Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
Please check the paper guidelines on Ibsen’s
A Doll’s House posted on the PAGES in Canvas.
For Tuesday, Feb. 28, please post your introduction of the paper for feedback. This is not a graded assignment (not mandatory). I will give feedback on your introduction once you post your draft.
The final copy of the paper (100 points) is due on March 2 (Thursday). I will make the posting site available on Wednesday, March 1 at 9:00 AM.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification about the paper.
Instructions for the Introduction (one paragraph for the introduction in this short paper- about 7-10 lines)
1. Put a tentative title that reflects the thesis of your paper and italicize the title of the play,
A Doll’s House. (MLA style)
2. Begin your introduction with an opening sentence that states your summation of what the play is about (one or two sentences).
3. Briefly summarize the plot in your own words (about 3-4 lines).
4. Connect your summary of the plot to your thesis. Your thesis should be put at the end of your introduction. Your thesis should reflect what you want to focus on to analyze–three analytical points, not three characters. Make sure that your thesis is clear, and the thesis has 3 analytical points (ideas, not characters) you want to argue and prove in the body paragraphs.
How to come up with a clear and strong thesis
Instead of describing what the character is like, your thesis should reflect your analysis of WHY the character acts the way he/she does.
Your analysis paper should NOT be focused on HOW naive Nora is. Then, you are just describing the character. This kind of paper tends to be a plot summary.
*Your analysis should focus on WHY Nora is (or acts) naive and acts like a childish wife to Torvald, and your thesis should reflect your analysis.
(Thesis example) Although Nora has believed she has been a dutiful wife to Torvald, upon encountering his accusation of her, Nora reexamines her view of Torvald and her role in their marriage. Nora’s decision to leave the doll house signifies (point 1) her realization of_____________, (point 2) __________________, and (point 3)____________________.