will manifest if proper mental health therapy is not
provided. The inmate’s new home is the prison which means that the prison must provide for all
convicts’ needs, from food to psychological needs. The department will pay considerable costs
for treating the detainees because there would be many unwell prisoners due to inadequate
mental health care. As a result, the department will spend its funding in another, less effective
manner rather than implementing a policy to tackle the problem. Unfortunately, owing to their
mental condition, convicts’ health requirements will not be sufficiently met (Kelly, Pitman &
Streusand,2018). Most of the department’s funds will typically be used to treat the prisoners, a
huge cost to the correctional facilities.
Impact on Stakeholders
Stakeholders in the justice system include the government, staff, citizens, and greater
society. They are all impacted by any situation within this area, whether for better or worse,
directly or indirectly. Public safety would decline if the new policy were implemented with a do-
nothing attitude because the prisoners’ mental health would only worsen (Bandara, 2018). In
essence, mentally ill prisoners are quite violent; they regularly abuse staff, and other prisoners,
which results in a violent atmosphere within the prison complex since both personnel and
prisoners will be at risk. The prisoners will be more challenging to manage due to the fear of
victimization among the correctional staff.
Additionally, the prison staff’s opinion of the convicts will likely shift since they will
view them as threats. This may lead to abuse of prisoners by prison staff, worsening prison stay,
and some prisoners might even attempt escape while others may contemplate suicide. The
burden would also fall on society’s stakeholders in criminal justice. First off, prisoners with
mental illnesses will be released back into society. As a result, they represent a risk to society
since they will keep acting violently and victimizing individuals. Second, citizens will bear the
cost of paying taxes since they will pay higher taxes to maintain the costly criminal justice
system. There is no need for such a high expenditure. In order to give criminal justice agencies
greater funding, the government is also compelled to prioritize its budget.
Incremental Approach
Impact on Department
Mentally ill prisoners can be very challenging to manage. The department occasionally
needs to add personnel to accomplish this, even though there is no certainty that the department
will succeed in meeting its goals. The benefits of the department’s mental health collaboration
initiative will take longer if implemented gradually. Although this course of action is preferable
to taking no action, the department will utilize additional resources. An ongoing strategy
guarantees a permanent solution to a problem. The department can then concentrate on a
different problem, which means that the department’s efficiency will increase, and the number of
new prisoners eventually declines (Howell, Wang & Winkelman, 2019). This occurs due to
decreased recidivism among released prisoners since most will have completed their
rehabilitation. This unquestionably illustrates the department’s steady success in fulfilling its
main objectives (Ali, Teich & Mutter, 2018).
Impact on Budget
The cost of mental health therapy is high, which means that the execution of the mental
health collaboration initiative is expensive, which calls for a change in the department’s budget
requirements. To complete this program, the department will need to expand its budgetary
allotments (Ali, Teich & Mutter, 2018). However, a larger budget will not be needed because the
program implementation costs will be divided into numerous phases. The initial and second
stages will require more funding than the subsequent phases due to the increased need to set the
implementation rate at the earliest stages. In these phases, collaboration with mental health
professionals is carried out (Pinals et al., 2019). Dealing with prisoners becomes more at ease
as implementation progresses; as a result, prison operations become less expensive, and
the money set aside for prison upkeep will decrease. The department must therefore, adopt an
incremental strategy. More importantly, there will be fewer mentally ill prisoners in these phases.
This suggests that the department’s budget will be the most cost-effective.
Impact on Stakeholders
Public safety will be progressive when the program is implemented progressively. It will
take a while for the increased public safety to be evident since the public will not notice any
difference throughout the program’s first two years, and there is a risk of the freed prisoners
committing crimes again (Pinals et al., 2019). However, after two years, public safety will be
impressive since reoffending rates will drop and arrests will decline under this criminal justice
system, resulting in fewer people behind bars. The prison population will become much smaller
as implementation nears its conclusion. In this sense, the government will cut the amount of
money it spends on prison and instead direct it toward other necessities resulting in the lessening
of the tax burden (Nam, Matejkowski & Lee, 2016). More importantly, the department workers
will feel safer, resulting in reduced turnover rates, which were high since most staff left their jobs
because they feared being victimized.
