For this Written Response Assessment, you will write a 3- to 5 pages
- Specific influences on young children and families
- How this knowledge empowers you to fulfill an integral and meaningful role in the community of support of each child and family with whom you work.
To complete this Assessment:
- INPUT ANSWERS on the template below (link in attachments)
- PLEASE REFER TO THE RUBRIC (link in attachments)
— write 3- to 5-pages that includes the following:
- At least two ways socioeconomic status and/or poverty may influence young children and families, and why it is important for early childhood professionals to understand these influences. (2-3 paragraphs)
- At least two ways trauma may influence young children and families, and why understanding the possible influences of trauma is important for early childhood professionals. (2-3 paragraphs)
- At least two insights you have gained about the possible effects of strong social-emotional supports on young children and families. (2-3 paragraphs)
- At least three insights about the characteristics of strong families you would most want to share with families of young children with whom you work, and why. (2-3 paragraphs)
- How knowledge of all of these influences will empower you to play an integral and meaningful role in the community of support of each child and family with whom you work. (2-3 paragraphs)
Note: Cite all resources used, and make sure to cite at least one source for each prompt.
©2017 Walden University 1
FR2002: Dynamic Influences on Children in Family and Community Contexts: Analyze dynamic influences on
children in family and community contexts.
Assessment Rubric
Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Topic 1: Socioeconomic Status and Poverty
At least two ways
socioeconomic status
and/or poverty may
influence young
children and families,
and why it is important
for early childhood
professionals to
understand these
influences. (2-3
LO1: Analyze how
socioeconomic status
and/or poverty may
influence young children
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
©2017 Walden University 2
LO2: Explain why it is
important for early
childhood professionals
to understand possible
influences of
socioeconomic status
and/or poverty.
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
Topic 2: Traumatic Life Events: Divorce, Death, Abuse, and Violence
At least two ways
trauma may influence
young children and
families, and why
understanding the
possible influences of
trauma is important for
early childhood
professionals. (2-3
LO1: Analyze how
trauma may influence
young children and
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
LO2: Explain why it is
important for early
childhood professionals
to understand influences
of trauma on young
children and families.
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
©2017 Walden University 3
Topic 3: Communities of Support
At least two insights
you have gained about
the possible effects of
strong social-
emotional supports on
young children and
families. (2-3
LO1: Analyze the
possible effects of strong
supports on young
children and families.
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
At least three insights
about characteristics
of strong families you
would most want to
share with families of
young children in your
care, and why. (2-3
LO2: Evaluate
characteristics of strong
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
How knowledge of all
these influences will
empower you to play
an integral and
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
©2017 Walden University 4
meaningful role in the
community of support
of each child and
family with whom you
work. (2-3 paragraphs)
LO3: Explain how
knowledge of influences
of socioeconomic status,
and/or poverty and
trauma on families and
children empowers early
childhood professionals
to fulfill integral and
meaningful roles in
children’s communities
of support.
LO4: Explain how
knowledge of strong
supports and
characteristics of strong
families empowers early
childhood professionals
to fulfill integral and
meaningful roles in
children’s communities
of support.
Response is not present.
Response is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response is clear, accurate, and
©2017 Walden University 5
Exceeds Expectations: In-Depth Analysis
LO1: Analyze
multiple and relevant
sources to explain
dynamic influences
on children in family
and community
Information and insights included in the Academic Essay are based on multiple and relevant
sources and demonstrate a thorough understanding of dynamic influences on children in family
and community contexts.
©2017 Walden University 6
Professional Skills Rubric
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
LO1: Construct complete
and correct sentences
(AWE 2; Sentence Level
Sentences are
incoherent and impede
reader’s access to
Sentences are incomplete and/or
include fragments and run-on
sentences, limiting reader’s
access to ideas.
Sentences structure effectively
conveys meaning to the reader.
LO2: Demonstrate the
effective use of grammar
and mechanics. (AWE 2;
Sentence Level Skills)
Multiple inaccuracies in
grammar and
mechanics impede
reader’s access to
Some inaccuracies in grammar
and mechanics limit reader’s
access to ideas.
Use of grammar and mechanics is
straightforward and effectively
conveys meaning to reader.
LO3: Create cohesive
paragraphs with a clear
central idea. (AWE 2;
Paragraph Level Skills)
Paragraphs, or lack of
paragraphs, impede
reader’s access to
Construction of main idea and/or
supporting paragraphs limit
reader’s access to ideas.
Main idea and/or supporting
paragraphs effectively convey
meaning to reader.
LO4: Use supporting
material to support a claim.
(AWE 2; Use of Evidence)
Supporting materials
are not present.
Supporting material is used
inconsistently or inappropriately.
Supporting material is used to
enhance meaning. Writing is
appropriately paraphrased and uses
direct quotes as applicable.
LO5: Demonstrate Ideas are disorganized Ideas are loosely organized with Ideas are organized with cohesive
©2017 Walden University 7
appropriate essay level
writing skills, providing
transitions between an
introduction, body, and
conclusion. (AWE 2; Essay
Level Skills)
with no/poor transitions. unclear paragraphing and
LO6: Identify sources
(AWE 2; Credit to source)
Sources are missing. Writing inconsistently identifies or
misrepresents sources.
Writing clearly identifies the source of
nonoriginal material and/or ideas.