QSO 321 Module Three Assignment Template
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Use the row in italics as an example.
Internal Stakeholders
Stakeholder |
Role |
Responsibilities |
Influence |
Provides vision, direction, and high-level strategic decisions for an organization |
Responsible to employees, customers, the board of directors, and other stakeholders for decisions made about and for the organization |
Influences strategic initiatives, goals, values, and investments of the overall organization internally; these include those that impact revenue streams, costs, investment into employees, the elimination of waste, and the overall impact of the organization Can approve or create organizational initiatives that provide resources needed to strengthen TBL alignment in the organization |
[Insert text] |
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External Stakeholders
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[Insert text]
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Although sustainable operations have many benefits for organizations, consumers, and society,
they also come with many business risks. In this discussion, you will explore sustainability
operations of major organizations to reflect on what they are doing well, the benefits their
sustainable operations may bring, and the potential risks associated with their sustainable
operations. In evaluating the risks and benefits of prioritizing sustainability, you will also learn
the importance of justifying organizational priorities, which will assist you in completing the first
section of your course project.
First, take some time to explore a few different organizations’ sustainable operations statements
on their websites. You may explore organizations you are familiar with or use the following:
● Starbucks Stories
○ Select Social Impact from the navigation bar, then select from the story topics in
the drop-down menu to explore the stories. Be sure to explore the Sustainability
● L’Oréal Group: Commitments and Responsibilities
● Dixie Cares: An Eye Toward the Future
● Peabody: Sustainability Approach
In your initial post, address the following questions:
● How did the organizations you explored address sustainability concerns inherent to their
industry, if at all?
○ For example, a company that manufactures plastic has inherent environmental
risks regarding plastic waste and pollution.
● What other sustainable practices did the organizations you explored identify as priorities,
and what kinds of business risks may they be taking on to prioritize those sustainable
● Do you think that the business risks the organizations are taking to prioritize their
identified sustainable operations are worthwhile from a business perspective? Why or
why not?
Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Knowing the expecta�ons involved with maintaining opera�onal sustainability and who is responsible for mee�ng these expecta�ons is an important part of being an effec�ve prac��oner. In this assignment, you will
create a guide that can be used throughout this course and in the future to help you be�er understand the roles, influences, and responsibili�es of internal and external stakeholders involved in maintaining ethical
business prac�ces related to the triple bo�om line (TBL). This assignment will also support you in comple�ng your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You are working on a collabora�ve project regarding sustainability ini�a�ves. During recent mee�ngs, the group has realized there is a lot of confusion surrounding who is responsible for what regarding regula�ons,
governance, and responsibili�es surrounding the new ini�a�ves that are being planned. To help everyone understand the roles and responsibili�es of both internal and external stakeholders, you have volunteered to
create a brief guide.
Use course and external resources to complete the Module Three Assignment Template Word Document, making sure to clearly and concisely iden�fy key stakeholders and their roles, responsibili�es, and level of
influence in upholding sustainable business opera�ons regarding each aspect of the TBL.
For the purposes of this assignment, you can select one of the following industries to help contextualize your response:
• Food service
• Office supply
• Accoun�ng and finance
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
• Iden�fica�on: Iden�fy key internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organiza�ons involved in enforcing and maintaining opera�onal sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL.
• Roles: Briefly describe the role of iden�fied internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organiza�ons involved in enforcing and maintaining opera�onal sustainability.
• Responsibili�es: Briefly describe the responsibili�es of iden�fied internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organiza�ons involved in enforcing and maintaining opera�onal sustainability regarding each aspect
of the TBL, specifically in regard to their level of responsibility and accountability in the following:
◦ Evalua�ng or enforcing sustainable opera�ons
◦ Determining which aspects of the TBL framework they support most strongly
◦ Explaining how their responsibili�es can help jus�fy priori�zing the TBL
• Influence: Briefly describe the level of influence of the iden�fied internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organiza�ons involved in enforcing and maintaining opera�onal sustainability regarding each aspect
of the TBL. Make sure to note their ability to make decisions, enforce requirements, and jus�fy priori�zing the TBL for an organiza�on.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit the Module Three Assignment Template to complete this assignment. Use bullet points as appropriate when comple�ng the template. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Three Assignment Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (85%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Iden�fica�on Iden�fies key internal and external
stakeholders, groups, and organiza�ons
involved in enforcing and maintaining
opera�onal sustainability regarding each
aspect of the TBL
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with
errors or omissions; areas for improvement
may include iden�fying more key
stakeholders or correctly iden�fying
stakeholders who are directly involved in
enforcing and maintaining opera�onal
sustainability regarding each aspect of the
Does not a�empt criterion 1
Roles Briefly describes the role of iden�fied
internal and external stakeholders, groups,
and organiza�ons involved in enforcing and
maintaining opera�onal sustainability
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with
errors or omissions; areas for improvement
may include making connec�ons between
iden�fied stakeholders’ roles and their role in
maintaining opera�onal sustainability
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Responsibili�es Briefly describes the responsibili�es of
iden�fied internal and external stakeholders,
groups, and organiza�ons involved in
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with
errors or omissions; areas for improvement
may include further incorpora�ng iden�fied
Does not a�empt criterion 25
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groups, and organiza�ons involved in
enforcing and maintaining opera�onal
sustainability regarding each aspect of the
may include further incorpora�ng iden�fied
stakeholders’ responsibili�es regarding
evalua�ng or enforcing sustainable
opera�ons, aspects of the TBL framework
they support most strongly, or
responsibili�es that can help jus�fy
priori�zing the TBL into the response
Influence Briefly describes the level of influence of
iden�fied internal and external stakeholders,
groups, and organiza�ons involved in
enforcing and maintaining opera�onal
sustainability regarding each aspect of the
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with
errors or omissions; areas for improvement
may include more clearly describing the
influence each iden�fied stakeholder has on
maintaining opera�onal sustainability or the
stakeholders’ influence on jus�fying
sustainable priori�es
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Ar�cula�on of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct
grammar, sentence structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding of audience
and purpose
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with
errors in grammar, sentence structure, and
spelling, nega�vely impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in grammar,
sentence structure, and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring a�ribu�on,
with consistent minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring a�ribu�on,
with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas requiring
Total: 100%
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