Full Implementation
Impact on Department
At full implementation, the program’s advantages will be most fully realized. In general,
comprehensive implementation requires a lot of time and resources but has a high return. To
accomplish this, the department must devote more time, money, and resources (both human and
non-human), which may result in short-term strain (Howell, Wang & Winkelman, 2019).
Consequently, the department’s effect will consist of a substantial number of meetings, a lot of
Jarrod Sadulski
Good work on these solutions!
employee commitment, hiring new staff, and inadequate resources. This occurs because most
resources are devoted to supporting the project’s final implementation. The department will need
more resources in other sectors, and employees must reduce operational costs to achieve this.
This entails halting some departmental activities that could be more important for the time being.
The workload for the department will diminish after complete adoption, and there will be a
decrease in the number of prisoners entering the prison. As a result, the exhaustion that the
employees previously experienced will lessen, and the safety of the department’s employees will
increase. A comparable approach has been fully implemented in California’s penal system; the
department now boasts that its employees operate in the safest environment possible because the
prisoners are not aggressive (Ali, Teich & Mutter, 2018). The program transports the mentally ill
to specialized hospitals, and once they recover, they are returned to prison, where they are
Impact on Budget
The institution’s spending will increase and likely become the most expensive budget it
has ever had. Collaboration suggests that both parties are making a major contribution to a
project. The party with the greatest need, however, contributes more which means that the
organization in desperate need of the program will contribute more (Lamberti, 2016). Most
organizations that the facilities are working with undoubtedly lack the necessary tools to provide
successful mental health services, making a majority of them offer staff instead. In essence, full
implementation denotes the beginning of collaboration and treatment. As a result, the institution
must guarantee that the facilities are in excellent working order hence the organization should
request government funding to cover these finance requirements and explore public grants and
donations (Lamberti, 2016). Individuals suffering from trauma or mental problems will
Jarrod Sadulski
Additional in-text references are needed throughout your paper from paraphrased research to support your main points.
Jarrod Sadulski
undoubtedly be prepared to contribute, which will see the burden of institutions burden lessened,
and the institution’s budget will eventually start to decrease. The number of mental health cases
will reduce after mental treatment is started, and the number of prisoners with mental illnesses
will decline over time, which means that maintaining the prisons will become less expensive.
Impact on Stakeholders
All parties involved in the initiative will feel relieved after it has been fully implemented.
Public safety will increase due to the decline in mental illness cases among the public and
prisoners. Crime will decrease since it is the main cause of the high recidivism and crime rates.
People can move freely without worrying about harm (Nam, Matejkowski & Lee, 2016). Second,
the strain of making substantial tax payments will diminish; in essence, the public bears the
burden when prisons accommodate many inmates and their expenses rise above average. The
expense of running prisons will decrease after the program is fully completed, meaning it will
become easier to pay taxes. Professionals in the criminal justice system will also find it easier to
execute their duties since their jobs have become less cumbersome due to the low levels of
mentally ill people entering the criminal justice system.
Christian Worldview
The mental health collaboration program aims to address the vulnerability paradox in
society. According to statistics, those with social and economic disadvantages make up most of
those with mental illness. These individuals’ circumstances do exacerbate their mental illness.
When he first began his Galilean ministry, he declared that his goals were to spread the good
news to the underprivileged, secure the release of hostages, and assist the oppressed (Luke 4:18).
Of course, people with mental illnesses fall into almost all of these groups. From a Christian
perspective, mental health initiatives advance Jesus’ goal of providing comfort to people.
