Compose a 9-page
Socratic dialogue
PDF in screenplay format: i.e., an imaginary scene, in which Socrates engages in a conversation inspired by one of the topics below. You must also append a 10th page with an annotated research bibliography on your topic chosen from the list below. Socratic dialogue composition instructions are found in the
PDF: “How to Write a Socratic Dialogue”
. Upload your PDF Socratic dialogue script to Moodle by midnight Feb 24.
Dialogue sample (note document format):
Assignment: Imagine a dialogue in which Socrates discusses an ethical issue chosen from this list of topics:
· Abortion
· Euthanasia
· Animal rights
· Capital punishment
· Wartime ethics
· Consumerism
· Environmentalism
· Global poverty
· Labor rights
· Techno-culture
Transcribe your imaginary dialogue according to the document format illustrated above.
Upload your Socratic Dialogue to Moodle as a PDF.
(PDF is preferred, but Word is okay, even though it tends to have formatting problems).
People You May Know (documentary):
Dis/Informed (documentary):