Mentally ill individuals deal with issues they cannot comprehend. The initiatives also aim to
equalize people. Mentally unwell people are not productive hence they tend to be socially and
economically ostracized. Jesus took care of those with mental issues, “So his fame spread
throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and
pains, those oppressed by demons, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them. (Matthew
4:24).” Luke 4:33-37 “In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure
spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, “Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”“Be
quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them
all and came out without injuring him.” Jesus exorcised a demon-possessed person throughout
his healing work, he encouraged this man to return to his senses when he came across him,
indicating that God desires individuals to have sound minds. Programs that treat mental illness
are following God’s will. The department ought to forward with the implementation of the
Rehabilitating and punishing prisoners with severe mental illnesses is ineffective. Every
day, more prisoners are being admitted to prison with similar conditions. Crime and recidivism
rates have been rising at the same time. Taxes are used to shift this responsibility onto the
general populace. In order to do this, it is not necessary to continue using a strategy that is so
expensive but has little impact. Inmates who are mentally ill should be transferred from the
typical correctional environment to a setting that emphasizes mental health care. Collaboration
between correctional facilities and those who provide mental health services can accomplish this.
This method will result in better justice outcomes. The criminal justice community must
collaborate for this initiative to be successful. The department, the budget, and the stakeholders
will feel different effects of this program’s implementation. Both partial and incremental
implementation strategies will be used. The ideal is full implementation. The organization may
invest a significant amount of time and resources in the short term but will gain a lot in the long
term. While an incremental strategy is preferable, the program’s implementation will take a long
time. This suggests that it can take the organization a while before it begins to reap the rewards.
The company will therefore have to deal with the issue for a very long period. The mental health
collaboration program is a great initiative from a Christian perspective.
Ali, M.M.,Teich, J., & Mutter, R. (2018). Perceived Unmet Mental Health Treatment Need
Among Adults with Criminal Justice System Involvement. Journal of Health Care for the
Poor and Underserved, 29(1), 214–227.
Bandara, D. (2018). Mental Health Providers’ Attitudes About Criminal Justice–Involved Clients
With Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, 69(4), 472–475.
Burkhardt, A. (2017). University Researcher and Law Enforcement Collaboration: Lessons From
a Study of Justice-Involved Persons With Suspected Mental Illness. International Journal
of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(5), 508–525.
Frailing, K., & Slate, R. (2018). Criminalization of mental illness reader. Carolina Academic
Holy Bible.
Jarrod Sadulski
Overall, great work!
Jarrod Sadulski
Please note that only the first word and any pronouns should be capitalized in our reference titles, which is reflected on the rubric. Thanks! For more information on APA formatting, please feel free to review:
Howell, B. A., Wang, E. A., & Winkelman, T. (2019). Mental Health Treatment Among
Individuals Involved in the Criminal Justice System After Implementation of the
Affordable Care Act. Psychiatric Services, 70(9), 765–771.
Iglehart, J. (2016). Decriminalizing Mental Illness — The Miami Model. The New England
Journal of Medicine, 374(18), 1701–1703.
Kelly, W., Pitman, R., & Streusand, W. (2018). From retribution to public safety : disruptive
innovation of American criminal justice . Rowman & Littlefield.
Lamberti, J. (2016). Preventing Criminal Recidivism Through Mental Health and Criminal
Justice Collaboration. Psychiatric Services, 67(11), 1206–1212.
Lowder, R. (2018). Effectiveness of Mental Health Courts in Reducing Recidivism: A Meta-
Analysis. Psychiatric Services, 69(1), 15–22.
Nam, E., Matejkowski, J., & Lee, S. (2016). Criminal Justice Contact and Treatment Utilization
Among People With Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatric Services,
67(10), 1149–1151.
Pinals, D.A., Gaba, A., Clary, K.M., Barber, J., Reiss, J., & Smelson, D. (2019). Implementation
of MISSION–Criminal Justice in a Treatment Court: Preliminary Outcomes Among
Individuals With Co-occurring Disorders. Psychiatric Services, 70(11), 1044–1048.
Robertson, E. (2018). Medication-Assisted Treatment for Alcohol-Dependent Adults With
Serious Mental Illness and Criminal Justice Involvement: Effects on Treatment
Utilization and Outcomes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(7), 665–673.
Wrenn, M. (2018). The Fierce Urgency of Now: Improving Outcomes for Justice-Involved
People With Serious Mental Illness and Substance Misuse. Psychiatric Services, 69(7),